


Days blurred into nights as I recovered from the ordeal, the blue hue in my hair slowly fading away. 

The mirror wasn't far from my sight and I could see my black rich hair had returned to its original state. It has been days since I last saw Orion. 

A knock on the door interrupted my quiet reverie. It creaked open, revealing the figure I least expected.

"Eloise!" The name escaped my lips. she ran towards me, her dark hair bouncing as she embraced me.

"Princess! You are safe!". She said with relief in her voice. I pulled away and stared at her. She looked healthy.

"I missed you, I was worried. But the dark-eyed man said I couldn't see you until I was well." Eloise said and my mind flashed to Orion.

"He's your mate, isn't he?" Eloise asked, there was no denying the fact because it seemed she already knew the answer.


'Our mate is a god.' Asana purred in excitement, making me roll my eyes.

I stood from the bed adjusting the cream dress I had been wearing and putting on the white slippers that lay beside my bed.  

I walked out of the room and Eloise followed with her hand clasped in mine. My mind drifted to my family and my brother, Rowan, I hoped they were safe and sound. 

Alan's threat rang in my head and my heart clenched with worry. I trusted my brother Rowan to take care of things but Alan was sly and dubious. Rowan was a prince with high morals and integrity.

"This palace is ten times bigger than the castle back home. You could get lost here if you don't know your way around." Eloise gushed, pulling me out of the room. 

The hall was dark but not with an eerie vibe. The curtains were draped around the windows closing every inch of light away. 

"It's so dark."

We finally made our way to a greenhouse. It was filled with black dahlias and a table for two in the middle.  

"There's nothing green about this greenhouse." I burst into laughter at Eloise's words.

"Did you just crack a joke, Eloise?" 

She shrugged, also smiling, " I mean it's the literal truth."

I missed those Obsidian eyes and his dark tousled hair. Did he abandon me here after realizing I was too much to handle?

'No, he's a god, he must have a lot of things to do.' Asana chirped in.

Of course, he must have a lot of things that are more important than me. 

'wow, insecure much?' 

"So what's next for us, Princess, we managed to narrowly escape Alpha Alan's clutches. What's the plan now?" Eloise asked, her eyes reflecting curiosity and concern.

I sighed, contemplating our uncertain future. "I really don't know."

She nodded understandingly. "But for now, let's enjoy the moment and figure things out as they come."

Noises echoed in the dimly lit hallway as Eloise and I walked into the castle, observing the maids rushing around in a frenzy.

"Wow, I thought no one else was around."

As we approached the source of the commotion, we found ourselves facing two massive black doors guarded by imposing men.

His scent lingered in the air, suggesting that this might be Orion's room. There was a possibility he was behind those doors.

"Let me in," I ordered, but the guards stood firm. Although I had some combat skills, using them against these guards would be futile.

"I said let me in."

"No can do, no one apart from permitted people is allowed in, orders from above," one of them said, making Eloise scoff. "Do you know who she is? She is the werewolf princess!"

They sized me up, "You're the werewolf princess, and we serve a god."

The doors opened slightly, and Lotar, Orion's right-hand man, slipped out. I remembered him from my childhood.

"Hey, um."

"It's Lotar, Your Highness."

"They won't let me in." I snapped, glaring at the guards who didn't seem fazed by the fact that I was reporting them.

"No one is allowed in, please return to your room," Lotar said with a stern tone, walking away with a maid.

I stared in surprise; other guards came to meet the two guards standing, and they discussed.

"Cover me, Eloise."

The door was slightly open, and I rushed in, "Hey!" I heard their yells, but I slammed the door, locking it before they could get to me.

The room was all dark and warm, with dark red curtains, and black carpets screaming regal. The King-sized bed was covered with a net so I couldn't see what was inside.

I walked closer to the headboard, peeling the curtains away, and I came face to face with a person.

It was Orion, and he was unconscious.

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