

Ace regarded the two ladies in front of him and tilted his head on the side. He looked at Kelsey who was waiting for him to answer. "Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body's hereditary material and can make copies of themselves." He said as he continued to munch on his cookie and stated all the facts without batting an eyelid.

Kelsey was completely flabbergasted. She stared at her brother in awe with her jaw dropped open. She couldn't believe that Ace was blurting out facts out of nowhere. She couldn't even memorize a sentence of what he just said by only reading it once. He was absolutely a genius!

"See, photographic memory." Paulina said grinning widely at Ace. She let out a chortle and waited for Kelsey's reaction.

"T-tha-that is nearly i-impossible." She stuttered still staring at Ace. Being astonished and amazed were completely an understatement. She was way beyond amazed. She was way beyond flabbergasted.

"This brother of yours is very special. As soon as possible, I recommend that he attends school to enhance his skills. I'm sure that he will be very successful one day."

"I'm sure he will." She said, grinning wildly at her brother, who was sitting on the floor oblivious of the ladies' conversation. "We better go, thanks again for the cookies." She said hugging Paulina.

"No problem, I will be expecting this smartypants tomorrow afternoon." She said ruffling Ace's hair as he beamed at her.

"He will be here. Come on, Ace, say good bye to Pearson." Kelsey said resting her hand on the top of his head.

"Bye, Pearson!" He said waving his hand frantically. "See you tomorrow, Mrs. Freeman!"

"See you tomorrow, Ace. You be good now, okay?"


"Take care." Paulina said at Kelsey.

"You too, thanks again for this." She said lifting the bag of cookies.

"No problem." Paulina said shutting her door shut.

When Kelsey and Ace were inside their apartment, Kelsey quickly stopped him and carried him to the couch. He giggled when she lifted him and sat on the couch.

"How did you know all those stuff about cells?" She asked him skeptically.

"I don't know." He admitted shrugging his shoulders. "I just read it from the big book that Mrs. Freeman has."

"You know, I'm very proud of you." She said sitting down on the couch and giving him a sloppy kiss on his chubby cheek as he giggled in response. "You are the most intelligent kid I have ever met." She stated as she started tickling him. He laughed loudly as he tried to tickle her as well.

For about two minutes, the two were just tickling each other, until Kelsey's phone rang. She stood up from the sofa and took her phone from the centre table. She looked at the caller ID and it read 'Margie'.

"Hey, Marg." She answered.

"Hey, Kels. Sorry I only called you now. But I heard your message. Sorry, I was really busy at work. Speaking of work, do you still need one?" She asked as she could hear the TV playing on the background.

"Yeah, I need it big time." She sighed desperately.

"Okay, lemme just call Bryan." She informed her. "Babe, Kelsey needs to talk to you!" She screamed on the other line as she covered the mouth speaker, but unfortunately, Kelsey still heard the loud yell. She even flinched from the sound. Kelsey heard some movements on the background and some breathing after.

"Hey Kels, what's up?" Bryan's deep voice asked over the phone.

"I need a huge favour. I really need a full time job. Do you think you've got any?" She asked hopefully as she watched Ace plays with a couple of his toys on the couch.

"Let me check." He said as Kelsey heard some rustling of paper. "Mmmh, what about a gardener mower?"

"No, I don't think I even know how to use a mower." She admitted.

"Assistant dentist?"

"I know nothing about teeth, Bryan."

"Okay, so that's a no. What about a worker at a call centre?"

"Not good with public speaking. Nor computers."


"Not qualified for the job."

"Child care assistant?"

"That's sound pretty good. But are there any other options?" She questioned biting her nail anxiously.

"Mmmh, this is a good one. A personal assistant at the King Corporations. You'll be working under Mr. Mason Emerson King. You in?" Bryan asked expecting her to agree. It was a good offer and a well paying job.

"Don't they need a qualified person for that job?"

"Nope, it specifically says here that you can be hired with or without the qualifications. They're more looking at your challenging past experiences and if you do well in the interview. So what do you think?"

Kelsey thought about it. For sure, she will get high wages. It was one of the most successful and popular companies around the country and it wouldn't surprise her that they will pay her well. "I'm in." She said hesitantly letting out a sigh of relieved.

"Great, just email me your résumé so I can fax it to them. After they see your résumé, they will give you a call and ask you to go to the interview." Bryan informed her.

"Okay, thank you so much, Bryan. I really appreciate your help." She said genuinely with a smile on her face.

"Not a problem, if you need anything else, don't hesitate to call." He said as she nodded even though he couldn't see her.

"Thanks again."

"Okay, talk to you soon." He said hanging up the phone. Kelsey put her phone back in her pocket relieved and ecstatic that she might be getting a really well paid job.

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