


I've been slipping in and out of consciousness and every time I opened my eyes, I noticed that the car is still moving and the three huge bulky guys sitting in front of me were staring at me the entire time i was unconscious, watching me like a hawk.

My body is like paralyzed to the point where I couldn't even lift up a finger. I don't know whats really happening right now but one thing for sure, is that I've been kidnapped.

This guys are definitely not part of my father's security guards and I have no idea where they're even taking me.

For some reason, a part of me does not really feel scared or freaked out, in fact its really freaky right now that I'm feeling calm. Like I have gone through this so many times in my life to the point where I'm calm about everything happening around me as if my life is not in danger right now.

Weird right?

Another thing I forgot to add about my life is that, back when I was still in the UK, matt used to train m every afternoon to learn self defense moves. I don't know why he even bothered to teach me and every time I asked him, he always says that it will come in handy someday. Every time, the moves he taught me are different and by now, I've mastered the skills on how to protect myself.

Now would be the perfect time to put those moves to task, yet the thought of having a real gun pointed to my face makes me think otherwise.

By the fourth time I slipped to consciousness again, I heard voices all around me. I squinted my eyes and tried to pry them open so I can take in my surroundings but my eyelids feel heavier and heavier.

"What do you think he's going to do with this one?"

I heard one of the guy with the think american accent asked.

"Probably slaughter her and sell her organs to the highest bidder." Another guy answered and I heard them laugh.

As soon as I heard that, I started panicking. What the fuck? Who are this guys? And what do they want from me?!

"We're here. Take her to the interrogation room immediately, I'll inform the boss."

A different voice suddenly informed and I felt the car stopped moving. I gave up trying to open my eyes a minute ago as soon as I heard them say the word 'slaughter', and just tried to act like I'm still knocked out.

Well I guess that was not going to be a problem. Cos I felt another prick of a needle of the back of my neck and I was really knocked out this time.


I jolted up suddenly awake and gasped for air. A bright light shining from above my head immediately blinded me the minute I opened my eyes.

I can feel my body now and I tried to move my hands but then I realized that I was being tied to a chair.

I glanced around the dark room around me and almost gag at the smell of blood that had probably been spilt here a few days ago.

The room was dark and I could only make out a door on the farthest side of the room and when I turn my head to my right side, I saw a long table with different things displayed on top of it such as scissors, pliers, screwdrivers.

What the hell is this place?!

"Hello? Any prick out there who would be kind enough to tell me what the fuck is going on here And why the hell am I here?!" I yelled angrily.

The silence greeted me instead and I tried one more time to free my hands from the tight rope that tied me to the chair.

A sound came from the door, and I started feeling scared just by thinking of who could it be that was about to come in and probably kill me right now and I still have no idea why.

The door opened and two guys walked in while guarding the door on each side, while another figure walked in. I can tell that it was a female judging by the way she gracefully walks in.

She kept walking in till she's standing right in front of me and I can see her clearly now in the light.

She has fade Auburn coloured hair and bright brown eyes. She was wearing black tight leather pants and a small crop top that barely covers her breasts and stomach and a black leather jacket.

She smiled down at me.

"Nicole parish." I narrowed my eyes at her while hearing her say my real name out loud.

"Who the fuck are you?" She chuckled while reaching behind her and pulled out a gun and pointed it to my face.

Remember what matt told you Nicole. Hide your emotions, show a straight face and keep your cool

"Well you're not gonna find out cos unfortunately for you, we have questions of our own. And you're the only person who'll tell us what we need to know." She says while smiling back at me.

I leaned back on the chair and smirked and saw her furrowed her perfectly plucked brows, in confusion.

"And what makes you think that I'll cooperate?" She pointed her gun to the side where the table is at.

"Those babies over there, will make you talk so save your energy for tomorrow cos that's when the real fun will began." I frowned and swallowed the forming lump in my throat.

"What do you want from me? Why am I here?!" I shouted at her. She placed her gun down by her side and clutched the chairs armrest while bending over to look me in the eye.

"You're here for a reason Nicole parish. It's going to be a long night for you down here so start saying your prayers darling cos things will not go so easy for you tomorrow." She whispered to my face.

"We'll see about that." I replied back with a challenging tone. She stood up straight again and glared at me while placing her gun back on the waistband of her pants.

"Oh I can't wait to see what Shane has in mind for you. You'll love the pain." I frowned while she walked back to one of the guys standing by the door.

Shane? Who the fuck is that? Is he the one who is in charge?

She came back again, and I saw the piece of cloth in her hand.

She stood from behind me and suddenly, darkness blocked my vision when I felt her tying the blindfold over my eyes.

"Hey! What are you-! Take this off me you bitch!" I heard her laughter echoed in the room.

"Have fun by yourself tonight parish! See you tomorrow." I heard the door closed with the bang and then silence all around me. I struggled one more time with my hands and finally gave up.

This was not what I was expecting when I came back home today. Whatever this people want from me I'm not gonna give in to them till I get answers on my own.

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