
Chapter 5 ~ Home…

{Isla’s POV} 

The next time I woke up was due to the perception of hands gently wrapping around my body and lifting me. I slowly struggled my eyelids open and drove my misty gaze about in an attempt to know where I was, and my gaze promptly stretched with my realization. Home? 

Suddenly, I was forced to remember that I was still in the clasps of a stranger, so I immediately shifted my gaze to the figure’s face and my glare stretched even further.  

The figure had a graceful face that was complemented by his roughly coiled honey-blonde hair, well-groomed eyebrows, and a well-defined jawline that augmented his supremacy. 

He had fiery hazel eyes just like mine and from the breastplate resting over his unbelievably broad shoulders, I could tell he had just returned from scouting.  

“Dad? …” 

“Hush now, Buttercup. You’re safe now.” He pronounced in his warming baritone and I immediately dug myself into his snuggly embrace as tears trailed from the corners of my eyes.  

“Dad, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left like that, without telling you or mum a thing. I was wrong.” I muttered as tears drowned my voice.  

“It’s okay, my princess. It’s okay…” He said in a surprisingly calm volume. With the way I had abandoned them for Cayden, you would think he would refuse to even look at me. “You’re safe and fine, and that’s what matters to me.” He muttered. 

I knew he meant that I was physically fine but I also knew he could sense that I was emotionally wounded, so I didn’t bother saying a thing.  

He was the Lord Alpha, the hallowed Ruler of the entire Werewolf Reigns, and the most powerful Werewolf alive, so I knew he could sense my hurt. 

There was a following quiet and I used every second of it to relish the instance of our father-daughter propinquity. But suddenly, my memory seemed to be kindled and I sent back my eyes to my Dad’s.  

“What about Kunuki, Grus, and shrill-voice?” I abruptly asked. 

“Who?” He frowned slightly. 

“The Rogues that captured me? Didn’t you see them?” I quizzed and began to steer my gaze around.  

“Oh, you mean those three scrotes?” My father said, directing my eyes to the distance where the three of them were tethered up in heavy Perron Chains. 

“Ye… yeah them,” I mumbled hesitantly since I wasn’t actually expecting to see them. “You caught them?” I quizzed with the surprise in my voice being very obvious, but my attention was suddenly stolen with the sight of my approaching mother. 

“Mother!” I yelped as I drove my person through our separating distance into her embrace. Once again, my eyes opened their floodgates and my tears poured out in streams as I settled in her motherly warmth. 

“Mother, I’m… I’m really sorry for the hurt I’ve caused you and Dad.” I took my head from the warmth of her bosoms and angled my teary eyes to her face. “I’m sorry for leaving like that. I… I thought you and Dad wouldn’t bless I and Cayden’s union.” I sniveled and she squeezed me further into her embrace. 

“Child, you were in love. Your Father and I had no right to deny you of your love. You shouldn’t have just concluded and left us like that.” She said, and I knew she was beginning to shed tears as I could hear the sobs building up in her chest. 

“But I'm of the Royal Bloodline... and I'm your only child, hence the heir to the throne. Falling in love is a distraction from my duties-- It's wrong, and you taught me that!" I mouthed as I slightly loosened myself from our cuddle and looked at her again. 

“It’s not wrong when he is your fated mate, Isla.” My father corrected from behind and I immediately steered myself to see him walking toward us. 

He was making his way to us with strides that depicted the weight of his unmatched strength and Kingly eminence, with a tall and mighty physique that could command the fear of even the strongest of wolves. Oh, how I’ve missed him. 

If I hadn’t been so foolish and had just stayed back, under the sound protection of my father, no Cayden bastard would have ever gotten the chance to burn my heart out! 

“It’s a different case when he is your fated, Buttercup. I might be the King and give you guiding rules as my daughter, but I have no right to go against Fate. Your mother being my Luna is proof.” He placed him huge hands on one of my shoulder. “You shouldn’t have run away like that.” He mouthed and I loured in shock. 

Why was he just saying this now? The whole time, I thought me falling in love wasn't a concept that was permitted due to my role as the future Queen and had somehow skipped the part that my father was mated to my mother!

Sometimes, I can be really dense!

Because of my stupid ignorance I had run away that night. Because of my ignorance I had sacrificed my sovereignty when I had found out Cayden was my mate. 

I had changed my identity, abandoned my blissful life, paid a dangerous price, taken the form of an Omega all because I had been too scared to tell anyone I had found my mate. 

And I couldn’t tell Cayden the truth then because he might have gone behind my back, traced me back to my origin and discovered that I’m the Lord Alpha’s daughter. Which would have eventually lead to my Dad finding me and ending I and Cayden’s union.

But turns out, all of that was for nothing! And it’s really maddening! 

“We searched for you for months." My dad continued. “You troubled us greatly… and you hurt your mother. In the past year, she has cried more times than she has eaten” He stated with an empathetic tone and I felt broken. 

“You shouldn’t have faked your identity and denied yourself of your superiority. That’s the part that enrages me the most!” His tone was switching to a gruff and I knew I needed to calm him down. 

“Dad, Mom, I’m sorry. I messed up and believe me I’m most offended by my actions.” I apprised, as I rested my hands on my dad’s firm arms. “But I’m back now, and I’m not going anywhere again.” I smiled, trying to urge their smiles, for which my mum joined in. However, I only succeeded to a bare minimum with my Dad as he just arched the edge of his lips. Well, no surprise there. 

“Mum I’m sorry.” I turned to face her. “I know how much I’ve hurt you and I’m ready to pay for it. Punish me anyhow you deem fit.” I said and shot her my ‘please eyes’. 

“I know you are, my love,” She rested a kiss on my forehead, “and we can talk about your punishment later. Your well-being is what’s most important now. Did these raccoons hurt you?” She mouthed as if suddenly remembering how I got here, as she began scrutinizing me with her hands. But my father rejoined before I could get the chance to reply to her. 

“I’ll have their heads ripped off for touching my daughter.” He voiced fiercely and as if on cue, the warriors stationed at the rear of the Palace walls straightened up and marched forward in concert, ready to carry out his bidding.  

“We are sorry, Alpha King.” The Rogues bawled almost simultaneously as they trembled on the ground in dread. 

“We didn’t know she was the daughter of such Sovereignty.” The Shrill-voiced one pleaded earnestly while the others mumbled along, equally shaky. 

Watching criminals and crooks melt before my Father was something I had gotten used to growing up, but something about this instance didn’t feel right. 

“Dad.” I called, rushing over to his side thus calling his attention. 

“How did you find me? I mean like, how did you catch them?” I queried as gently as I could. 

“I don’t really know much about that. I was immediately summoned from a Progress Conclave by Carlot when it happened, so he should be able to answer your question correctly.” My dad said, and Carlot promptly treaded towards us as I steered to face him. 

“Good day, my Princess.” He greeted me with a bow and I smiled. Carlot was my Dad’s boringly funny Personal Advisor. 

“Good day, Carlot. It’s been ages since I last saw your ebullient face.”  

“Indeed, my Princess.” He beamed in return before continuing. 

“They suddenly showed up at the palace unannounced and confessed their intentions. So… they basically brought you here themselves and turned themselves in, my Princess.” He bowed again. 

“Huh?” I started to say. “They brought—“ 

“It doesn’t mean I’m going to just let them scuttle away.” My dad chimed in. 

“But… but Dad, they didn’t know I was your daughter.” I keened, gesturing my hands towards him. 

“It doesn’t change the fact that they are criminals!” His volume was getting louder. 

“Yes they might be criminals, but these criminals practically saved me, Dad.” I mouthed in a gentler tone. I knew better than to allow him get angry. “I pretty much didn’t know where I was headed, and they brought me straight to you! Their loyalties should at least be worth something.” I concluded and watched his solid glare itch a little.  


He didn’t answer. 

“Mum? Help me out here.” I called, directing my gaze to my mother. 

“Darling, I think she has a point.” My mother began after a slight hesitation. “They respect you, that’s why they brought her back. I don’t think it will be fair to hurt them.” She added and my Dad’s glare softened, but he remained silent. 

I grew a smile however as I knew my mum had successfully convinced him. Go, mum! 

“Fine! They won’t be killed. But they will be whipped!” 

“Dad!” I said with a cackle, punching him gently on his chest. 

“Alright. Alright, Buttercup. They are free to go.” He chortled along as he drew my mum and me into his warming clasp. “Let’s get you settled in properly.” He said to me. 

“And rid you of these filthy wears you call clothing.” My mum added and I beamed brightly. 

Oh, how I’ve missed them! 

“Uhm, Sire!” Carlot called behind us. “We haven’t informed Princess Isla here about the banquet you secretly arranged.” He apprised as we all turned to face him. 

“Oh, Carlot, you just had to ruin the surprise!” My Father protested, face palming himself while my mother playfully calmed him down. 

“There’s a Banquet?” I swiveled my stare to him anxiously. 

“Of course, Buttercup. We decided to have one while you were still unconscious. It will be the biggest Banquet ever!” His voice took that funny Kingly tone he often used when addressing a court or making a degree. “Every single Alpha and Dignitary shall be invited. They shall come to witness how I restore my daughter to her innate glory, and they shall revere!”  He imparted and my mother tittered at his drama while I simpered like a child. It was really amusing how a fierce and powerful king such as my Dad still had a peng comic side. 

“Thank you, Dad.” I dug myself into his hug once more for which he playful squeezed me. 

“And since Carlot has already ruined the surprise, let’s burden him with choosing your dress for the banquet.” My Dad intentionally teased and pushed me towards Carlot. 

“But, Dad, that’s the Clothier’s job.” I remarked with a fearful giggle. 

“Well, today. It’s Carlot’s job. He’ll decide!” My Dad concluded while Carlot sighed in defeat. 

“Well, okay I guess I deserve it.” He conceded. “This way, Princess. Let’s take you to the Royal Clothier.” He said, directing me towards the Path on the Palace East wing. 

I followed him while my Dad, Mom, and their chain of guards made their way onwards into the Palace. I took the leisure of the stroll to study the Palace— my birthplace and the home of my upbringing. 

The Palace was a massive and mighty monumental edifice that stood proudly at the heart of the Werewolf Reigns with its towering spires adorned in intricate golden filigree. Fine gold-leaf Wrought Iron gates boarded the north, south, east, and west entrances, while Massive oak doors, engraved with tales of valor, guarded the smaller entrances. And within the grand halls of the Palace boasted vaulted ceilings that were adorned with masterfully crafted chandeliers while royal tapestries, woven with vibrant hues, depicted the Palace’s storied lineage. Oh, how I’ve missed home! 

“Princess Isla.” Carlot suddenly called as strolled on, thus calling me back from my initiated admiration. 

“Regarding the Banquet. Would you prefer it to be this evening? Or tomorrow morning?” He asked with that weird grin of his. 

“This evening, Carlot.” I said. 

“And…” He trailed off suddenly and I was forced to inquire why. 

“And?” I arched an eyebrow. 

“Wou… would you want Alpha Cayden to be invited.” He asked thoughtfully in a mutter and my mood shifted at once. Not because I was scared or dubious about it, but because the mention of his name now made me furious. 

Today, I returned to take my rightful place as the Princess of the Werewolf Reigns and the daughter of the Lord Alpha, the most Powerful Werewolf in the entire Reigns.  

I was no longer the lowly Omega they once called me to be. I was no longer the filth they referred to me as. I was no longer the miserable mate who strived for love despite the cruelty that was fed to her. I was a doyenne, and I would be their god! 

“Of course. Invite him too…”

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Shantell aka Lady Persephone
This is a stupid so called female lead...

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