
Chapter 4

She stepped out of the house to observe. Much has changed in their area over the more than ten years of her absence. The once abundant trees in the surroundings have diminished, replaced by buildings and houses. Several subdivisions have also sprung up in the area.

It's a beautiful transformation. The muddy road they used to take to school when it rained is now paved.

Many children there are unfamiliar to her. Some passersby glance at her, perhaps wondering who she is.

A group of women passed by and stopped in front of her.

"Maine?" The one greeting her seemed hesitant.

"Yes? Do I know you?" She asked. The others laughed.

"Silly, it's me, Emilie."

Her face lit up. She suddenly felt happy, seeing a familiar face.

"OMG, you look gorgeous," she hugged her old friend.

"I've been looking for you on social media, couldn't find you."

"I'm not active, my profile is hidden," she replied.

"Monique and Elise, they're our friends too."

"You all look beautiful," she smiled at them. They've all blossomed.

"Wow, you look beautiful," Elise replied, "how have you been? It's been a while since you came home."

"Well," she smiled bitterly, "my graduation got messed up."

"Why? Are you pregnant?" Monique asked in surprise.

"No, not at all! You know, just made some foolish choices in love."

"That's it," Emelie sighed, "I almost ruined my life there too. Thankfully, I managed to fix it."

"Shall we sit there?" Monique pointed to a bench nearby. "Is grandma Gong there?"

"She's upstairs."

"She looks outside every day, ever since you left. She hopes you'll come back," Emelie said as they sat down.

"Too bad, Maine, if I had just waited for Sandro, I could've been your aunt by now," Elise joked.

"Crazy, you know he doesn't like dealing with young people. Only Maine gets through to him," Emelie teased.

"You never know," Maine laughed at their banter.

"Have you graduated?" she asked her friends.

"Just one semester left for me, I'm going to be a teacher, these two are in HRM," Monique answered.

"No money in being a teacher," Elise commented.

"Hello, grandma Gong," Emelie greeted her.

"Did you decide to visit my granddaughter?" her grandmother smiled.

"We just happened to see her displayed outside, grandma," Emelie replied.

"You really are something," Grandma Gong chuckled, "visit my granddaughter often, okay? Wait a moment, I'll bring out some snacks."

"Your grandma is so kind, Maine," Elise said to her.

"I missed this too when you left, Maine," she added.

As they sat there, chatting and laughing, a stray thought crossed her mind. Dylan. her ex. It was strange how he could still occupy a corner of her thoughts, even in moments of joy. She found herself wondering what he was doing, if he ever thought of her, if he was happy.

She looked at her friends, their faces alight with laughter, their eyes sparkling with joy. They were here, in the present, enjoying the moment. And here she was, stuck in the past, thinking about someone who was no longer a part of her life.

She shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts. This was not the time or the place. She was here with her friends, and she wanted to enjoy this moment with them. Dylan was a part of her past, and that's where he should stay.

She forced a smile on her face, joining in the conversation. But as she laughed and chatted with her friends, a part of her couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. It was a reminder of what she had lost, but also of what she had gained.

She had her friends, her family, and a whole world of possibilities ahead of her. Dylan was just a chapter in her life, and it was time to turn the page. As she looked at her friends, their smiles genuine and their laughter infectious, she knew that she was in the right place. she was moving on, and she was going to be okay.

As the clock struck noon, the room filled with a sense of reluctance. The laughter subsided, replaced by a comfortable silence. They all knew what time it was, but no one wanted to be the first to say it.

Finally, Elise broke the silence. "I guess it's time for us to head out," she said, her voice filled with a hint of regret. Emelie and Monique nodded, their faces mirroring Elise's sentiment.

She stood up with them, her heart heavy. "I had a great time, guys. We should do this more often," she said, trying to keep the mood light.

"We definitely should," Emelie agreed, her smile soft. "Today was really fun."

Monique, added, "Let's make a plan soon."

As they walked towards the door, she followed them, a sense of nostalgia washing over her. They shared a group hug, promising to meet again soon. As they stepped outside, they turned around to wave one last time before disappearing down the street.

She stood there for a moment, watching them leave. The house felt empty without their laughter and chatter. But as she turned to go back inside, she couldn't help but smile. Today had been a good day. A day filled with laughter, love, and friendship. And as she looked forward to the next time they would meet, she knew that there were many more such days to come.

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