

Chase reached for his walkie-talkie and pressed it to his lips. "We've arrived."

"What do you mean you're here? Where are you?"

"We're holding position at the forest's edge, awaiting your signal."

Suddenly, a piercing howl pierced the night, originating from the direction of the sheriff's office. That couldn't be--

Instinct overruled rationality, and I took off in a full sprint. Malik and Chase shouted after me, but I pushed myself even harder. Who or what had infiltrated my jail?

Onlookers turned to me with wide eyes as I tore through the area, kicking up clouds of dust. Even without my shifter abilities, as a human, I moved with swiftness surpassing that of my packmates.

At the entrance of the jailhouse, two men stood in my path. A low growl rumbled in my throat. "Step aside. Let me through."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but we can't allow you inside. We've received strict orders," they replied, their uneasy stances revealing their hesitation.

My hand tightened around the handle of the knife
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