
Chapter Two

She had watched movies, fantasy movies, wolf movies when she was still a kid. she'd always underrate them. thinking them to be just fantasy, she never once fantasised of a happily ever after because she was a solid realist. she was just a human girl who lived a boring life with her mom and siblings and she never thought her life would change so suddenly. if someone had told her that she'd someday be in a love triangle, she wouldn't have believed that person. if someone had told her that she'd see a real life wolf, then she would have scoffed at that person. if someone had told her that....

she'd be an alpha's mate.... then she would have laughed out so loud.

but here she was, she was now called Alexis, instead of her real name, Davina.

she was now sleeping with the Alpha!!!

she was the Alpha's mate

she was going to be the mother of the Alpha's children....

this was exactly how it happened

exactly how she, a human girl who was maltreated by her family, suddenly became the Alpha's mate

This was how it all began.....


Three days ago

"You haven't exactly been the mother of the year! Was I adopted? Or did you pick me up from somewhere? Just say it!" she yelled angrily at Maxine, her mom.

"You're pissing me off, Davina. Head to the kitchen and do the dishes, then I'll forget this ever happened " said Maxine

"You think I want that?"

Tears flowed down her eyes as she let out pent up emotion towards her Mom and siblings.

"Screw you all! I'm leaving and I'll never return" Davina said and stormed off before they had the chance to reply.

that was the last conversation she had with her mom and siblings.

she hated them! she hated them because they treated her so unfairly. she worked her ass off doing Maxine's errands and juggling part time jobs while her siblings, Pete and Claire lazed around and enjoyed the goodness of life.

The tears didn't stop flowing even after she left the house . She knew she didn't want to spend another second with her family but what she didn't know was where she was going to spend the night.

Her fiery spirit was beginning to wane. For a moment, she thought about going back home to apologize to Maxine.

Should she apologize?

She had no where to go.

As she walked on the lonely road with no destination, she saw a lady.

The lady looked in her forties. She had a green shawl wrapped around her neck. She couldn't see the woman properly because of it was dark.

"child," the woman called "what are you doing out here alone?"

The day's events came flooding in again and she figured the situation she was.

heavy tears began to cascade down her cheeks

"I ....I am doomed. I have nowhere to lay my head." she said, through tears

she sobbed. "I just left home. Permanently, if I can survive for long. I ditched Maxine and my evil siblings." she exhaled.

"I thought it was a brave move but.... but now, I don't know...." she trailed off as she went back to crying.

The woman let her cry for some time and then said

"come and stay with me"

"what?" she didn't expect that.

"come and stay with me. You can spend the night at least" the woman offered



"why" she asked, puzzled.

"firstly, I live alone and secondly... I'll help you" the woman smiled

"help me with what?"

"you'll know soon. let's go" she beckoned

If she had known better, she wouldn't have followed the lady. she had already sensed a weird vibe radiating off the woman. she knew she shouldn't follow strangers like that but wordlessly, Davina followed her because of course, she didn't have much of a choice.

"by the way, I'm Agnes, you're Davina right?" the woman said

"how'd you know that?" asked Davina, more puzzled this time.

"you'll find out " that was all she said

Davina gulped. how did the woman know her name? she hadn't met her before. Was she allowed to suspect this woman's motives? As far as she'd seen, the woman seemed like her saviour but what if she wasn't?

she was lost in thought until they reached the woman's house.

it was a small house, concealed a little, by huge trees. it was also quiet like it was deserted.

"Just so you know, I won't harm you" the woman said as they got into the house.

Her day couldn't get any worse than this, she was just going to spend a night at this house. she had no where to spend the night after running away from home, so if someone offered her help, she had no choice but to accept.

"Won't you tell me your story?" the woman, named Agnes asked her after a while.

"It's a cliché. Maxine, my mother, loathes me and I couldn't stand her anymore so I ran away from home " said Davina, as she forced a smile "total coward move " she scoffed

"that's not true. You made a brave decision " Agnes comforted

"how can you say that, you barely know me"

"I see you " Agnes said vaguely "I see you now"

This was one hell of a weird woman. Davina thought as she stared at Agnes. This lady talked like she knew her, knew what she passed through with Maxine and her siblings.

"you were treated unfairly by your family " Agnes added

"They despise me" Davina wailed " I'm so insignificant to Pete and Claire and Maxine only notices me when she needs me to run an errand or do chores "

"I understand " Agnes said in a soothing tone

"Do you? Do you know what it means to be insignificant to people, to be treated without love, like garbage?" she wailed further

"I feel you " Agnes said

"I mean I just wish I was in a world where people love me, protect me, know me. I wish I'll meet people who can risk their lives for me. I wish....." she paused when she realised she was babbling

"I'm sorry " she said to Agnes "I got really into my feelings"

"I can take you to a place like that" Agnes suddenly said

"where? orphanage?" Davina interjected

"nope. A totally different world " said Agnes, broodingly

At this, totally devastating moment of her life, a loud laugh escaped from Davina's lips

"wait! what are you? a psychic?" she joked

"yes I am" said Agnes which made Davina laugh all the more. Agnes kept mute for a moment then continued

"Your father, William Othis died in a car accident caused by an icy road

Maxine loathes you because your father William, died while going to buy cheese for you. She blames you for all her misfortunes. Pete and Claire both have different father's and...."

"wait a minute, how did you know all these things, how do you know my dad's name?" perplexed Davina asked

"did you do some sort of background check on me?"

"like I told you, I'm a witch, Davina and I've always chosen to be your guardian for times like this...."

Davina scoffed

"witch? guardian? what the hell?" this day had turned out to be a mysteriously dramatic and eventful one.

From filling gallons with water and loading them into a pickup truck for Maxine, to ditching her family's ass after her offensive outburst then to weird Agnes and witches and guardians. she chuckled, her crappy day just couldn't get worse than this.

"okay miss...witch, show me what you can do" Davina challenged jokingly

"take me to this so called wonderland world" even as she said that, she couldn't stop herself from giggling

"are you ready to shoulder the responsibilities and bear the consequences of your request?" Agnes asked solemnly

"responsibilities? consequences?" Davina scoffed " that's thick"

"yes or no, Davina" Agnes breathed

offhandedly, she said, "yes, yes whatever!"

That was all the lady who sat across her needed to hear, before she grabbed Davina's hands and began to utter unintelligible words

At first, all Davina felt was breeze, light breeze fanning her skin, then it intensified.

Suddenly a fierce wind was blowing towards her

she suddenly felt dizzy. What was Agnes doing to her?

"Davina! Davina Othis!" Agnes called loudly

"Be noble like the sun, let even those who resent you for it benefit from your warmth. Good luck!"

She could not wrap her head around what was suddenly happening to her, let alone what Agnes just said. Her breath came in gasps now. Her head spun and before she knew what was going on with her, her consciousness slipped from her.

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