

"Before you take a shower, bring this to Sol first, Yula."

I blew a sighed when I heard my mother. I turned around and went back to the kitchen to get the rice cake.

Whenever I think about what happened last night, I can't help but be annoyed. He does have not the right to talk to me like that! Does he own the street?! I was right! That Rael has some attitude problem!

I chose to follow Mama's order even though I really wanted to refuse. Surely, I would see that jerk. My annoyance for him has not disappeared yet. If he ever say something that I will not like, I swear, I am going to punch him!

I rolled my eyes when I saw him at their garden. The jerk was not wearing any top again!

When his eyes drifted at my direction, he just furrowed his brows. I stopped myself from frowning at him. It was too early for him to ruin my day.

I showed him the plastic container.

"My mother wanted to give you this. She made this yesterday." I tried to hard to talk in a calm voice.

He threw the hose nonchalantly on the ground before he walked towards me. I immediately handed him the container.

"Thanks," he uttered lazily as he took it.

I brushed my fingers through my hair. Suddenly, I did not know what to do. We were just both standing without saying anything. I pretended to be busy looking around us. And when my eyes drifted back at him, I caught him staring at me.

I could not help but be amazed at his eyes. His deep set beneath those heavy black brows were of a different color from one another.

The other one was the blue of every dancing sky. While the other one was the flecks of deep brown... like the warmth of an eternal hearth. 

But this man is rude! His eyes are the only beautiful thing about him! And you should never be deceived by physical looks!

"Do you still need something?" His brows knitted in a frown. 

My lips parted a bit and blinked multiple times. I could feel my cheeks burning.

But because I was determined to pour out what I was feeling...

"Last night," I trailed off, fearless.

He cocked a brow in surprise. 

"What about last night?" he asked in a cold voice but I did not miss the amusement in there. I ignored his annoying tone.

"We were not flirting with each other. And you should know that I did not like what you have said," I said in a hard voice.

He gave me a dazed look of bewilderment. He pouted as he nodded his head a bit. 


I pursed my lips. He really is trying to annoy me!

"I am serious, Rael. I'm offended by your words. You should never talk to me in that way especially we are not even close." I stared pointedly at him with an icy coldness. 

His brow furrowed as his mouth turned grim. I knew that he was annoyed by my words because his expression turned serious and cold.

I turned my back on him and did not wait for his response. I do not have time to prolong our nonsense interaction because what for? I do not want to waste my time to someone like him.


Danica had a huge smile on her lips when she saw me. She was wearing a pink dress for her birthday today. She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"You're so beautiful as always, dear. Come here! I will introduce you to my friends! I'm sure they will like you because you are pretty like us!" She held my hand and looked at Lucille an Nessa.

"Ugly ducklings are not allowed in our table so you can't join us." Danica smiled sweetly at them but there was a hint of mockery.

"You witch gay-" Lucille was about to come near to Danica when Nessa stopped her. Danica pulled me away and waled towards a table full of beautiful gays.

There were three beautiful gays at the table. All of them were smiling at me.

"Girls, this is Yula. I told yah! Quality control!" Danica winked at them.

My smile remained in my lips even though I was slightly uncomfortable.

"I like her! And I am sure Ma'am Black will also like her! Apple's girls are going to be losers!" One of them clapped happily. 

They made me sat and poured many questions to me.

"Your face is so fresh, honey! You should use that beautiful face of yours! Do you want to earn a lot of money? Just by sitting?"

My brows slightly furrowed at Danica.

"Just by sitting? Is that even possible?" I laughed awkwardly a bit.

"Two thousand is very easy to earn in this job!"

"Our customers are very thirsty for women like you! Soft features and very soft skin! I am sure you are going to be the apple of their eyes!" One of them cheerfully said.

"This girl seems to be so rich. Her hands look so soft," I heard one of them whispered.

"Are you in, Yula? You are just going to entertain our customers. Drink with them and have some fun conversation at their tables but I promise! They are not allowed to bring you outside or anywhere," Danica uttered.

"Uhm, i-isn't that dangerous?" I bit my lip.

"Dangerous? What are you talking about? Of course not! People nowadays are just very narrowed minded but this job that I am offering to you is noble, Yula! And we will never bring you in danger! Kevin will surely hate me!"

"I am sure you drink beers and all that, right, Yula?" Rafaela asked me but her name in the morning is Rodolfo she said.

"I d-do not," I responded in a small voice.

"Oh, dear! You should learn how to drink beers! Our customers do not drink milk!" Rafaela clicked her tongue, disappointed in me.

"What are you?! Of course, we are going to teach her how to drink!" Danica rolled her eyes before glancing at me.

"What do you think, Yula? Are you in?" 

Until I reached home, I was thinking about their offer. If it weren't for my father, I would grab the offer immediately. I know that my parents would think that working at a bar is not very pleasing to the ears.

"What did you say?! One night, two thousands?! God! Grab it, Yula! You will never find a job that offers a salary like that!" Kevin commented when I explained the offer the following day. 

But when I saw my father's reaction, I knew immediately that he will not let me work at the bar.

"At a bar? Do you even know what it is inside of a bar, Yula?" Papa asked me in a stern voice.

My shoulders slumped. I could not defend myself because I know that my father has got a point.

"I-I will not put myself in danger, Pa. And-"

"No! Stop with this nonsense conversation, Yula! I am working so hard for this family! You do not have to put yourself in that kind of job." My father was really determined to oppose me that I was not able to defend myself at all.

"Andres," Mama called him in a soft voice.

"Even you, Lourdes. Do not tell me you are going to let your daughter work at a bar?"

"But your daughter wants to. Why would you be selfish for something that she wants to do? That is a noble job, Andres. You are belittling people who work at a bar by that reaction you are showing to us."

"I am not belittling anyone, Lourdes," my father's voice was stern.

I bit my lip.

It saddened me because I know that could be a big help for us if I ever get to work in there. We have a very huge debt when I was in coma. Our bill at the hospital grew larger and larger. Even though my mother has been telling us that the person who they borrowed money from is very kind because they are not asking for an interest. They did not also give us a deadline. 

From what I know, my father has already able to pay twenty thousand pesos but our debt is still huge.

"What? Did Uncle Andres give you his permission to work at the bar?" Lucille asked me while we were preparing the foods for the farmers.

I was not able to come here yesterday because I had a severe migraine. Simoun visited me and bought a lot of foods. He even brought a doctor. When the doctor said that there was nothing to worry about, he calmed down.

"Not yet. I think it is impossible for him to give his permission." There was a sorrow in my tone.

"That could have been a big of a help for your family. If I were born beautiful, I would not hesitate to grab that work!"

It has been two days since I told my parents about the job but until now, I have not gotten any answer from my father. I was slowly accepting the fact that he will never let me work in there.

"God! What is that woman here again?" Nessa's voice was low but filled with annoyance. I looked at the direction she was looking at.

I saw a woman dressed in a printed maxi dress. Her hair was being swept away by the wind. She was carrying a box. Her eyes were covered by a big sunglasses. She was smiling widely as she walked over to us.

I saw a white car. She was probably the owner of that.

She pulled her sunglasses up to the top of her head when she came near us. She was roaming her eyes in the surrounding as though she was looking for something else.

"Hi! Oh my god. It's so hot!" She flipped her hair as she laughed softly. "Anyway, where is Rael? I told him yesterday that I am going to visit today. Is he there?" She pointed at the direction where the farmers were.

I furrowed my brows as I looked at Nessa and Lucille.

"Ah! Yes! He is there! You should just wait for him. They will be here any minute now." I was aware that Nessa's smile was fake.

"Okay! Can I sit here for a while? I brought you guys this cake. This is my favorite flavor and I'm sure Rael will also love this." Her smile was sweet and I could say that it was genuine. She put down the box on the table.

Her eyes shifted on me suddenly. Her smile slightly disappeared but it went back immediately. Of course. I returned her smile because I'm not rude.

"I think I didn't see you here yesterday. I'm Nikola. I believe you are not Rael's girlfriend, right?" she uttered cheerfully. 

My forehead creased a bit.

"Oh! I am not!" I shook my head.

"That's what I thought. Because I asked him yesterday if he has a girlfriend but his answer was so vague!" She suddenly stood up and waved behind us.


The farmers were walking towards the hut.

Rael was wearing a plaid longsleeves with a white inner shirt. His bottom was long. He was also wearing a black boots.

Nikola greeted all of them as though she has known them for many years.

"Join us, Nikola. Do you eat these kind of foods?" My brother, Kevin, asked her.

There is adobo, fried milk fish and some vegetables. My mother and Sol were the one who cooked these foods. We helped them in preparing the ingredients.

"I do not eat with barehand. I am sorry," Nikola said in a shy tone when she probably noticed that there was no utensils.

"This woman is really beautiful," I heard Lucille whispered in a sarcastic one beside me.

Nikola did not eat but she sat beside Rael.

"I was texting you the whole night but you were not replying. You just replied this morning." Nikola's voice was low but I heard it clearly. She was smiling but I could hear the disappoinment in her voice.

I was sitting in the middle of Lucille and Nessa. Infront of me is Nikola and beside her is Rael.

Nikola was just eating some fruits using the fork. Her move was very classy and womanly.

"I was busy with some things, Nikola," Rael responded in a cold voice. Our eyes met all of a sudden. Our stare lasted for few seconds. I was the one who broke it off because those eyes was too heavy for me...

And I am still annoyed at him.

"You might get annoyed at me because I am always texting you. I will understand if you will say that you are busy so I will know," Nikola uttered softly.

I discreetly scolded myself. Why am I listening to their conversation?!

Nikola did not stay any longer here. After we ate, she stayed for few minutes before she left. I just got the chance to ask about her when we were on our way home.

"Her car had some problem yesterday. And Rael was the one who fixed it. I did not expect that she will be here again. From what I know, she is from the other town."

I pouted when I heard Lucille.

"And did you hear them?! They are texting each other!" Nessa gasped.

"Tss! But Rael is not always relying to her! I heard him! That woman is very obvious! She does not know how to be hard to get!"

"Well, are you even going to act hard to get if Rael is infront of you?"

Their conversation about that went long. I just remained quite about it because I do not have anything to say to that rude man.

As I reached home, I took a shower before I made myself busy with making crochet pouch. I put the money that I earn from selling these pouches in my piggy bank. Once I made it full, I will give it to my parents to pay for our debt. I know that will not be enough but at least I am trying.

I did not notice that the sun had already set. When I checked outside, it was already dark and the sky was a bit gloomy. I was in our living room when Mama entered. I did not expect the man behind her.

Rael had some plastic bags on his hands which I concluded were the groceries my mother had bought.

I immediately looked away and focused on the crochet pouch I was making.

And why is he here?

"Darling, can you please get some snacks for Rael? We still have chocolate cake there, right?" Mama told me so I was left with no choice but to obey her.

I glanced at Rael when I stood up. I caught him staring at me. I heard Mama telling him to sit while waiting for me. What is he doing here?

He followed me in the kitchen to put the groceries in there.

"Thank you so much, Rael. I will take care of this." I heard Mama.

"It is nothing, Lourdes."

I quietly sliced the cake and made orange juice for him because I am a nice neighbor. 

When I came back in the living room, he was already sitting on the sofa. He fixed his posture when he saw me.

I raised a brow at him.

I put the plate infront of him together with the juice and quietly went back to where I was sitting earlier. This is our house. Why would I be the one who should adjust?

"Can I buy this one?" His voice was soft.

I looked at him. I did not notice that he was holding the crochet pouch, the one with a bear. His expression was unreadable. I could not tell if he was serious with what he had said or what.

He was wearing a simple white v-neck shirt and chino shorts. His hair was slightly disheveled.

"For whom?" I asked in a calm voice, meeting his intense eyes.

"For me," he whispered softly.

"That design does not suit you," I could not help but commented. 

He pouted, dropping his gaze on the other crochet pouches on the table.

"Which of these suits me then?" he asked me.

I averted my gaze and tried to think about what design suits him. But the designs were all colorful. I have just noticed right at this moment that the bear was the only design that can be considered for a man.

But that design does not suit him. And it is far from his personality to have this kind of crochet pouch. Suit himself. I am not forcing him to buy so if he ever realizes that the crocheting pouch is ugly, that is his problem.

"Are you really going to buy one?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

His forehead creased. "I will. Don't you want me to buy one?"

I did not argue with him.

"This is a business. You should not ask for a discount, okay?" I told him if ever he was planning to ask for a discount.

His thick brows met. "I am not asking for a discount." 

"I am just telling you. Do not be like Lucille who almost wants to get these pouches for free." I pouted. "I think that design is perfect for you. I am sure you are into colorful things."

"It does not matter to me," his voice was tender.

"That costs one hundred." I smiled sweetly.

He stared at me longer than he should before he averted his gaze. "Okay..." he whispered as he took out his leather wallet from his pocket.

I pouted as I continued crocheting, waiting for his payment.

"I can get the change tomorrow," he uttered making me looked at him. 

A one thousand peso bill was in his hand.

"That is too big, Rael."

He pouted. I could clearly see that he was suppressing his lips to lift up. I creased my brows.

"I do not have change for that," I said and went back to crocheting.

I heard him sighed deeply. I looked up at him when he stood up from his seat.

"Wait for me. I will be quick," he said and walked away. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Love." I looked at where the voice came from. Simoun had just entered our house while Rael was on his way to the door. Simoun was frowning at him.

I put down the crochet pouch and stood up. Simoun went to me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I did not expect that you have a visitor. Who is he?" Simoun asked in a firm tone.

"Uhm..." I quickly glanced at Rael who was now staring at me through his cold eyes. His both hands were dug into his pockets.

"H-He is Rael. He is our neighbor, Simoun," I answered, smiling a bit.

"Really? Anyway, I brought you some pizza, donut, ice cream and pasta from my favorite restaurant. Yup. I know. Too many foods but I have a lot of money. And didn't you mention yesterday that you wanted fruit cake? And because I love you, of course, I bought one for you."

My eyes were drifting from them. Rael was just watching us. I do not even know how to make him leave.

"Bro, I think you can leave now? Her boyfriend is here. You should go home."

My jaw dropped at Simoun's words.

I saw Rael's brow raised. His eyes darkened as he stared at Simoun.

"I am sorry. Do not worry. I do not have any bad intention," Rael uttered in a casual tone.

"That's good to know then. I just do not want any man being near to my girlfriend," Simoun stated rudely.

"Uhm." I decided to insert myself. "Rael, you can pay the pouch tomorrow." I smiled a bit.

He pouted as he stared at me for a moment before he looked away and nodded a bit. "Okay..." he whispered.

I watched as he disappeared from my sight before I glanced at Simoun who was looking at where Rael exited.

"Let's go? Mama is in their room. My father is not yet home," I said before leading the way.

Simoun had a lot of stories to share. While we were eating, he has been talking while I was just listening.

"Mom wants me to settle down already. I'm turning 30 this year. And I told her that I am just waiting for you to be ready," he said suddenly which made me so shocked.

I felt like I could not even swallow the donut. I grabbed the juice and gulped it down.

"I am not rushing you. Especially now that you can't remember anything. I will wait until you can remember everything before we get married. You are the only woman I want, Yula. I will wait for you," he continued which made me shocked even more.

"Simoun, I still have not made you my boyfriend." I stared directly into his eyes.

He nodded. "I know. But I am sure that you will eventually. It is better for us to have our plan for our future."

My lips parted, blinking multiple times at his words. He stared at me and suddenly, his eyes flashed with annoyance but it immediately vanished.

"Do not tell me you have no plans in marrying me?" He laughed and shook his head. "I am just kidding. I know that you will never do that. I am rich. You will never find someone like me," he said with confidence.

If Sol did not come, I was probably going insane everything that Simoun has been telling me. My mind could even process his words at all.

I stood up to find out why Sol knocked 

"Yula, can I ask for your help, dear? I am going to the small market tonight. I forgot to buy some stuff because I was not able to bring my list. And Rael has migraine so he can't come with me," she said while glancing at Simoun every so often.

"Oh. Is that so?" I looked at Simoun. He stood up and checked on us. His palm rested on my back gently.

"What is it?"

"Oh! I did not know you have a visitor, dear. Uhm, I think I can go by myself. I can manage, Yula. Even though my back is hurting, I still can manage to carry the things that I will buy."

I shook my head immediately. "I will go with you. Do not worry."

"I can drive you. So you will not need to commute," Simoun volunteered which made Sol shook her head immediately.

"No need, dear. I do not want to bother you. I think it is better for you if you will go home. It is very dangerous if you are going home late in the evening."

I silently agreed to Sol. And I wanted Simoun to leave. I feel like our conversation about marriage made me so exhausted. I could not bring myself to listen to him anymore.

"Go home now, dear. You know how dangerous this place is."

"Sol is right, Simoun." I smiled a bit.

"Uhm, okay. But I can drive you to wherever you are going and then I will just go home straight as soon as I dropped you off."

I was about to say something when Sol talked.

"There is no need for that, dear. It is fine with us. You should leave now. You might get stuck on traffic."

I watched Simoun's car slowly disappeared. Sol went home to get the list of the things she needed to buy. I went to their house. 

I saw Rael coming out from their house. Sol was behind him. When he saw me, he just stared at me through serious eyes.

"Rael can drive us. He said that his head does not hurt that much. Come here, dear," Sol told me and help my arm.

I looked at Rael who was walking infront of us. I furrowed my brows.

"What are we going to use?" I asked Sol.

"I burrowed Lando's owner. And has your visitor left already?"

"Yes. He just left few minutes ago."

She nodded and smiled. "That is good then," she whispered.

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