
Chapter 5


My heart is pummeling so fast as I eye Asher point his hand to Taika who is standing, smiling so much. My heart abrruptly stops beating and tears flows down my left eye before it starts with my right as well.

Sabrina growls in disappointment and my hand quivers. My feet is so stiff and cold as I watch everyone cheering the new mating of Asher and Taika. The chant of the crowd makes me feel dizzy.

“Here she is” this voice is resounding in my head and my head is banging so much. My eyes are becoming blurry and hazy. I shut my eyes and flip them open with my whole body trembling. 

I know I already saw Asher and Taika last night, but then one part of me really just thought that maybe today he was going to choose me, but I guess I was wrong. 

I totter backwards, hitting my body with the bodies of those who are busy rejoicing that their beloved alpha and his Luna are together. I keep reeling backwards with my orbs still fixed on them.  I miss a step and crash on the floor like a wounded lion, but I immediately sprout up.

“Why are you doing this to moon goddess, why!!?” I shriek now that I am away from everyone. I bite my lips and wiggle my head in ignominy.

I pull my mask off my face and start running to my house. I have made up my mind that I need to leave this place. I need to leave the pack and everyone and just start my life again. I’m just tired of everything. The world is just so unfair to me. Anything that seems good that is coming my way, it is always not mine. 

I had thought that with Asher, I would have someone to call my own, but I guess I am only meant to be alone. Asher is not mine same way as my dad. My dad was the only person who showered me with love when I was a child, but he died just when I was three.

I stand Outside of my pack house and wipe off  the tears on my face and clear my heart. Asher is not mine and never is meant for me. Sabrina is still silent and the only thing I can hear is her silent groans. Maybe I am too faceless for Asher to see me and that’s why he was given to someone better.

“Ugly duckling” I hear this as soon as I enter the pack house. I turn to the side and I see Ruby, standing with a smirk engulfed on her face. Ruby is the mate of the beta of our pack and she has always been the thorn in my flesh.

“Why is the ugly duckling crying? Don’t you know you look even more ugly with your scarred face? Ewwww” she says, showing fake gestures of disgust.

My heart is shaking and I quickly dab off the remnant of the tears on my face. I already know who Ruby is and she has always enjoyed exploiting on my insecurity.

I turn to leave, but she quickly grabs my wrist and chuckles in my ears.

“ where are you off to, miss Ugly? Come on” she snickers and then breaks into a brief chortle. I remain static and try my best to hold back my tears which are trying so hard to pour out. 

“Do you know something, if I were you, I would have amputated my head, because you look so ugly and scary, gross. you make me want to puke. You should be faceless”She says and laughs out loud.

I bite my lips while my heart booms so loudly, nearly coming out of my chest. She quickly pulls out my mask from my right hand and presses it on my face.

“Aha, that’s more like it. You just go about scaring people and giving them nightmares. I still wonder why Alpha Ryne has left you in this pack, gosh.” She bawls and hits her right Palm on her forehead and wags it. 

“Oh no, wait, I think you actually do have a use. We should start using you to win battles. With this face of yours, I think we can use you to scare our enemies in battle and when they are afraid of it, then we’d attack them. Don’t you think this is a good idea?” She utters and breaks into laughter.

I can’t control myself anymore, and so I start running away heading to my room. 

“Hey ugly Duckling, wait… I’m not done planning yet” Ruby continues laughing while I run away.

 Staying to argue with her will just be a waste of time, because even if I am right, no one will believe me, they’d rather believe and take her side, and I mean my mom too. This is isn’t the first time she has done this to me. The other time I was foolish and reported to the Luna because fighting pack members is prohibited, I rather got sanctioned. 

I am still running to my room when I clash on someone. My head is still bowed down. I hoist my head slowly and my eyes fall on my mom. Her eyes drives into me and chisels out the little amount of strength and courage I have left in me

“Why are you back from the Alpha duel this early?”She queries with her hands folded and placed on her chest. She has a scowl and her brows curve down at the tip.

“I… I ummm it finished already” i timidly said with my head bowed down.

“Oh, so soon. So who won?” 

“Asher”I say and sigh even though I hesitate for a second. The silver moon pack is the leader of the whole clan as they are the strongest pack in the whole region. We are a clan as we are related, but in this case not directly by blood.

“Okay, so he chose Taika to be his Luna right?” She asks and this questions break me into more pieces again than I already am. 

“Yes” I say and spin to leave. Answering more questions will make me break down.

“Why are you in haste to leave?” She drags me back.

“Ummm, mom, I want to use the rest room” I lie and fake a wavering smile. She gawks at me as though evaluating. 

“Okay” she murmurs and walks away leaving me. 

I sigh and hurriedly move to my room. I lock the door and fall on the bed. I can’t even cry anymore.  I try connecting to Sabrina, but she remains cold like a cucumber. There is only one thing in my mind, and that’s to leave. 

I have already checked my money yesterday, but right now I want to count it and hide it in my bag as I will be leaving this night. 

I stand up from the bed and bend down. I grab the box in which I save money in. I place it on the bed. I rush to my drawer where I keep the key and pick it. I unlock the box and my eyes widen.

“No….” I drawl inaudibly as the box is completely empty…

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