

WAR ANGEL #4 : It’s Beelzebub 

ARCHANGEL #5 : So these guys are really serious with storming heaven’s gate with everything they’ve got 

ARCHANGEL #6 : Urghh….

Beelzebub was a tall figure with a slightly humane look save for say his head which carried two distinct horns, his hands which looked more like the hands of a monster with its scaly skin and long fingers with his legs sharing similar characteristics with his hands, his wings spanned a whooping fifty six by thirty two inches with it looking like those of a bat. 

BEELZEBUB : I’m honored that you all still remember me despite my changed appearance 

ARCHANGEL #5 : Why wouldn’t we remember, you defiant…. ( the archangel is not allowed to finish his sentence when a blade slices through his neck beheading him instantly with other angels staring in horror) 

BEELZEBUB : you will show me respect and not cut me off when I speak, I am not here to banter wo

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