
Blood sucker is here

Furthermore, I felt so relieved after I told Artemis my apologizes, I mean I probably should have not, but I am a nice person for a reason. As I was listening to the velvet classical music of Puccini- O mio babbino caro. I heard the slightest sympathy, a taping noises on the door.

 Tap, Tap, Tap(Hold 3 seconds) Tap, Tap... Tap. Turning off the music, excited to see who was at the door. Hearing a “May I come in” from behind the door.

“Yes you may.” I cheered knowing exactly who it was, then seeing the person that lights up my day. Waiting for him to open the door with my biggest smile, I ran up to Zander in the biggest hug. Jumping on his waist, I got down still hugging his almost 7ft figure, 

“I miss you” saying in a whisper only us would hear.

“I miss you to flower.” Zander said, looking up to see a rare smile on him.

        “Are you doing good, flower—heard from a little cub, heard you and Artemis got on good terms.” Going back to his “serious face” and walking to his favorite corner where piles of blankets and pillows were layered.

“Yes, we did, he said he forgave me, and he was sorry for yelling at me and Daisy.” He said, sitting down on my bed, “Good, he’s so luck I wasn’t going to ponce at him putting him so up to the sky —”

“Ok, thanks, Zander, but I don’t think I need to know the rest.”  I said trying to say it in the nicest way possible, I flew up to him noticing his eyes were changing to a deep ocean. 

For that I got uphold of Zander placing one hand on his cheek rubbing it, and the other holding his hand knowing this will make him calm down immediately. 

As I did that, about a minute later, his eyes turned back to their forest self, lowering my head down to him still using the tip of my thumb to rub his cheek and, waited for a response, but he just locked eyes with me. 

Without any word he got up making sure to put me down on my bed gently and walked away closing the door on his way out, he always did that every time he would get some type of anger, he would.

A-Eyes turn to the devil

B-Start destroying everything in his path

C- Probably kill the creature he’s upset at (which would be Artemis). 

Yes, Zander has always been like this, even when he was a baby. 

Actually, he was actually adopted by Artemis father or step-father when he was 3, so we never knew what he was, until he got older. If I’m aware, he’s a half Griffin, half demon, making it even worse when it comes to his temper.

Lucky when Artemis father Damon adopted Zander they helped him control his anger and even flying, but even know the older he gets, the more harmful he can be. It almost scares me, knowing my best friend can be a killing machine. Or that’s what Reginald said’s, which I do not approve of that choice of words. Unfortunately it is true, even Artemis said he can be an amazing soldier he could make wars and battles so much easier. 

The only problem is, once you start him, it's hard to stop the demon.

The Guide to Potions of Nature, a book of potions I got for my birthday from Daisy since I myself, is not really the best, yet my mind wasn’t focused at the back of my wings thinking about how Zander was before. But I shook it off, knowing that any distractions can make the whole spell turn bad. As I waves my hand raised my hand over the pot, I said:

To be little

Short as a sprout

Rise up above the ground

Up to a foot, maybe two

Let me bring this flower

 To the world we know

Up, Up and grow too

Glitter then started to from making a beautiful chocolate rose. It looked beautiful, but then black ooze just like blood started coming right out of it, with lack and gray smoke.

“UGH, not again.” I huffed, opening the window to get all the smoke out. 

“Wow, who knew Lavender would have trouble with such a simple spell.” 

Not having to turn around, she knew just by the smell of fresh blood and an extensive amount of wood haven cologne. Reginald. Or, to my definition, a pain in my wings. A blood sucking monster. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Reginald….sometimes. But god, he’s just too arrogant to get over of, but I also blame Artemis. He hates Vampires so, I hate them too. Well, hate is a strong word.

"Hello Reginald, how may I help you.” I spoke up, still keeping my back to him, giving a side eye thinking about will I say next.

“Hello sunshine, why so down. Don’t you miss your favorite creature?” Reginald said as his British accent come in just gave me chills, I heard the sharp brushes of his black shined shoes come closer.

“No, I am not, and you are not my favorite creature.” I mocked, finally turning to face him, only to have him a couple inches close to me. I looked at him seeing that he has not changed at all, his Blonde curls slicked back ocean green eyes, he never changed his attire, all black suite, black socks, and all.

“Awww you know you love me.” He smirked, bending down to my eye level, only to see a disgusted look on my face.

“No, I do not love you, now please leave before you know who will come down and do it himself." I defended getting back to my confident self with my chin up and all.

“Come on, sunshine, think about it. You and I ruling the Vampires.” He said, leading me to the porch,  he grabbed my right hand in a dance, giving me a twirl. “We can show those were wolves that not all Vampires are bloodsuckers, plus We can be powerful.” He convinced now holding on to both of my shoulders, then bringing one don to my chin, noticing his eye color changing to blood-red.

“Don’t you want that.” He said giving another iconic smirk, I stepped back surprised not knowing what to say.

“You think I can rule the Vampires.” I said in shock, and not even flattered on his deal. I turned around, not knowing what else to say, pondering if that’s what he really wanted. “Listen and listen closely I am NEVER going to be your queen nor your wife, so if you ever think you could just come here with your arrogance and no good deed. I will take those golden lock of yours and boil them in poison dunddlewood.” I threatened, stepping one step closer after each sentence, making sure he knows who's in charge of her. 

Finally, as I said my last word we were on the edge of the porch, only at the end a 200 feet drop. Wind blowing through my coils which showed power. Now looking at his straight in the eye to see a raised eyebrow and a angry Vampire ready to suck at any time, prior to the stare, Artemis came barging in ready to pounce himself. Beating gold eyes, teeth and claws out.

        “Where—there you are.” Artemis growled, putting his claw out at Reginald. “ Who do you think you are coming into her room? You know the rules, no one except me and special guest can come in here. " Oh, I have been waiting for you to make a mistake and kill you on the spot.” He smiled maniacal, cracking his knuckles and head with the look of kill.

         “Oh really Artemis and what are you going to do chase you tail,” He mocked wagging his “imaginary” tail. Artemis breathed in and out, as it happened is eyes turned gold again.

 If Reginald wasn’t scared now, he should be.

        “No, I’m going to do something more than just way my tail. I am going to way your eyes out then-”

        “ARTEMIS” I screamed, not knowing I did it so loudly or as harsh as I had it in my mind. “Please both of you, we do not need any war happening because both of you don’t know how to keep your cool. Please.” I didn't know I had the encouraged yelling at anyone, especially Artemis.

Again, stuck in my room for the 3rd time today, and it’s not even dawn, I wanted to get out to do anything really I am usually not this rebellious, but I can’t take this any more they all think I’m this angel that came from the heaven. 

Does that mean that I am getting rebellious? No it can’t be I will never become that time of creature I will stay as they say “Holy” I paced around my room thinking of what just happen.

Furthermore, I sat down on my bed biting my fingernail, overthinking of the scream’s and yells that will come out of his mouth. Even thought I know he would never yell at me like that, I still thought of it. Felling anxiety come up to me, I decided to meditate making sure to breath, and only breath.

“That went well,” A dark and rough said in my head, I ignored it, knowing not to get distracted. “Wow your really mad at aren’t you?” The same voice repeated sitting right next to me, I opened them immediately feeling sorry for ignoring Zander.

 “Oh gosh, Zander I didn’t mean too, I thought you were just a voice in my head.” I apologized, going into a big hug, both hands around his neck, feeling the urge to cry.

“No need to flower.” He said Hugging back, I plopped my chin on his stomach noticing a new scar that has formed in his face.

“Wait, what happened to your eye.” I said concerned, carefully outlining the short scar on his right eyebrow going down to his to the tip of his eye, seeing his flinch at the touch.

“Nothing love.” He said, taking my hand away, giving an assuring look that he was fine, though he's not. Looking down, fidgeting with my hands and bringing my nails back to my teeth.

“Stop doing that.” He growled, putting my hand back to my lap, his eyebrows collided making his scar bleed a little, I saw a drop of blood go down from his face, ignoring it. He looked like he was going to say something brining his hand up and mouth open but stopped when I guessed left the blood drip like a tear down, disinterested he flicked it off like nothing.

“Love,” He breathed in, closing his eyes and whole body together, taking a deep breath in and out. Something I would do. “At 6 we are having a meeting with the Lords of Anhk. Artemis said that when they are here to watch you, so be prepared.” He said. 

I picked my head off his shoulder, furry my eyebrows together just like Zander did, to ponder what the Lord's would want. Many questions went through my head, not wanting to invade his mind, I shook it off.

“Can I have a sleepover with Daisy —and you?” I asked politely.

“ I have to ask Artemis. " He said getting up while saying it. “ But I will go ask him, just don’t get your hopes up, got it.” He bent down to rub my hair before leaving with a kiss on my forehead.  Fixing my hair that he messed up, I said goodbye only for him to leave me in a know lonely room. Then again, again, me stuck for another day.

It sucked always having to be stuck in this chamber, but most creatures would love it. Not having to do anything, plus as they all say I have everything I need my own library on the side, a study room, a windowsill with my favorite plants, as the Nuns call a “TV”, and even my own personal mall, even video games which let me be honest only Zander will play. Let me just say after a while it gets boring, especially when you are there pretty much 24/7. Heck, I can't even go to school, I like all the fairies and the magical creatures.

     But not I have to be the weirdo that stays at home all how do you Nuns say it Yeah, depressed I learned that one with Daisy, she said that this show called The 100 was really depressing. I forget why something about some type of flower names Bell and a boy named Clark not getting together which doesn’t make sense cause why would a flower want to date a boy. Shows on TV are crazy.

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