

Andre dropped his phone still lying flat on the bed, he did try everything possible to get his doubts and thoughts off his mind concerning this woman,whom he thought could be his unicorn.

"It's impossible, she can't be such ....such..".

He bit his tongue and sighed.

"I hate them all...I hate each and everyone of them"He breathed out hotly, his heart pounding heavily against his ribcage.

Then his phone beeped multiple times, he didn't have to glance at it to check who it was.

Apart from business associated messages, he had one person who will torture him with messages.


He groaned and covered his face with his hands everything around him irritating him like hell.

Swallowing tightly, he heard a knock on his door and quickly jumped to sit on the bed.

The door opened, he cursed inwardly regretting why he didn't lock the door after Evan left his room earlier.

"Hello son".

Mrs Hitler mouthed and pushed the door, locking it automatically.

Andre stood to his feet, his hands clenched into a fist, tightly by his sides.

"I could remember,I gave you no permission to enter my room"he replied tartly.

She smirked and pulled her bedroom robe off, exposing her new lingerie.

Biting her lower lip sexly and cupping her breasts in her palm.

"How do you like mummy's new gift for you?"

"You are an old hag, I have no interest in seeing your dirty undies or your lipos and plastic body "Andre bluntly replied.

"Awww, still angry about what happened hours ago?"

She made a sad face.

Andre quirked a mocking brow.

"My father is too stupid to think you are good enough to be a wife,you are just a perverted bitch".

Mrs Hitler forced a smile, and stared at him in the eyes daringly.

"Well I am definitely better than the bitch for your mother".

"I have no mother, now leave this room or I will make you!"

His voice thundered.

"Well we both know that isn't possible, and why the panic? I only wanted to know what my son thinks about my new lingerie collection piece, don't tell me you had an erection seeing your mother in lingerie".

"I am no son of yours, you must have hit your head somewhere old woman. Now I have a warning,I am not in a very good mood, and I don't believe in a man not hitting a woman, you should get out here or regret ever stepping into this room".

"Pathetic, as long as you live in the Hitler's,you will always be subjected to my control little one, hit me? You don't dare!"

Without hesitation Andre grabbed her painfully by her arm immediately and dragged her heading to the door.

"Get your hands off me you bastard!"

She struggled but her strength isn't even a half of his, she turned pink trying.

He unlocked the door and pushed her out.

Mrs Hitler's wanted to fight back but the maids across the hallway were already gossiping with their eyes.

She bit her lips in anger, stood frozen at the spot then Andre opened the door and threw her bedroom robe at her before slamming the door shut.

Hitting his back on the bed ,he closed his eyes and cursed.

"Bitches, stinking bitches".

He murmured and threw a hand over his face, his other one, clenched into a fist squeezing tightly.

He had a lot coming back to his memory,painful and hurtful memories he tried to erase but each time,each second, they kept coming back to haunt him.

"Mummy, please I want you to stay".

8 yrs old Andre cried his eyes out.

"Why can't you understand, don't be so dumb like your father, the only reason I came here is because of you Andre, my regret is ever getting pregnant for a Hitler".

A woman in her late twenties replied.

She had the same piercing blue eyes as Andre and the same olive complexion too, even his thick black long hair, that gave him a feminine look.

She is no doubt his mother, who handed him over to a maid at 6 months and only visits weekends till he is old enough to request for her to take him.

"I don't want to stay here either, I.. don't like the Maid, she...she..".

"Enough with the nagging Andre, I can't take you with me no matter your silly wishes, I will continue visiting weekends just like today, now study well since you are not allowed to school outside the Hitler's mansion, maybe in the future ,you will be a rich brat like your father and then you don't have to cry mummy anymore".

"Mummy, I want to leave,I can't stay please, I also want to get a haircut".

She left the heartbroken lad and walked out of the room.

Minutes later he overheard his parents fighting.

"You golddigger,you whore, I was drunk when I released that bastard of yours into your stinking vagina, you took him with you ,he is dead to me, I am not even his father".

"Do whatever you please with him, I don't fucking care, I have a new man sucker, you can kill him for all i care, he is your son anyway".

Little Andre was lying at the same spot crying uncontrollably, as their voices kept echoing in his head.

He slept off only to be awakened by another trauma.

The maid that was assigned to take care of him and school him at home, she was in her late twenties then, known as Kelly.

She had carried him to the bed,and like every night as long as Andre could remember, she had his pants down and a hand over his mouth.

"You are the closest I can get to be with Mr Hitler, don't worry, I won't hurt you, in fact you will grow to love and run after a woman's body someday".

"No please".

Andre murmured beneath her palm as always, he was at least see and can struggle.

But not enough to defend himself, she did have her way and skip on him till her satisfaction

Leaving him shivering and crying "mummy" each time.

"I heard you told your mom, you don't like me, how bad of you, you will starve for days my young master, good night sweet little one".

She whispered and kissed his cheek before leaving the room and locking him indoors.

She was the only one that had the responsibility to take care of him,so she could lock his door anytime.

Literally,the teacher, friend, sister and mother figure he ever knew.

The bitch resigned after he almost killed her one of the nights with a dagger, during her usual dirty routine, unknown to her 10 yrs old Andre hid a dagger by his bedside, he pretended to cooperate and not struggle only for him cut into her throat, she ran out of the room, her neck bleeding, shouting that the younger master was possessed.

He heard she did survive though but never stepped foot in the Hitler's mansion ever.

Aguero's father locked him in for days and starved like the possessed animal he was tagged with.

But unlikely he didn't cry anymore, he didn't plead, there was no single expression on this 10 years old boy's cold face.

He had to survive with the tap water he got from his bathroom, as the days extended to a month.

Andre's phone beeped again,jerking him to reality.

He Ignored it but later decided to check the phone.

"Hello Teddy" sent at 7:50pm

"Hello Teddy, are you there? I just want to let you know, how lucky I am to have you,you are my world too Teddy".sent at 7:55.

"Oops you are not replying,you must be sleeping dreaming about me?(winking emoji)" sent 8:10pm.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep,you are guilty of this though,it's pay back time, hit I am really excited Teddy, are you?"sent at 8:30pm

"I love you, can't wait to meet you, Good night Teddy"sent at 10:01pm.

Andre drew a deep ragging breath and typed with feverish fingers.

"Me too, it's going to be a great day, sweet dreams".

He replied and switched off his phone,closing his eyes back tightly, he swallowed hard.

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