
Chapter Five


The night had been a blast, to me at least. I had gone to the club, taken a few shots and flirted with a few lonely men who definitely were not my type. But it was fun. Then I met him, and perhaps it was induced by alcohol, but I felt such an attraction to him that I wanted to tear off that shirt that clung to his body so nicely. We had left and gotten a room at the motel. It was a blissful night, in my opinion. A night well spent.

It was not my intention to have such an encounter, but the man I had gone with was one I felt so attracted to, I could not control myself.

Now, though, I was awake, and boy, it was a rude awakening.

I was still just waking up when I felt him shift from me. I frowned in response, and my eyes cleared slowly as I yawned, resting my head on one hand.

Then I saw him too, and the pleasant haze I was in was quickly replaced by surprise.

I was about to speak but he did first.

"Julie Scarborough," he growled at me, hands clenched into fists. I sat up tensely just as he vacated the bed with breakneck speed, picking up his pants from the floor.

"Well this is an unpleasant surprise," I snapped, my memories of a blissful night fading away into nothingness. Way to spoil the day, Julie.

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I should just kill you right now."

I laughed mirthlessly at him, "Kill me? Oh really? Wow! That’s rich of you, thinking you are strong enough to kill me. You would not be able to lay a finger on me Alpha Donald. That is your wishful thinking," I had gotten up from the bed, pacing dangerously and all but spitting venom at him for whatever had happened last night.

"This was your plan then? To take me unawares, trick me? Is that it? Rogues like you must not have a problem stooping so low to accomplish your goals!" He was ranting now.

"I was drunk!" I growled at him. "Why didn’t you stay away from me, huh?! Why is this my fault, and not yours?! What an Alpha you are!" I snarled in disbelief. How dare he!

He was now wearing pants, and turned facing me. His eyes spoke of intense hatred towards me, and he could see the same in my eyes.

We were now a great distance from each other. I faced him, my eyes could not help but look over his naked torso. I hated myself for it, pulling myself out of this haze of attraction. I looked away, frowning at my body betraying me at this moment. What was going on? I searched myself, turning to give him another glance, and it was then I saw him hold his chest as if he just felt a shockwave. As I was about to speak, I suddenly bowled over, my stomach feeling queasy. I looked up and my eyes met his. He had a dark look on his face.

I gasped, feeling it just the same as he did; a bond between the two enemies.


How could we be mates? The Rogue and the Alpha? How ridiculous.

I looked at him, my eyes widened.

"No," I saw Donald stumble backwards in shock. I could see the five stages of grief played out on his face as I myself went through the same thing. Except for the last stage – acceptance. I would never accept this. Goddess forbid.

"You are not my mate," I whispered, anger coursing through me like an avalanche. Oh moon goddess, why him?

"I could say the same for you, Rogue," he bit out. "I reject you as my mate."

"As do I!" I felt a shiver run through me at her words. I turned away from him, speaking as I struggled to put on my dress, "We will pretend this never happened. Forget about all of this, Alpha." I could not help but bite out his title with hate. "Should we ever meet again, it will be on the battlefield." He growled and with that he exited the room, letting the door slam behind.

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