
Chapter 1:

Twenty-one years later,

Present time.

Alpha Sebastian.

"Farewell, boys," our mama yelled with a flurry of flying kisses as they drove away to their well-deserved vacation, which Dad had been planning for months.

"Bye," I waved with an upside-down smile. My other hand tucked in my shorts' left pocket.

It was a windy March afternoon hence I kept my eyes squinted as I watched my parent's car disappear into the horizon.

"Goodbye, Mother and Father." Damon rubbed off an imaginary tear with a smirk while he waved at our parents, and I sneered at his antics.

"Finally, let's get the party started!" Damon, my twin brother, smiled mischievously while rubbing his hands together, and I knew immediately something was up. I rolled my eyes playfully at Damon's antics again because he was always the one who wanted to push the boundaries and taste the depth of the waters.

"What did you do now?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Damon's eyes lit up as he grinned. "I may have invited a few people over," he said, his voice low and conspiratorial with a raised eyebrow.

I groaned. "Damon, Mom, and Dad trusted us to take care of the pack while they're away... Remember they strictly said no parties or any unnecessary mayhem."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Relax, bro, it's not a big deal. We'll keep it under control. It's just a few friends besides."

I hesitated, unsure because we still had Gamma Nick to worry about. "I don't know, Damon. We could get in a lot of trouble if something went wrong."

Damon put a hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, it'll be fine. What harm can a small party do?"

I hesitated for a while, as I mulled deeply on his new path of havoc.

"What of you know who, who likes watching our every move?" I inquired about Gamma Nick, Dad's trusted eye when he was not around.

"Relax bro, I have him sorted out for the night." Damon curled the corner of his lip with a smirk and I sighed softly because, whenever Damon planned something, it always did not end well.

"What have you done to Gamma Nick?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Nothing that he won't enjoy tonight." Damon winked at me with a splitting grin and I sighed heavily because there was no winning Damon's disagreement no matter how much I tried.

I ran my fingers through my shoulder-length dark curly hair.

"It's going to be a lot of fun, you see ." Damon slightly tilted his head to one side and grinned mischievously.

"Fine, but just for a few hours and the party must be over with ." I reluctantly agreed, and before I knew it, the manor was filled with unmated pack members. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, and the atmosphere was electric. I couldn't resist the energy, and soon enough, I found myself bobbing my head alongside everyone else...

As I strolled along the congested mansion with a whisky bottle. At first, I was unbothered by everyone else actions because the bottle was my sole companion for the night.

"Hey, Damon, great party." one of the pack members patted my shoulder. I sneered because I and my brother were always mixed up with each other, it was only Mama and Papa who could tell the difference between their two identical sons...

As the night wore on, things started to get wild. People were making out in the dark corners, drinks were spilled all over the floor, and someone had even broken Mom's expensive vase she got from my grandma, Queen Zita.

"Fucking drunk dogs," I grunted repeatedly as I made an effort to pick up the broken pieces so that I could mend them later before Mother returned.

Suddenly, one of the barfly ladies who was dancing beside me, decided to puke endlessly in Dad's trophy of craftsmanship and my jaw dropped slightly because he cherished that trophy for reasons best known to him.

"What the fleabag!" I gritted my teeth with a scowl.

This was definitely getting out of hand, I felt a cold shiver drip down my spine... As I could feel myself getting anxious and worried about the chaos that was ensuing.

No, no no. Where the fuck is Damon? I scanned the crowded open space but could not see him.

He started this, and he was definitely going to be the one to end the chaos.

"Hey, have you seen Damon?" I asked one of his close male friends Matt, but he just shook his head with trudging eyes.

Fuck, this. I headed straight for the socket to unplug the stereo and put an end to the party, when Damon suddenly appeared in my face, his eyes blazing with excitement... "Hey bro, I have a surprise for you," he said, pulling me aside.

"Bro, this has to stop now." I snarled viciously with a scowl.

"Oh Sebastian, don't be such a party pooper, besides I invited someone special for you." He declared with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

And I raised an eyebrow, wanting to know who it was. "Who?"

Damon smirked. "Remember that girl from my math class? The one with the wild hair and the tattoos?"

I vaguely remembered her. Her name was Bianca Forster, a she-wolf Dad had brought back home from one of his many travels around Romania… and for some reason, I could not understand why she fancied only me amongst all the unmated male wolves around the pack…

"For real?" I squirmed like a toddler who received the best news in his life.

"um." Damon nodded with a tight-lipped smile.

'Finally, it's about time you got some live-action!' My inner wolf squirmed even louder.

"Where is she?" I inquired with unblinking focused eye contact.

Damon's smirk turned into a grin. "Well, she is here, and she's looking for you."

My heart skipped a beat. "Me? Why?"

Damon shrugged. "I don't know, bro. Maybe you made an impression on her or something." He clasped my hand tightly." Come on, I will take you where she is."

I felt a surge of nervous excitement as I followed Damon through the crowds of people, forgetting that I had to stop the party.

When we finally found her, she was standing in the center of the room, surrounded by a group of unmated wolves, practically drooling at her because she was a sexy little vixen, begging to be tamed.

"Damon, I don't think this is a good idea." I made an effort to evade her but her seductive eyes were locked onto mine, and I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me.

Shit shit shit.

Damon and I came to a stop when we arrived at where she was and damn, was she looking sexy in her flared mini black leather skirt with a white see-through crop top that clung to her hard nipples…I swallowed hard with weak knees.

"Hey," she said, her voice low and husky.

"Hi," I stuttered faintly.

"I'm glad to see you." She said while moving closer to me and my body shuddered with ecstasy.

"I'm glad too." I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Okay, I think this is my cue to leave you two alone." Damon gave me a knowing look before slipping away, leaving me alone with her.

Now, what do we talk about? We stood there for a moment, just looking at each other before she leaned in and whispered in my ear:

"Let's get out of here."

Wait, what? I froze with wide eyes while my mind surged with a million things in my mind.

Where did she want us to go, and to do what?

Without another word, she took my hand and led me through the crowd, out of the house, and into the cool night air. We didn't say anything as we walked, but the tension between us was palpable. When we finally made it to her black Jeep Wrangler, she turned to me with a mischievous smile.

"Get in," she said.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should trust her, but something about her drew me in. I climbed into the front seat, and she too got into the car, started the engine, and drove off towards the dark forest.

Where was she taking me? I stole secret glances at her and the goddess be damn, because she looked heller fine with the wind blowing up her dark pixie hair.

I slowly licked my lips while casually stretching my hand onto her nape and she smiled with a mischievous grin.

The road was hilly and terrain as she drove when suddenly she reached over and placed her hand on my exposed thigh because I had decided to wear my army green short hotpants paired with a matching round neck green tee.

My body hitched, sending delicious shivers down my dick. I looked over at her, and she met my gaze with a wicked grin.

"You know, I've been watching you for a while," she said, her voice low and seductive. "You're not like the other guys I've met. You're...different."

I felt my cheeks flush, and I cleared my throat. "Thanks, I guess. But what do you mean?"

She chuckled. "You're not afraid to be yourself. You're not trying to impress anyone or fit in with the crowd like your brother. You're And I find that incredibly sexy."

I couldn't help but smile at her words. No one had ever seen me that way before. I had always felt like the odd one out, but for once, it felt like someone appreciated me for who I was. Even though she was not my fated mate.

We drove for a little while longer until she pulled over in a secluded spot by the devil's pond. The moon was shining brightly overhead, casting an ethereal glow on us and the clear water. She turned off the engine, and we sat there in silence for a moment, just looking out at the water.

Then she turned to me, her eyes full of desire and lust. "Do you want to go for a swim?" she asked.

"Now?" I raised a brow.

"Yes, silly, now." She immediately got out of the car and stripped naked then ran into the water. A splash is heard as she jumps into the water.

I watched her submerge her entire body into the water because I was hesitant at first. I had never been one for skinny-dipping at night, but something about the way she was looking at me made it impossible to say no. So I stripped down to my birthday suit and joined her in the water.

The water was freezing, but exhilarating. As we swam, I could feel her body brushing against mine, and I knew that I was getting a hard-on. We splashed around, laughing and playing like kids, until finally she swam over to me with seductive eyes and stunned me with a kiss.

It was electric. Her lips were soft, succulent, and warm. I felt a rush of desire flood through me. We kissed each for what felt like hours and when we finally broke apart, we were both panting and breathless. She looked at me with a wicked grin, and I knew that things were about to get even more intense.

"I want you to fuck me," she whispered, her voice low and seductive.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked because I was one who never liked to take advantage of unmated she-wolves.

"Yes, right here, right now." She moaned softly.

And my heart thumped wildly as she pushed me up against a nearby tree in the water. Her hands were hot on my skin as she ran them up and down my body, exploring every inch of me. I felt like I was on fire, my entire body consumed with desire.

"Tame me, Alpha Sebastian." She moaned and my cock stiffened harder like a steel shaft.

Holy fuck…

She pressed her lips to mine again, and I could feel her tongue pushing its way into my mouth. I let out a groan as I desperately kissed her back, my hands roaming over her body.

We were both immersed in each other, captivated by our raging emotions. Nothing else seemed to exist outside of that moment. We had become two strangers, isolated from reality and ensnared in the heat of passion.

When suddenly I heard distinct growls originating from the murky shadows of nightfall.

"Who goes there?" I demanded angrily while I paused the kissing.

"What have you heard?" Bianca asked with wide eyes.

"shhh" I hurriedly got out of the water, reached for a nearby branch, and brandished it in the general direction of the noise.

"Who goes there?" I snarled viciously baring teeth. My nostrils picking up a weird scent that did not seem to be coming from anyone in the pack.

"Sebastian, come back, I'm sure it's just a little critter making that noise." Bianca insisted but she was wrong. The scent was so strong and musky, I could scent it from miles away.

I moved swiftly in the direction of the noise when suddenly the branches of nearby trees began to bend and the ground beneath my feet trembled.

I froze and carefully scanned the dark shadows of the bush as I tried to catch a glimpse of whatever was in the bushes.

"Sebastian, do you see anything ?" Bianca asked in a shaky voice while swimming towards the ledge of the pool.

"I think we are being watched." My senses became laser sharp as I activated my night vision.

"Fuck this." Bianca got out of the water and sauntered closer to me. Her hands trembled as she clasped onto my shoulder.

The growling noise continued to grow, and we could hear the rustling of bushes in front of us when suddenly we became aware of the fact that we were completely vulnerable because I had not yet bloomed into my wolf.

I quickly grabbed Bianca and pulled her close to me. She looked at me with a puzzled fearful expression.

"Alpha, I don't want to die today." Bianca whimpered and I rolled my eyes because suddenly, she was not as confident as she appeared earlier.

"You won't." I scoffed.

Then an enormous brown wolf with piercing yellow eyes burst out from the bushes and leaped at us with a terrifying howl. Its mouth was wide open, revealing sharp teeth dripping with froth. Fear gripped my heart, and I quickly raised the branch and swung it with all my might. The wolf's eyes widened as the branch collided with its cheek, and it flew back into the bushes… It whined for a moment.

That was a ROGUE. But what was it doing in our territory?

"Get in the car now," I ordered Bianca because that rogue was bigger than I was, and fighting back was definitely not an option.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Bianca ran to the passenger's seat as I took the driver's seat and drove us out of that horrid place…

Why was that rogue in our territory when Mother and Father hunted them all away a few years back?

I must inform the elders immediately because Dad strictly said no one must disturb his vacation for small problems. The cold breeze blew off my long dark wet hair as I increased the speed of the Jeep.

I am Alpha Sebastian Shepherd, twin brother of Damon Shepherd. We are both twenty-one years of age and born with distinct tribal tattoos that covered half of our bodies but had not yet embraced our wolf forms much to the dismay of the Pack's elders.

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