
Chapter 2: Lost Opportunity

"Then... Can I eat you?"

Aleister licked his lips and stared at her with curious eyes. Ruby gulped and quickly answered.

"Definitely not. But if you really want to, I can prepare a meal for you upstairs." Aleister seemed to contemplate this for a while.

The demon stepped out of the circle and walked towards the witch whose teeth chattered in fear. He stopped just in front of her and inched his face closer towards her. Ruby closed her eyes and turned her head sideways to prevent their faces from touching. The witch stopped herself from gagging because the demon smelled repulsive. He reeks of death like thousands of tombs opened at once. Wherever he came from is certainly not hygienic. She heard him sniffing her neck before pulling away.

"You're right I can't eat you. You smell like fruits and I'm non-vegetarian. Such a shame, you look quite appetizing." the demon mused taking a step away from her.

"Thanks, I guess." Ruby said awkwardly.

"Uhhm, do you want to come upstairs for a late dinner or early breakfast? I think I still have the beef in defrost or are you more inclined to pork and mutton?"

"I think I would like to have beef. Richer flavor." the demon answered as he picked up a jar containing eyeballs that seem to blink curiously at him.

"Yes, sure. Let's come upstairs?" Ruby invited while gesturing towards the door to indicate where they are going.

"Lead the way, Rubisviel."

The witch went towards the door and opened it. She beckoned the demon to go first like a proper host but actually, she only wants to go behind the demon in fear of getting surprised attacks. The demon didn't seem to mind and went ahead of her however his wings got stuck on the door frame because they were too huge. Ruby's brows furrowed at the predicament and thought of spells she could use to make the door larger or the demon smaller, which might end with her dead in her own basement.

"Do you need-?"

"I got this." the demon cut her off and backed away from the door. Aleister rotated his shoulders and his wings suddenly disappeared like it got sucked inside his back.

"Where did it go?" Ruby asked in curiosity.

"I don't really know but it's still there if I summon it back." the witch only replied with a soft okay and followed after the demon inside her home. Manticat finally left the comforts of her skirt and started hiding behind her back, glaring sharply at the demon.

"Meew mew meeew meow! "

"I don't know, he seems powerful. If I try to kill him he might kill me first." she whispered over her shoulder where the familiar floats over.

"Meeeew meow meooow!"

"I'm not sure if poison works on demons and even if it does we're out of neurotoxins and chloroform. We used them up on the last orc and it barely made him sleep. He just farted again and again!" Ruby whispered/yelled to her familiar who kept suggesting more methods to kill or sedate the demon.

"Come along little witch, I'm starving." Aleister called from the top of the stairs making them rigid.

"We'll figure something out." she reassured before walking up faster.

Aleister was already making himself comfortable sitting on her recliner while sipping blood from a vial. Ruby went to the kitchen which was connected to the living room allowing her to see what the demon is doing while working on his meal. Thinking of food, she herself hadn't eaten lunch and dinner just to finish drawing the magical circle.

This demon surely isn't a familiar of the 7 Chalice since he didn't ask her if she is his contractor or made an oath with her the moment that he emerged. He also seems to be ignorant of the War since that's the first thing that a familiar and a contractor would talk about. She also can't feel a specific connection with him, like her mana flowing to keep him manifested in this world which can only lead to one conclusion. The catalyst she used probably belonged to this demon which he used to anchor himself into this world by interfering with her spell.

Ruby gritted her teeth in anger. If it weren't for him she could have summoned a proper hero and participated in the War of the 7 Chalices, now it's too late. The slot she was aiming for was probably taken already and there's no way for her to participate. Now she'll have to wait another 13 years to join again.

The witch swung her butcher knife completely decapitating the beef ribs in one fluid swing gaining the attention of the demon.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking over his shoulder.

"I'm fine. Uhmm... Prince Aleister... Your majesty."

"You may address me simply as Aleister since saying my complete title will only make our conversation longer."

"Right. May I ask you something?"

"You already did, but go ahead since you are a very gracious host. I might humor you this once since it's been quite a while since I last spoke to someone sensible."

"Of course, thanks. Uhmm... How exactly did you get here? How did you come across my spell? Were you related in any way to the catalyst I used?"

"Do you usually ask this many questions daily? Gods, how annoying. But to tell you the truth, I don't have a fucking clue about what happened. I was fighting some other demons and massacring some arrogant punks who think that they can beat me when suddenly this purple tower of dark energy smite the ground. Just by the looks of it, I knew it was a portal so I jumped in. The next thing I knew, I was flying in a tunnel of swirling colors of some sort and then there was a bright light and the next thing I knew... I'm already here. Standing in front of you."

"And the catalyst? Did it belong to you?" Ruby handed him the red gem which Aleister accepted in curiosity.

"Doesn't ring a bell." he answered after inspecting the object before handing it back to her.

"What is it anyway?"

"Well, according to my analysis of its magical structure, I can conclude that this one is a dimensional crystal capable of transporting anyone into any place in the world. Theoretically speaking, if it can amass sufficient energy and activate with the correct spell then perhaps it can also open gates to another dimension such as the 13 Circles but this one is already—hmm how should I say this? Fried? Used up? It's a one-use spell that becomes dormant with zero probability of activation yet it led me to you. Specifically, you... And no one else." Ruby mumbled in contemplation.

"I specifically got this from the black market because I sensed that it belonged or was used by a powerful person so I thought that it fits as a catalyst. I guess it's another hoax and failure."

The demon did not comment and only analyzed her melancholic features.

"Why don't you take a bath upstairs to relax yourself while I work on this? You must be exhausted after being transported from one dimension to another." Ruby suggested in an attempt to temporarily get rid of his presence.

"That is a really fine idea, little witch. I haven't had a bath since I got trapped in that hellhole. The last time I felt water was when I fell in this river when I first got there, then I can't remember anything before that." The demon mused twirling a goblet he had taken from her cupboard with a crimson swirling liquor which is surely not wine.

"You have blood mead. It's a fine brew I would say, made from elf blood. Are you a blood demon or something? You have the pale skin to pass for one." the demon interrogated looking at her through the mead-filled glass.

"No, that's actually for my customers. Blood demons and orcs also come by to buy hexes or potions and that's what I serve them. Apparently, they don't like coffee or tea, though some take the option of me but that's another case. I do a lot of things but prostitution is not one of them. Unless they're really hot Also, you're drinking the diet blood mead for demons conscious about their weight, the non-diet one is made out of wolf blood or human blood from thieves that try to break into my home. That thing costs ten gold a casket, while the non-diet one is 8 since wolves and humans are abundant around here while elves live in the other forest. I seriously hate elves because of a former love conflict but I've totally gotten over it." Ruby explained while placing the beef in the oven already marinated, seasoned, and tied in a perfect net in record time thanks to her magic.

"Sure. I'm gonna go upstairs and take a dip now. And I'm bringing your 10-gold casket with me." Aleister said before grabbing a small casket and heading up the staircase.

When he was out of eyesight, the witch finally heaved a sigh of relief and sat on a kitchen stool, exhaustion finally registering in her body. She slacked in her seat and placed her hands on her face as tears started pouring out of her eyes.

She lost the only opportunity she had at getting free from this land and finally break the stupid curse chaining her into existence. She gained nothing but a weird demon and she doesn't even know what she's going to do with him. What another awful joke from destiny.

Manticat flew towards her and stroked her hair in an attempt to comfort her. Ruby released a small cry and hugged the familiar to her chest, suffocating him in her bosom as she poured out her grief and disappointment.

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