


I never understood why my parents hated me so much, since I was a little girl, I never had anything from them, nor love, attention or anything like that, all I received in affection was from my nanny, who was more like a mother. Today I'm turning fifteen, and for a change, my parents didn't even remember. My mother barely stays at home, lives in beauty salons or aesthetic clinics, when it's not that, she's always at parties. My father lives for his work and to cover the expenses he has with my mother.

I could never go out alone or even go to any party because they never let them and there was no conversation with them, if I did anything wrong, I would be beaten for sure. My mother had no pity, I kept the marks on my body, my father never cared, he always pretended he didn't see it, he was silent. I always wondered why they hated me so much.

If they didn't want to have a child, why did they put me in the world?

I get up, go do my hygiene, take my shower, brush my hair, put on my school uniform, take my backpack and leave the room, but when I get to the living room to have my coffee, there she is all dressed up , he can't even look me in the eyes, before getting up he just says:

— How many times do I have to tell her to get up earlier, then she's late and the driver has to rush out to take her to school.

"As if you cared if anything happened to me."

“I don't mind, but the driver has a family, who's going to support them if he dies in an accident because of you?

“I'm not late and he never had to run away.

— Sit down and have your coffee and don't be long — he says, ending the subject.

- Yes ma'am.

She gets up from the table and leaves, I take a deep breath, I'm not going to cry, I've been through this since I was little, I should be used to it by now, but I'm tired of this life.

"Good morning, Camille !"

"Good morning, Nina!"

"I have a surprise for you, wait for me to pick it up."

— No need, I just wanted them to remember at least once in their lives, but I know I'm asking a lot.

— Do you know what I think, daughter? That one day your parents will regret treating you this way, I just hope that when they do, you still feel love for them and that you'll be able to forgive them, but let's just let it go, look, I bought you a present. , you know I don't have much, but I made a point of not letting that date go unnoticed and the other employees baked a cake.

— As life is unfair, I really wish you were my mother, I don't need a present, just love and affection.

—Don't say that, if Dona Paola, overhearing it, sends me away.

— One day I will leave this house and I will take you with me.

— I just want you to be happy, I don't want anything, moreover, I have you as a daughter and your happiness is mine, take it, open your present, I hope you like it.

I took the small box from her hands, when I opened it there was a necklace with a small heart and inside there was a picture of me and her when I was still a baby, I raised my eyes that are now teary, because she always remembered and whenever she could she gave me a gift.

— Thanks Nina, I'll wear it and I'll never take it off.

— I liked this photo so much that I had it put on this necklace so that she will remember that she is loved, even if they despise her, I love her as my daughter.

I hugged her, we stayed like that for a few minutes, we wiped our tears, I grabbed my backpack and headed to the door, the driver was already waiting for me, and as soon as I greeted him, I got in the car and we headed to school.

My life remained the same. And so, three years went by, I finished my studies and managed to pass my college exams. At home, nothing ever changed, I was still nobody for my parents, who were always away, with company, I had servants when I was at home or at school, where I only had one friend, the girls didn't like me, but I didn't care.

Didn't have the last class today, so I arrived early, and when I was going upstairs, I heard screams coming from my father's office, my mother is hysterical, talking and crying, I went back and went to the door so I could hear what they spoke.

— What are we going to do now Carlos, we're going to lose everything, I don't want to be poor, I don't accept that.

— You always thought only of yourself, and as for me, I always worked for you to go out there spending everything, I wanted to increase our capital, I did what many entrepreneurs do, I invested, but unfortunately the stock market plummeted, now I have to close the company and send all the employees away and I still have to come up with money to pay them all.

— There has to be a way out of this, talk to your friends, ask for help, tell them when you're well again you'll pay.

"You think it's that easy!" Who in their right mind would be crazy enough to give me money? In what world do you live in? Many of them also lost as much as I did or even more, and anyone with money won't want to buy a company whose owner has lost everything.

— Then sell this company and with the money pay the employees, but don't pay everything, and we'll disappear from this place.

“You've gone crazy! I'm not going to jail because of you, I can't do this to people who've worked for the company for years, I can't turn my back on them like that.

"So we're going to be poor because of them?" Is that really what you're telling me?

“Sell your jewelry, stop spending money on clinics and going to parties and buying dresses you only wear once.

"I'm not selling anything!"

"Then you'll be left with nothing."

I left behind the door without making any noise, went upstairs and locked myself in the room, and now what are they going to do?

I'm glad I managed to pass the Federal University, as I was already planning to leave as soon as I turned 18, now nothing will stop me, as they have no money, they will definitely take me out of school, I will only miss my friend. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my bedroom door is opened by Nina.

"Are you early today?"

— Yes, I didn't have the last class and I was anxious to get there, I wanted to show you that.

- What is it?

— I managed to pass the Federal University, I'll be able to study medicine like I always wanted and disappear from this house.

— Camille ! How happy I am for you, girl, now maybe things will change, won't you tell your parents?

- Not! In a month it's my 18th birthday, I'll reach the age of majority and I'll be able to leave this house and never come back, they won't even miss me, and what's more, now that they're poor, they won't care about me, since they never mattered before, I think they'll even thank God I'm leaving.

"What do you mean, poor people?"

— I heard them talking, my father lost all the investment he made, he will have to sell the company and my mother was crying for losing everything, I never saw them speak on my behalf.

“That means they'll send me away with the others and I'll be out of a job.

— Nina! I didn't think about it, I won't be able to take you to college, I don't know how it will be there, but I'm sure of one thing, that if necessary, I'll try to help you and I'll succeed.

— No need girl, I managed to save some money and bought a corner for myself, it's small, but it's mine, these years of work here have given me the chance to make my dream come true, as for another job, I have experience and I'm going to be able to fix it for sure, somewhere else.

— I'm happy for you, you know I love you a lot, right? Even if we separate for a while, I'll never forget her, and when I finish college, I'll come back to get you to be with me, I just hope that everything I dream comes true, I don't want to be pruned like I am inside this house anymore , I'm already tired of them.

— Ah, my daughter, there's no need, I love you very much too, I couldn't have children and you were the daughter I always dreamed of, if I could, I would take you far away from them, they certainly don't deserve to be anyone's parents.

We kept talking, I didn't go down to dinner, Nina brought it to me in the room, according to her, they had dinner in silence, she said that my mother didn't look well, but I didn't care about them, just like they did with me, I just want this month pass quickly to have my freedom.

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