
Chapter 2 Flash back

Even though she wasn’t blind completely, she wasn’t able to see new faces clearly. She could only see a man but couldn’t differentiate whether he was old or young. The only people she was able to recognize were her family and her friends who stayed with her all this year.

"Why should I go with an old man?" She whispered with a sigh.

Seeing the love of his wavering, Benjamin couldn't stop himself from stating softly, "I am not old. I am only twenty-five.” 

"From his voice, Evana could roughly guess he wasn’t old but rather very young. She was in deep thought and finally decided to go with him.


I'll go with you, okay, but what assurance do you have that you'll look after me? she asked.

"Don't worry, my love; I swore you wouldn't go hungry anywhere in the world. You'll be able to purchase and eat whatever you want and lead a happy life. You will be treated like a queen, and nobody will dare step on you. He reassurance.

"His words gave her comfort, and she made the decision to try it. Life itself is risky in any case. She was prepared to take that risk.

“Bring the woman over to the car. I am coming.” Ben ordered

The groom was standing sheepishly when they carried her away. He was severely humiliated by this. He has never had someone disobey him. He'll unquestionably pay for it. Though he was unable to speak these words aloud, he promised himself that he would make him pay.

“You were so bold to treat her in this manner. I'll make sure to triple what she has already received. You will pay with your wealth, family, and physical well-being. You mark my words.” He was about to depart when he noticed a familiar face. He stopped moving when he recognized the face.

His evil wife was to blame. He was ruined and abandoned by his wife. Yes, he had finally seen her face after three years. He still has no idea why she treated him that way up to this point. Although he never loved her, he took good care of her and made sure she had everything she needed.

Flash back….

Vivian and Benjamin's marriage was arranged by their parents. At first, Benjamin didn’t want to, but he had no choice since that was the only way he could inherit the family’s business. He lived with Vivian for three years. He did everything for her. They did everything a couple would do in the night. He wanted a son badly, but she never conceived all these years. He wasn’t bothered because they were still young. Vivian became greedy and did all she could to win his love, but it was all in vain.

“Why aren't you able to love me, Benjamin?” One day, she inquired.

"I will give you everything, and it ought to be sufficient for you. I don't love, you know," he said in response.

Because of what her mother had done to her father, Benjamin had refused to love with any girl. He made a promise to himself not to ever love or trust a woman.


One day, he went on a business trip and had a fatal accident. His personal assistant lost his life. It was left with only him. A girl came to his rescue and took him to the hospital. She stayed with him till his family came.

When he woke up, he couldn’t feel his legs.


"Vivian, why can’t I feel my legs?" he asked, panicky.


"Hmm, it’s nothing, nothing to worry about, you will be fine," She comforted him, but her eyes betrayed her.


"I can see from your eyes that you are lying to me. Tell me what happened to me," he roared.

"Calm down. I will tell you. I know it might be difficult for you, but please take heart  and know I will always be there for you." She caressed his forehead and said,

"Vivian, can you stop all this and tell me what happened to my legs," he asked impatiently.

"I am sorry dear, because of the accident, the doctors said you wouldn’t be able to work  again."

"What, why wouldn’t I be able to walk again?" His heart was beating fast.

“Because he said there is an injury that will be difficult to heal. The doctor said a miracle will work, so we should pray for a miracle. " She explained.

“No, I can’t accept this. No, no, no, this isn’t possible. No, it's not true," he exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Calm down, Benjamin; you should be thankful to God that you are alive. Your secretary lost his life after saving you. He wouldn’t be happy if something happened to him and his sacrificed  would be waste . You still have life and there is hope for you. "  Vivian comforted . 

"Where is the hope, Vivian? I wouldn’t be able to walk. It was better for me to die than to be crippled all my life." He rubbed  his hands in his hair in frustration.

"Calm down, Benjamin," Vivian said.

"Call me  the doctor," he ordered.

"He will say the same thing as Ben,"

"I said call me the doctor," he roared. 

"Fine, fine, I will." She said she would call the doctor. 

"Doctor, is there anything I can do to bring back my legs? " He said, hoping he would say yes, but the doctor said no.

“I am willing to spend any amount, if only you could make me walk again. I will promote you and make you the richest doctor on this earth." He said. 

" I am sorry, Mr. Benjamin. There is no way out," said the doctor.

"Really?" he asked hopelessly.  The doctor nodded his head and left the hospital.

"It's alright, Ben. I am willing to be with you forever. Let me go and get you something to eat. 

Vivian stood up and went outside. Benjamin couldn’t accept the fact that he had become disabled. He can live with this shame.  It was better to take his life. What is the excess  in life if you can’t walk? People will mock and humiliate you. He couldn’t imagine that. There was a fruit knife beside him. He took it and cut his wrist. He bled and passed out.

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