
6 Negative spirit

Andien trembled and chose to lean against the wall of her room once she was outside.

"What happened to Mama?" she asked herself.

Andien hoped Kenan would come out soon so she could go back to see how Anjani was doing, but almost 15 minutes had passed and there was no sign that Kenan was coming out and neither was Hanna.

"What is Kenan doing inside? I hope Kenan isn't giving Hanna a hard time," muttered Andien as she closed her eyes.

"Tante Andien?"

Hanna opened her eyes as she heard a child's voice calling her name and she smiled as she saw Keanu standing in front of her hesitantly.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" asked Andien as she knelt down in front of the boy.

"Did you forget that it's my birthday today and you promised to take me for ice cream?" asked Keanu in a reprimanding tone.

"Oh my god. You forgot. Why don't we wait for Aunt Hanna?"

Keanu nodded. "Yes."

Inside the infirmary Hanna was still trying to explain to Kenan that the man's order didn't apply as long as she put Anjani in the 3rd class infirmary.

"Do you understand justice? They will pay more to get all the comforts in this hospital whereas people who can only pay the standard price then they all have to be satisfied with the services provided by the hospital," Hanna explained.

Kenan was ready to rebut Hanna, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Dimih moving restlessly by Anjani's bedside.

"What's wrong?"

"Madam... I saw Madam's hand move," Dimih replied hesitantly.

Hanna moved quickly to confirm Dimih's words. Anjani had been under her care for a week and she had tried her best to bring the middle-aged woman to her senses. Anjani was sorry to see the condition of the woman who previously looked beautiful and vibrant now like a living corpse.

"How is it?" asked Kenan impatiently.

Hanna looked at Kenan sharply and calculatingly before speaking. "Can we talk in my room?"

Kenan looked at his watch and nodded. "You can as long as it doesn't take too long."

Hanna nodded and left the treatment room after making sure Anjani was well and safe, accompanied by Dimih.

The door opened followed by Kenan's appearance at the door and made Andien, who was sitting facing the door, startled. Luckily Keanu was with her so she tried to remain calm and ready with an excuse if Kenan asked.

"Are you still here?" asked Hanna from behind Kenan's back.

"Yes. Keanu and I were planning to take you out," Andien replied.

Hanna looked at Keanu who was looking at her expectantly, "While Keanu goes out with Aunt Andien, huh? Tante still has work to do."


The question did not come from Keanu but Kenan who immediately gave a sharp look at Andien who had stood up.

"Didn't you say her name was Angel?" Kenan asked suspiciously.

"That's right. Her name is Andien Angela. My niece used to call her Andien. It's probably easier than calling her Angel," Hanna replied with an excuse.

Kenan looked at Andien once more and then continued on his way. It didn't matter to Kenan who Hanna's friend was.

Hanna's office felt cramped when Kenan was inside and heard the explanation given by Hanna. Her eyes didn't blink and her brow furrowed even after Hanna stopped talking.

"Mrs. Anjani needs better healthcare from now on. If you are unable to do so, I will try to arrange all the necessary documents. Of course, Mrs. Anjani will be considered a poor family," Hanna said.

"She is indeed poor. Who would be responsible for her health. You must know that her own husband is selfish," Kenan said cruelly.

"I've seen the news. If you allow me, the hospital will take care of it so that Mrs. Anjani can get the appropriate treatment."

"Do as you wish. Of course you can ask Dimih for the documents. He knows where to get all the necessary documents," Kenan replied, getting up from his chair.

"Then who will be in charge? Isn't Dimih just a servant?"

"Then what's the difference with me? As a sane person, you'd be more suspicious if I did everything," Kenan said before he opened the door and left Hanna alone.

"Crazy. I don't know what that man is thinking. He brought Mrs. Anjani here for treatment and now he's just leaving?"

Hanna threw her pen on the table as there was a knock on the door and Andien and Keanu appeared.

"What's wrong?" Andien asked.

"Kenan. I don't understand his will. I ...."

Hanna stopped her sentence as soon as she realized that she was bound by the doctor's oath that prohibited her from giving patient information to anyone.

Andien approached Hanna and spoke in a whispered tone, "What exactly happened? Is the situation very worrying?"


Hanna frowned as she recalled Andien's words before Kenan entered the infirmary.

"Do you have a special bond or...?"

Andien nodded and hoped Hanna understood without her having to speak.

"Oh my. How could it be a coincidence like this!"

"I didn't expect to see him here either after I didn't see him at home," Andien replied softly.

"Have you been home?"

Andien nodded and explained to Hanna but not the whole story. The plan was for no one to know even though Hanna had helped her all this time.

"Then when can I get all the documents I need?" asked Hanna when she saw Andien's silence.

"I know you mean well but I'm still able to take care of mom so ...."

"I don't know your relationship with Kenan, but he must be investigating how Mrs. Anjani got her medical expenses without government assistance. You're smart Andien so you'll understand," Hanna said quickly.

Andien nodded and cursed inwardly. She forgot that she was currently hiding from Kenan. Kenan couldn't recognize her but she was sure he wouldn't be happy if someone else sympathized with his enemy.

"Thank you for your warning, Hanna. However, I'm not sure Dimih can get the documents you need because they're all in Kenan's hands," Andien informed Hanna in surprise.


"Kenan can do everything."

Hanna couldn't imagine a man like Kenan could be so cruel and she also didn't know how Andien knew Kenan. Could it be that Andien was Kenan's runaway bride and he was getting back at her through her parents?

"What are you thinking about?"


Hanna gasped and then stared at Andien for a long time.

"What is it?"

"Is the reason Kenan treated Mrs. Anjani so badly because he couldn't find you? Did you run away from your marriage?"

Andien laughed and continued to laugh because Hanna's question was spot on. She was indeed running away from Kenan, but the reason Kenan was treating her parents badly was a different reason.

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