
Chapter 7

Chapter 7. Did it hurt? When you crawled out of hell?

After two painful minutes, finally the phone started vibrating again and Zivah exhaled with gratitude. “Now pick it up!”

I didn’t have to be told twice. I swiped to pick up the call. “Hello.”

Alex exhaled from the other side. “Finally. I thought something happened. Where were you?” his tone sounded worried.

“Somewhere I could avoid you, clearly it didn’t work.”

“Oh.” Alex paused. “Hi.”

“Is that what you wanted to say?”

“Um no? How are you?”

“I was better when you weren’t around.” My snarky replies were surprising myself but somehow I couldn’t stop. My mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, and I quite liked it.

Alex sighed, not liking my responses or my sarcastic tone. “Can you answer my questions?”

“Can you not ask questions?”

“Can you not question my questions?”

“Can you not answer my questions with questions?”



“Fuck you!” he screeched in frustration.

“I bet you want to.” My mouth snapped shut, my eyes wide at my words.

Alex didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Oh you have no idea.”

I found myself blushing a little at his words. But my sarcastic self wasn’t done yet. “I can say I want it too but I am not good at lying.”

Alex chuckled now gaining a sense of humour. “Thank god I am wearing gloves because you are too hot to handle.”

“I can ignore you so hard you will doubt your own existence.”

“I wouldn’t want to exist if you wouldn’t be talking to me.”

Alex was turning super cheesy and I didn’t like it. “I am sorry I didn’t get you. I don’t understand bullshit.”

“Did it hurt? When you crawled out of hell?”

I was surprised at that one, wasn’t it supposed to be, when you fell from heaven. That jerk! “No but I bet it hurt you when I banished you from my kingdom in hell.”

Zivah was now sitting on the chair, her eyes amused and her smiles curled up in a smile. She was clearly enjoying our cynical fight.

“Would you say yes if I asked you out on a date?”

His question stumped me. My mind fumbled for a right answer and I finally blurted out. “No.”

“No, you would say yes?” his mocking voice came through the phone. “Great I’ll pick you up at 7.00. Be ready Hacker Girl.”

And before I could clarify that I meant no, I don’t want to go out on a date with him. He had cut the call, the beeping sound ringing in my ears, increasing my frustration level.

I kept the phone on the table, pointedly ignoring Zivah who was impatiently waiting to hear the whole conversation from me. I am pretty sure she was already eavesdropping and she knew what the whole outburst was about but she if she heard it from me, she could tease me about it.  That errant woman!

I grabbed two bowls, serving three spoonful of rice in each bowl. I kept one bowl I front of Zivah. Her eyes instantly winded with surprise, she raised her eyebrows at me. “You cooked?”

I shrugged, acting like it was no big deal. “I was hungry, didn’t want to order again.”

Her eyes swiped through the rice bowl. “Am I going to end up with food poisoning?”

I pulled a sour look. “Shut up and eat or go back to your room.”

Zivah simply winked at me, deciding to keep quiet and eating. After two bites she smiled at me. “Not bad Myra, I can see that my company is doing you good.”

“It’s just rice.” I replied, rolling my eyes.

Zivah nodded. “Yes in my company, so that means because of me.”

I ignored her, having a fight with Ziv was useless. She had the lamest answers and most of the times they made no sense at all. How could one even fight against that then?

“So what are you going to wear?”

I pretended to not know what she was talking about. “Wear when?”

“Tonight, for your date.” The way she said date, in a mischievous manner, I knew she was hinting at the lingerie and not the actual outfit.

“I am not going.” I replied in a final tone.

Zivah looked shocked, the spoon hanging in front of her mouth. “Why?” she squeaked out.

My answer was simple. “I don’t want to.” I finished the last bite and threw the bowl in the washing sink, the noise of plastic against steel making me wince.

“Why not?” Zivah’s spoon was still half in air.

“Eat that.” I said, pointing at her rice filled spoon. “Because he is arrogant and I don’t really want to go out with him.”

Zivah ate the rice, barely biting it and immediately swallowing it so she could speak. “That’s nonsense. I know you are lying, I know you want to date him.”

I frowned at her. “What gives you that impression? He’s rude, billionaire, flirt, womanizer, insensitive, disrespectful. He’s everything I don’t want in a man. Need I go on?”

Zivah groaned, rubbing her forehead, a fake headache.

“Also I don’t understand how it matters to you.” I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously. “Are you playing Cupid Zivah? Because if you are, I will take that damn arrow and stab you in the heart.”

Zivah shook her head, finishing the rest of the rice and keeping the bowl in the sink. She looked at me. “I just think you should give him a chance to explain. You are the one who says don’t jump to conclusions, right? So maybe you should listen to yourself.” With that parting words, she smiled ruefully and walked away in her room.

I stared at the empty space she was before, her words making me confused. I was so sure that I didn’t want to go because I wanted to punish him but maybe I was jumping to conclusions, and my, were they horrid.

It was 6.45pm, I had taken a bath, exfoliated my skin, moisturized it and now I was sitting on my bed, staring at the completely full closet. I somehow couldn’t pick out anything to wear, or maybe I didn’t want to. So I was still wearing my red panda sweatpants and a light green tank top.

By 7.00 I had made my decision, I wouldn’t be going. I didn’t really want to go on a fancy restaurant where I couldn’t slap him after he had given his false justification.

So I just sat there on the couch, waiting for the bell to ring so that I could open it and lie about having other important work.

At exactly, 7.05, the bell rang and I almost jumped at the noise even though I had been waiting for it. I opened the door, extremely astonished to see him. Alex Bianchi, the guy who wore suits and coats probably his whole life, who maybe even slept in one. Was now wearing a faded light blue jeans that hugged his lean legs and a black plain V-neck tee that made me want to lick the neckline.

I blinked twice, making sure it was Alex only. But that jawline and those eyes, I couldn’t forget in a lifetime.

Alex smirked, apparently delighted with my shocked reaction. He held his left arm up and I finally noticed the paper bag he was carrying. “Can I come in?”

I scowled at him. “Why?”

“For our date.”

My scowl deepened. “But I thought we were going out.”

His eyes raked my body and I shivered as his eyes travelled over my body, I could feel Goosebumps everywhere his eyes landed. “You aren’t dressed.”

I didn’t have a reply to that. Hell, my whole plan went down the flush, along with my socially nice attitude.

“Why are you dressed like this?”

He took a step ahead, making me go back instantaneously. Being in close quarters wasn’t healthy for heart. He should walk with an ‘I am Danger’ sign. “I thought we could watch a movie and eat some food.” He held out the paper bag again. “I got food.”

My mind was still struggling to find excuses to make him go away. If I said I have diarrhoea that would work right? Who likes diarrhoea?

“Oh you are here!” my head turned around to see a full dressed Zivah.

My eyes narrowed at her. “Where are you going?”

Zivah grinned mischievously, her eyes twinkling like a winner. “I have work today. And I’ll be leaving now.”

Before I could scream at that traitor. She was already out of the door, running down the stairs so I wouldn’t catch up and hit her head against the wall. Ah, but where shall you run Zivah, I’ll still see you tomorrow. You live here. I thought, my brain wanting revenge.

I knew she must have told Alex that I had intention of going out with him today and that’s why he was here, dressed so casually and yet looking so dashing. And I also knew she didn’t have work tonight, it was her holiday.

That sneaky traitor!

“Well.” Alex smiled, his smile indicating all the dirty thoughts his mind came up with. “It’s just the two of us now. Let’s start the date.”

I stared fearfully at his back while he kept the paper bag on the table and turned on the TV, logging into his N*****x.

N*****x and Chill.

I was in deep trouble and I wasn’t even prepared for it.


Where are you from??

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