


                Swimming together was definitely a blessing in disguise for king Raleigh right now. Why? Because while swimming they must remove their clothes, right? Although he didn't know how the hell they would swim in that frozen cold lake, he still will get the chance to see Ives naked. King Raleigh didn't want to admit that he was actually looking forward to this moment.

         Just imagining Ives's naked body in front of him made his blood rush into his brain. Ives's body must be soft, right. He had never seen Ives's naked body but he could imagine how it would be just by seeing the clothes wrapped around Ives's body. That slim waist and slim slender body with some muscles, it must feel like heaven to touch it. Will his skin be bouncy and smooth? King Raleigh couldn't wait for it.

     As king Raleigh was imagining Ives's body, he could feel his pants getting tight near his crotch area. He looked down and his mouth was wide open. What the hell? How could he get a boner just by imagining? Was he that desperate? In his lifetime, he had never been this embarrassed. He had never gotten a boner even when the beautiful men and women threw themselves naked in his arms. He had never gotten this excited. He had thought he was asexual but his crotch was denying that thought right now. Did imagining Ives's naked body made him feel aroused? What a miracle it was?! It was too stimulating.

    Thank god, Ives had left the room to collect some clothes otherwise he would see King Raleigh's embarrassing state. He needed to calm down. He shouldn't lose control like this ever again especially in front of Ives. He didn't want to be seen as a pervert guy.

        "Calm down. Calm down. It's not the time to get up. Clam down."

 King Raleigh was breathing in and out to control his body. He was never sexually attracted to others nor others could make him feel aroused but the mere thought of Ives got him in this state. He was finally becoming a pervert. No, he can't be like this. Yeah, he is the king Raleigh who never lost on anything and he couldn't lose now. 

      Soon Ives returned with a small bag around his shoulder. Ives smiled as his eyes were sparkling with joy.

    "Raleigh, let's go."


King Raleigh stood up and walked towards Ives with a poker expression. Thankfully, there was not any hideous tent in his crotch area otherwise Ives might have run away from him. He was internally crying tears of joy. What a fortunate day it was?

   Ives locked the door and extended his right arm towards king Raleigh and said, "Let's go."

King Raleigh's fingers were itching to hold that hand. He immediately held Ives's hand and gently said, "Let's go."

     They were walking along the snowy paths. There were just a few vegetations and small animals running here and there who could survive in these cold areas. The weather was calm and a soft cold breeze was blowing. King Raleigh wasn't feeling difficult to walk as the path wasn't so snowy and most importantly his hand was held by Ives. He felt like he could walk on any path as long as Ives was there with him holding his hand. He smiled at the thought of that.

      Suddenly he heard Ives singing beside him. Was Ives an angel? Ives already had a soft voice and right now when Ives was singing, his voice was so soothing and mesmerizing. King Raleigh could get lost in Ives's voice forever. Yeah, Ives must definitely be an angel. An angel sent for king Raleigh exclusively to save him from the darkness and fill his life with colours and light. He didn't want anything. He just wished that this journey with Ives could continue forever and ever.

      King Raleigh didn't speak anything and just enjoyed Ives's sweet voice. They didn't walk or much. After about walking for half an hour, they reached and stopped in front of a cave which was covered by ice crystals. It was like an entrance to a beautiful place. King Raleigh was admiring everything when he heard Ives speaking.

    "The lake is just beyond this cave."

    "It's beautiful here."

     "Told you, right."

Ives said smiling cheekily.  "Yeah." King Ralirhg smiled and rubbed Ives's hair.

     "Let's enter."

Ives said as he pulled king Raleigh inside.

They walked for a minute in the dark cave which was glowing with the light reflected on the ice prisms around the cave. It looked like a way to heaven. The round ice crystals were dangling on the ceiling and crooks of the cave. But this was nothing. When king Raleigh saw the exit of the cave and saw the lake, his jaw was wide open.

   "How could such a majestic place exist in this land?"

It was like a whole new world. Although the land outside this cave was cold, here it was warm and cosy. There was a huge lake in the middle where warm steam was coming out. It looked like a natural hot spring. No wonder Ives said they could swim here. King Raleigh looked around and saw the place was so beautiful that he wanted to stay here forever. Green bushes and maple trees were surrounding the lake. The lake was surrounded by large cave walls and on the top of it was a small hole from where the light would fall inside. The walls were covered with hexagonal ice columns and round ice crystals hanging everywhere The whole area was flowing with diamond dust and vegetation were covered with diamond dust crystals. The ice prisms were refracting the colour of the rainbow making the whole place look even more heavenly. 

    King Raleigh didn't know how such a place could exist. It was not disturbed by outer surroundings and was like a treasure to be discovered. The water in the lake was always warm despite those specks of diamond dust flying everywhere. This place was beyond the world like his Ives.

      "How's this place?" Ives asked who was standing beside him.

      "I don't have any words to describe it." King Raleigh replied with his awestruck face. Ives saw and laughed lightly. "I was like you when I first entered here."

      "How did you find this place?" King Raleigh asked looking at Ives as he heard Ives laugh.

       "It was a total accident. I had lost my way and was about to die because of the cold. I think I stumbled my steps and fell inside this cave and then I discovered this place."

     King Raleigh thought it was really difficult to find this place. If Ives hadn't shown him then he might have never seen this place. Only the native could find this place without getting lost.

      "And since it has been my haven. I always come here whenever I feel lonely. Even my father isn't aware of this place. You are the first person I brought here." Ives added looking gently towards king Raleigh.

    King Raleigh's heart was beating so much that he could die at any moment. This pleasant feeling, only Ives could make him feel. Before this, it was only Ives's secret place but from now it was their's haven. He couldn't control the curve forming on his lips and smiled gently in front of Ives for the first time. Yes, this is the person king Raleigh chose for himself. No matter who or what Ives was, IVES WAS HIS AND HIS ALONE.

    Ives couldn't speak for a while when he saw that dazzling smile that made his heart race madly. Thank god, king Raleigh didn't always smile like this otherwise Ives would have died of a heart attack. Ives started to blush seeing king Raleigh looking at him tenderly. He was only looking at him. Those tender gazes were for him and no one else. He felt like he was flying on cloud nine with just thought of that. Somebody, please save Ives's soul.

      They both were lost in thoughts of each other. Well, somebody has to stop this awkward silence. They both came here for swimming and they should swim. Ives was the first one to calm himself. He turned to king Raleigh and said, "Let's swim. The water is warm and not frozen as you had thought." 

        King Raleigh nodded his head and they both walked near the lake. King Raleigh then squatted down and touched the water with his palms. It was a miracle that the water was really warm. Neither too hot nor too cold. Ives also squatted beside king Raleigh and said, "There is another wonderful thing about this lake."

       King Raleigh looked at Ives and asked, "And what is that?"

"If you dip in this lake, it'll help to heal your wounds faster," Ives replied.

 "So this lake had medicinal value too. This place is really a treasure."

 "Yeah, that's why you should stay here as long as you can."

  As he said that Ives stood up and took off his upper clothes which included some woollen coat and scarf. Only a thin layer of the inner shirt was on him. King Raleigh was just gawking at Ives waiting when he would take off that inner cloth and his pant. Suddenly Ives jumped into the lake making a large splash on the lake. The droplets of the splash fell all over king Raleigh making him come out of his stupor.

   King Raleigh looked at Ives who was standing in the water whose level only reached up to Ives's waist. He was stupefied seeing Ives. Ives whole body was drenched with water making the thin shirt stick on his body which outlined his slender body. The round two nipples were visible from the wet cloth making anyone imagine it was rosy in colour. Ives's shoulder-length hair was slicked back because of wetness making his forehead visible and his whole small face could be seen. His thick eyelashes were such together and his doe Caribbean eyes were looking glassy all because of those refractions from the ice crystals. His plump pink lips were now stained with water droplets making them juicy which could make anyone urge to bite them. The droplets of water were falling from his chin to his collarbone which rolled further down to his wet sticky body. King Raleigh admitted Ives looked sexier right now even more than Ives being naked.

      King Raleigh gulped the saliva loudly as he felt his mouth dry. His hands were itching to roam around that body. He wanted to tightly embrace Ives in his arms and never let go. He didn't know where this urge came from but he just wanted to stick Ives to his body and swallow him whole so that they could always be together. He never knew he had such strong feelings and Ives making it resurface slow by slow. King Raleigh decided he would never allow others to see Ives, never make them defile Ives using their eyes and tongues. If anybody even dared to have such thoughts towards his Ives, he will take out their eyes and cut their tongues. Yes, he would keep Ives locked forever in his golden cage safe from the outside world. Ives will always remain as his pure and innocent Ives. Even if he had to break Ives's wings, he would do it.

    A dark glint appeared in king Raleigh's steel-grey eyes as he looked at Ives who was standing in the lake waiting for him. He suppressed these dark feelings and stood up. He walked along the lakeside and looked around if there was anything near. Even animals aren't allowed to look at Ives's body. Seeing the place was empty, king Raleigh also took off his clothes except for his pant and jumped in the lake. 

      King Raleigh swam towards Ives and stood before him. King Raleigh also looked even sexier being wet. King Raleigh raised his both arms and slicked back the wet hair which was sticking on his face. He looked at Ives and smirked.

   "Like what you're seeing?"

   "Ah." Ives was caught off guard. He was literally drooling seeing King Raleigh's holy figure. King Raleigh's body was the epitome of perfectness. His toned muscles with rock-hard chest, biceps, and rippling abs which were eight packs were wet with water droplets. Ives looked at his own body and there was not a view of abs far and far away. Oh, how he wished to have such a body too.

    Ives glanced shyly at King Raleigh and asked, "Can I touch it?"

King Raleigh smirked as he traced Ives's soft cheek with his right palm and said, "It's all yours. You can touch it."


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Maria Sarita E. Ca
Me encantó este capítulo. Se está poniendo más interesante, aunque me da miedo llegar al momento del prólogo. Espero con ansias el siguiente capítulo.

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