
Denounce Carl

Zara's screams echoed all over the dungeon. As they trashed, and burn her with metal. The men showed her no mercy, even though she was pregnant. They hit her where ever they wanted, even in her protruding stomach.

King Luther watched the scene with content and amusement. It was like Zara's screams of pain, brought him great pleasure. He was excited.

Amidst her pain, Zara was more scared for her baby. She was scared of losing it. And at that moment, she could feel her spirit slowly leaving her body, as the pain was so unbearable. 'No, I can't die like this, I can't,' Zara mulled. She knew she was the only hope her people had, so if she had to lose her pride, in other to save them, she was ready to do just that. Besides, what use is pride, if she lost her life.

With tears in her eyes, Zara said, "King Luther, I will do whatever you want, I will lick your feet, please spare my life and spare my people." Then she passed out.

King Luther was overjoyed. 'It took only a little effort to break you, Zara. Now you'll be mine. Mine to do whatever I please.'

"Guards, take queen Zara, to the royal physician, and have her wounds treated."


"Your majesty, Queen Zara is very weak, she might not make it," the royal physician tells king Luther as he examined Zara.

King Luther scoffed. "Royal physician Caleb, you have to do everything in your power to save queen Zara, even if it means killing her baby. You must save her."

King Luther couldn't let Zara die, as she was his key, to making the people of Everton follow him. Although king Luther merged Everton and Neptune into one nation which he called Morana, the people of Everton were yet to accept him and the new name. And why would they, when he brutally tortured and murder them.  

Nodding his head, the royal physician, said "I'll give her a concoction to help her heal and regain her strength, I hope it works."

"It has to work_ Carl's widow is the only one who could help me fulfill my dream of gaining the people's hearts and also attaining the remaining three kingdoms. As I already have Crystal-Ville and Nedal as allies."

After the war, King Neil of Nedal and king Darian of Crystal-Ville bent the knee to King Luther. Pledging to serve him, even though they were Kings. 

While the other three kingdoms, Azrael, Nival, and Greenville remained strongly against him.

              TWO DAYS LATER

Zara gradually opened her eyes, using her hands to shield the ray of light reflecting through the window. She felt much better, and her wounds were slowly healing.

Glancing around, Zara's lips twitched into a sad smile, as this was the first time in eight months, that she slept in a bed or even slept at all. It was also the first time in eight months, that she was seeing light again... Although this ray of light was supposed to give her hope of a new life, it only made her feel worse. 

She knew that the light was not one that signifies, a new and happy start. instead, it signifies, another phase of suffering. 

Zara straightened, touching her protruding stomach. As she takes in her environment. There was nothing much in the chamber, only the bed which she was on, and a small table and stool. Even though it was nothing like the room she used to stay in when she was a queen, she was grateful for the little moment, she got to spend in it. Who knows when she might have such luxury again.

"Baby, I'm sorry that I might not be able to give you the life you deserve. Sorry that you'll be born into a world of wickedness. Where there is slavery and brutal killing of people," Zara mumbled, as sad tears trickled down her eyes.

Zara's time alone was short-lived, as the royal physician walked in, followed by King Luther. 

"Queen Zara, it's good that you're awake. We can continue our discussion...Now, that you've agreed to lick my feet, I want you to also do something else," king Luther, said with a proud smile on his face.

"Your majesty, Queen Zara is yet to fully recover, please postpone any plans you have for her, until she's solely well," the physician reasoned.

However, King Luther was not as soft-hearted as he is. "Carl's widow will do as I say whenever I say it. I don't have the time to wait for her full recovery. Besides, she is no longer a queen, so she doesn't get to enjoy free time," king Luther retorted, with a scowl on his face.

"What should I do king Luther?" Zara asked. She had already accepted her ill fate. She knew that no matter how hard she fought, there was no way she could defeat king Luther, at least not now.

With a smile on his face, King Luther said, "I want you to renounce your late husband Carl, and become my slave. You'll marry me, but you'll be my queen in name only."

Zara gasped in disbelief. She agreed to lick his feet, but she couldn't denounce her husband. No! Not when she still had little hope that he would someday return_To her, Carl was not dead, he was out there somewhere.

"My husband is not dead. He will come back. I know it," Zara retorted, dabbing her hands over her eyes to prevent herself from crying.

King Luther let out a peal of laughter. "Zara! Your husband is dead...the sooner you accept it, the better."

Zara scoffed. "No, he's not dead, I know it," she yelled, although deep down, she had doubts. What if Carl is really dead? If not, why didn't he come to save her and their people?

Crouching down to her level, king Luther held Zara's small face in a tight grip.

"Look here Zara, up until now, I've only been going easy on you, but if you don't do as I say, I will not only kill your people, but I'll rip open your belly and pull your baby out," he gritted.

Zara trembled in fear, and she wrapped her hands protectively around her stomach. How can someone be so heartless and evil? He wouldn't even spare the innocent child in her womb. And he even said he was going easy on her, after all the torture she had gone through. There surely was no limit to his brutality.

With great difficulty, Zara said, "I will denounce my late husband."

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