

Alexandria POV:

"Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight." My Aunt says, pacing back and forth. She had a scowl on her face. I knew she would be pissed. "So you're telling me..." She started. She stopped for a second, listening to something. She shook her head then continued. "You're telling me, that Mason was cheating on you for Goddess knows how long, and then when you find out he's your mate, he let another she-wolf mark him?!" My Aunt was boiling. I could feel the anger radiating off of her. I nodded my head and looked at the floor. My cheeks turning red. I was embarassed. I spent years saying nothing but good things about Mason, and sticking up for him when everyone was telling me even though he's the future Alpha, he's no good for me. And now here I am. I felt small. I wasn't good enough for my mate. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

I was lost in thought when my aunt suddenly grabbed my jaw and made me look at her.

"Alex! I know what you're thinking, and it better stop right now. I told you for years he was no good. You're more than good enough, you were TOO good for him. I don't blame you one bit." I was shocked. She wasn't mad at me! Oh, thank you Moon Goddess!!!

"I would've done the same thing, sweetie. But we do have to do one thing. I'm going to call your mother and let her know you're here with me and that you're safe." She gave me a sweet smile. Talking to my Aunt always made me feel better. She was a straight foward person, always telling you like it is. And to hear her say that I was in the right, just made me even happier. I started becoming happy with my desicion to reject Mason. Even my wolf was perking up. She started wagging her tail and jumping up and down. 

I swear I just heard her say 'Mate' but that's impossible. Second chance mates didn't exist, and we just rejected our Goddess given mate. But then, the most amazing smell hit me, even more mouthwatering than when I smelled Mason. It smelled like Whiskey and Chocolate. That mixture was breath taking. Aunt Tara noticed me sniffing the air. "Alex, what's wrong?" She asks. As soon as her last word left her mouth, he door slammed open with such force, I thought for sure it was going to fall off the henges. 

What I saw in front of me left me speechless. A man in his twenties, 6'11, covered in tattos with short kept black hair, and the most beautiful green eyes i've ever seen.

"Alpha Wyatt? What's wrong? Is everything okay??" Aunt Tara asked in a panic state. He didn't take his eyes off me. He started growling, and even though my heart was pounding, I couldn't look away. Something was pulling me towards him. He smelled delicious, and was sexy as hell.

Just as Aunt Tara was about to come to my side, the man started walking closer, and started growling louder. My Aunt started freaking out. "Wyatt! Please! She's my niece she's just visiting! She had some problems with her mate back home!" As she said that, his head snapped to her. "Mate? Her MATE?" He growled louder this time.

He walked up to me, standing directly infront of me. May was prancing around in my head and pretty much singing. 'MATE! MATE! MATE!' I was so confused. Mason was our mate, and we rejected him. Just as I finished my thought, I heard a low growl coming from, who I now know is Alpha Wyatt. His beautiful green eyes were swirling with black. He growled out once more, and what he said had me understanding what May was doing in my head.


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