

Jeremy was the first friend I ever made since high school, we tell each other everything from our first high school crush to my very first girlfriend, I always tell him everything because to me he was more than a friend, he was my brother. I couldn’t believe my ears when Delle and Amy revealed that he was involved in my accident.

“I know you will label me as a bad friend but I didn’t really have a choice, she was threaten to kill her if I say a word. Am sorry” He said or rather ramble.

“Calm down and explain whatever you’re talking about?” I said.

“Your mom”He said.

“What did she do?”

“She was the cause of your accident”

“Am sorry, you say what”

“S-She said she wanted you not to be with her and she was going to do whatever it takes to do that”

“Wanted me not to be with who?” I asked.

“With Amelia”

“And how do you know about all of this?”

“Remember when you were in the hospital and needed someone to get your clothes from home and I offered?” He said and I nodded remembering how much I hated wearing those stupid hospital gowns.

“Well, I went to your house and overheard your mom and Josephine talking about how the accident really occurred and how they wanted to kill Amy”

“And why are you just telling me this?” I asked in a frustrated tone. He had about five or probably even six years to tell me about this and is just telling me this now.

“I couldn’t, I can’t really risk Amy dying. Your mom was planning on killing and only stopped when I promise not to tell a single soul about your relationship with Amelia. I know how much you are crazy about her but I only decided to tell you this because she is planning something”

“And what exactly is it?”

“I have no idea, she has started cutting me off from any form of communication about Amy or even Joe”

“How do I trust you on this?”

“Hmm….How about showing you the video on who was instructed on hitting you”

He showed me a video of me going to some sort of place and driving towards some sort of junkyard and then my mom’s secretary told me something before getting me out of the car. The next thing I know, he went to his car and I was still standing in the yard and in a twinkle of an eye, I was hit by the man.

Francis was mom most trusted wing man, he always carry out her orders without questioning her but I can’t actually believe he will go this far, he has been like a butler or something I would rather call an uncle or something. Whenever Mom and Dad isn’t around for my most important celebrations like birthdays, school matriculation, School graduation and even when I started and when I started my own company, he was always there to congratulate me and make sure I don’t feel alone.

I didn’t even know when the tears started rolling down. Why does it have to be the people I trust? First Jeremy, then Uncle Francis and Mom even though I suspected how much Mom hated Amy, I never knew she could go to this length. What if I had died?………Why does my life have to be so complicated?

Jeremy and I went to the penthouse together after picking up Daniel and phoning Delle and Scott to meet me there.

“Are we forgetting the fact that he knew the truth about your accident and decided to keep it a secret from all of us?” Delle said while glaring at Jeremy.

“Or even the fact that he is working with your mom” Scott said.

“Or probably the fact that he might tell your mom about Daniel and I after this meeting and have us killed” Amy said.

“I swear am not going to do that” Jer said.

“As much as I would like to do that. No thanks” Amy said.

“He didn’t mean to do it, he wanted to protect you” I said and Scott scoffed.

“And he couldn’t have given me or even Delle an heads up on the situation”

“Am sorry” Jer said looking dejected.

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it. You have to earn our trust” Amy said and we all agreed.

“How?” He asked.

“Pretend you’re still on their side and in case there is any new development, make sure you inform one of us immediately”Delle said and he nodded.

I decided to go home the second day so that to try to know if I could get anything on what Josephine is planning.

I got to the house and met my mom and Joe having a conversation.

“There he is” Joe said when I walked in.

“Is there any problem?” I asked.

“How in the world would you leave a pregnant woman alone in this house.” Mom scolded.

“I explained to her that I needed to finish up my work so as to have time for her and the baby.” I said.

“Your job can wait but right now, Joe and the baby needs you the most” She said.

“We need to hasten your wedding date” Mom said and I immediately tense up.

“We can’t” I said.

“And what is the reason for that?” Mom asked already looking angry.

“Because Dad still has issues with leaving Paris and I want him to be here” I said.

“Are you implying that we give the media a chance to start trash talking about how I am pregnant before marriage” Joe said.

“All am saying is for us to wait for probably a month or two before we start the wedding plans. Dad should be able to be back by then” I said.

“He is right Joe” Mom said and I thank God for her supporting me.

That means we all have around a month or two to figure out a way to stop both my mom and Joe…….

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