
Chapter 6

20–25 minutes


I hurry through the maze of tables and students trying to make it to the table that Samantha, Gwen, and Harley are sitting at with Lucifer on my heels. I can already feel the cold sweats starting and the fatigue hitting me.

“Anna!” I hear the demon call from behind me. Ignoring him, I finally make it to the table. I almost drop my tray in the process and throw myself into a chair. With shaky hands, I grab one of the chocolate milks on my tray, open it and begin chugging it. Once it’s empty, I slam it down on the table.

“Wow! You look like s**t!” I hear Gwen comment, her hazel eyes giving me a look over.

I only nod in agreement before grabbing one of the two turkey sandwiches on my tray and start scarfing it down.

“Anna?” I hear Lucifer call my name again as he sits down in the vacant chair next to me. I look up at my friends that are staring at me wide eyed as I continue to devour the sandwich in my hands.

“Is this stress eating? Or you lost control eating?
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