
Do you love my enemy's daughter?

"What are you talking about? Who are you going to punish?" She asked glaring closely at me. 

That was quick; I wasn't expecting those questions. What answer will I give her? I just had to divert the conversation.

 "So let's go shopping before marriage, you know. So we can have a memory," I suggested.

 "Don't try to escape my question. Just answer me first," she insisted. 

"Oh, baby, you are still as stubborn as I left you." I tried to escape the questions.

 "That's not a reply," she said, pouting.

 "Well, if you insist, I mean, I won't forgive myself because I took so long; don't you think I deserve some punishment for keeping you waiting?" I lied, and she couldn't stop glaring at me. 

Why won't she fall for me when she's always glaring at me? Did she think I would fall in love with my enemy? Nope, I will deal with her so well that her parents will mourn each and every day. 

I will make them suffer. I want to show you nothing but my wrath. You shall feel it as each day passes. 

I will make you suffer and marry someone else. After my revenge on your parents, I will keep you and marry someone else. You will die a miserable death.

 I swear on the day I was born, the Edward family will pay for their misdeed. "

You don't deserve any punishment, and moreover, you are here now." She rushed out for my lips. and give me a kiss.

Oh my gosh, she's getting me mad with all this affection. A question hit my heart, and I chose to ask her about it. 

"What is it that can make you feel betrayed in your life? I mean something that will be unforgivable?" I asked, and she took a deep breath and put her hands on the bed.

 "There's nothing I can't forgive. Because to err is human, to forgive is divine. But there's also something that can hurt me so much: when the person I care about betrays me.

 You know, I don't trust easily, because when I trust, I don't give any chance for doubt. When I love, I love with my heart" She took a deep breath. 

 "So, being betrayed by the person I care about so much will hurt me, and it will really be difficult to forgive the person," she explained. And I smirk.

 "Hmmm, that means I need to be careful not to hurt you," I said with a smile. 

"You wouldn't dare; I trust you," she said, blushing. 

How much trust can I get from her? She will find out that I am her worst nightmare after the wedding. 



Seeing Nathaniel after a long time truly melts my heart. I found out long ago that I was in love with her, but that couldn't be possible. 

I need to inherit my friends' enemies. I know the pain he went through dealing with his parents' deaths. But today I felt like I couldn't continue to inherit his enemies.

 That lady was innocent of all this. I want him to marry her, but not as an enemy. She deserves more than this.

 I really need to talk to Khalid. In anyway I will do it.  I really need to speak with him. I think by now Jenny wouldn't be at his place. 

I picked up my car key and strode out. Few minutes later, I arrived at his house. But disappointingly enough, I met Jenny. 

They were both smoking. 

"Hey friends," I greeted as I went to sit, but I didn't get a reply; they were both giving me some kind of look that I don't understand what it means. 

"What's that behavior? I just greeted you guys!" I shouted angrily.

 "Khalid, please, can you tell me what it is by your time?" She asked and faced Khalid with a surprise look. 

That makes me more tense. 

"Wow, Herald, don't you have any girl to catch up with tonight, or you've already had a fling with all the girls here? How many days and you've" He couldn't complete his statement when I shut him up. 

"Hey, hold it. Stop making it look like I am the only unholy person here. I actually came because I wanted to talk; in fact, I booked someone with whom I am going to spend this night. But I had to say this now." I gave them a killing look.

 "I am surprised what talk will make you come here; I know you so well." "Common we are listening," Jenny said, and sniff out some smoke.

 "Can you guys please, for heaven's sake, you both should stop smoking like idiots?" "It could damage you guys' hearts," I yelled at them.

 Jenny suddenly starts to laugh while Khalid smirks. Little devil, I haven't seen him laugh after his family was killed. No matter how funny the thing is, he would never laugh not smile. 

"Son of a b*stard, are you lecturing me?" Common, wake up; you know I am fucking better than you. You can easily contact incurable diseases from sleeping around with different girls," he charged back at me.

 "No, b*stard, you are aware I am always under protection. Check it out," I said, and I brought it out of my wallet, to show them the condom. 

 "We got it, bro., both of us will stop when you stop all this fling thing," Jenny said.

 "M*therfu*ker, you know that won't happen.I enjoyed it," I replied, pulling out my tongue in a mocking manner. 

"Same here; we fancy this. Keeping the brain working," Khalid said in his sweetest voice. 

"That looks good on you, bro," Jenny compliments him.

 "Jenny"I called and keep a long look.  And their attention was drawn to me again.

 "What, why are you so serious?" she asked. 

"Please, can I have a moment with Khalid?" I need to talk to him; this is very important. Please" I managed to say.

 There was silence for a while. She looked at me, then at Khalid. Khalid winked at her to give us a chance. 

"Okay, you guys can discuss whatever you want. Moreover, I was about to leave when you came," she said, standing up. 

"Will we catch up tomorrow? But definitely after work," Khalid said, standing up to hug her. We see her out, and when she finally left, I felt a big relief.

 "So, guy, what's up? What do you want to say, and how important was it?" Khalid asked as we walked back inside. 

"Very important, but we really need to sit to talk this out. 

 "So why don't we go inside first?" I replied.

 And he nodded to the idea. and we headed in. I cleared my throat immediately, and we settled. 

"This is all about Nathaniel," I started. And I can see he keeps a straight face immediately. 

"What about her? What is it with her?" he asked without showing any form of affection; it was obvious he only wanted revenge and nothing more.

 "Why don't we keep her out of this? I mean, she's not responsible for this; why should we punish the innocent one?" I asked, biting my lip. I don't know what his reaction could be.

 "Do you know why I am still allowing you to sit here?" he asked, and that got me amazed. 

"I don't get," I answered.

 "In the first place, who do you think you are to tell me who and who not to take my revenge on?" I am fucking dealing with the whole Edward family, and nothing would stop that, not even you. Non, my dead parent, I meant this; this is a really deep guy.

 The chance you stand talking to me right now is because I am the person I am today because of your parents. They took me in after everything—my education and how I became powerful. It was all because of them. So I won't like to disrespect our friendship. "He thundered and rose on his feet boiling in anger. Nm

 "Why are you snapping? You are shouting already. I am only telling you that we should be careful and not punish the innocent. Did you forget this revenge is also my revenge? I can't wait to see you defeat that man, but we shouldn't include the innocent people.

 That lady is a good person, even after a long time. After meeting her today, I realised that she's still the same genuine and loving girl we've always known. Please think about this: "I tried to convince him.

"Are you in love with her?" He asked. 

"What sort of questions is this"I replied.

 "I asked again, are you in love with my enemy daughter" He roared like angry lion. 

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