
Chapter 1

A horrific scream tore through the fabric of sound and pulsed through the elegant, peaceful streets.  Amongst the growing shadows heads turned to and fro in a frantic panic to locate the gurgled wail that contaminated their realm.  The radiant one stood aghast as he peered down at the abomination that continued to shred its victim.  A diamond tear appeared and illuminated his heavenly sculptured features.  His marble hand drew to his azure tinted eye and caressed the tiny pearl of water.  He stood momentarily studying this foreign emotion. He loathed this earthly dimension, it bought the worst out in him.  He cast his eyes down again to the scene that appalled him.  The creature had now been disturbed and bolted through the street and dived into the sewage tunnels.  He watched contently as the naïve humans gathered, screaming in unison at the vision that appeared before him.  He knew that he must report back to his divine leader.  This was a sign, a warning of further things to come.  This was a signal of the beginning.  The war had only just begun. 

The early evening clouds began to settle over the rooftops, and a blood-red sun peaked, through the gaps of the gigantic buildings that stood, the clash of thunder rumbled through the city as the rain decided to lash down.  The light as if retreating from the noise, faded completely, the clouds turning a dark purple in protest. 

Detective Inspector Smith stood outside Moli’s Newsagents staring at the body that had been found hours before. 

He stood effortlessly still in a black pin striped Armani suit that signalled authority to whoever glanced at him. Smith was a striking man that exuded power and confidence. His dark chocolate eyes and hair suited his ivory skin. 

He held and rolled his cigarette in his hand tightly as he watched the forensic team rush down the street towards the victim.  He blew out the smoke slowly; watching curiously as it swirled to finally create a wall of mist between him and the rest of reality.

Finishing his cigarette quickly he loosened his grip around the orange butt and threw it to the floor.  It distinguished instantly as it hit the damp pebbled slabs covered with water. Pulling his black coat tighter around him; he noticed movement from the barriers that had been set up only minutes ago at the other side of the street. His coarse voice erupted along the street, barking orders at fellow police officers.

“You!   Officer Nash, get that tape up… no not there, there! And get those damn reporters out of here!”

Through the slashes of rain, he could see the slim figure of Nash running to reporters tape in hand, asking them to leave.  As the frail voice of Nash insisted that the reporters leave the premises, a blond reporter wearing a red suit, and black stiletto heels barged her way through to the front line.  With her Umbrella crashing into everyone’s faces, and clutching her microphone, she fired with full ammunition upon Nash.

“Kylie Marrow for London Wharf reporting, a body has been found, ripped to pieces in Mayfair this evening.  Witnesses are yet to confirm where the body came from, but cult groups are already gathering, in pure belief that this is the beginning of the end.  The body believed to be a young woman is the fourth……”

Suddenly in one smooth movement, Nash propelled his body forward, pushing the reporter and her umbrella into the crowd that had emerged behind her.

Detective Inspector Smith shook his head violently

Stupid Cow…trouble making reporters

“Sir!”  Smith’s broad shoulders twisted to face Sergeant Harper

“The forensics are ready for ya” Harper said 

Smith looked at Harper's face. His chocolate skin was glistening due to the rain. Harper looked exhausted and exasperated. This was the fourth killing. Women ravaged by something fast, efficient and calculated. The public were growing fearful. The pressure on him and his team was overbearing. 

Smith stepped off the curb, and strolled down the pebble streets toward the huddle of people that had gathered. 

Tall white brick houses effortlessly screamed money as he paced past them.  He had never been the sort of person to suck up to the wealthy.  In fact he found them rather tedious.  But a brutal murder right in the middle of Mayfair?

That should shake things up He thought with macabre delight.

As he approached, a forensic officer was knelt beside the body

“Tell me what we got here Bob” Smith said

The figure turned to face him, his old leathered face had grown tired, and his cheeks were speckled with droplets of water.  A heavy sigh escaped his throat.

“It’s not pretty John, poor thing,

Right, well there’s extensive mutilations to the body, evident puncture marks to the throat, whilst having large gashes to shoulder, stomach and thigh area”

“Time of death?”

“Looking at this?  I would pronounce the time of death between at least at seven this evening due to the public observation and call to emergency services. It was sudden John. Just as fast as the others"

“You mean she was killed two hours ago!?  In broad daylight?”

“Absolutely, anyway to finish off”

He stopped suddenly to wipe the rain off his face.

“We have a female, 5ft 5, around twenty five years old, no i.d, member of the public phoned emergency services at 7:30pm”

“Where is this person?” Smith asked

“Uh sir, the woman that found her is being treated in the ambulance” Harper interjected

“Why in the ambulance?  Shock?”

“Uh, no sir…heart attack”

“Jesus Christ…Right Harper see the woman if you will, see what she saw”

Harper nodded in response, and slowly stepped around the body.

Smith’s gaze shifted back to Bob, who was staring at him intently.

“So Detective Inspector, have a motive?”

“I have no idea, it’s obviously some sort of wild dog attack”

“Wild dogs in London?!”

Smith although recoiling at the humiliation of the response, turned to Harper

“Harper!  Get on the phone to the local Zoo; see if they have lost any big cats”

As Harper started to dial, Smith looked past Bob and finally took a look at the body.  The woman, lying on her back, wearing blue jeans and a yellow top had been completely gashed down her entire body.  Her hair was flung around her face hiding the twisted mouth that had shaped to produce a silent scream.  Her eyes bulged in her head, whilst her legs and arms seem twisted and locked in a silent embrace.  Two huge puncture marks stared back at him.

Must be wild dogs

“I somehow think, if I can be so bold John, that it wasn’t any type of animal”

“Shit Bob, if it wasn’t them, then what the hell is it?  This is the fourth death this week, the public are starting to sit up and notice.  Especially these weirdo cults, who now think that the end is nigh, its 2021 for Christ sakes!”

Bob stared waiting in silence

“It can’t be animals”

“Why not?”

“Because the body was meticuously cut in certain places. This kill was calculated, ritulistic and definately after a certain type or look of woman"

"Blond" Smith said hauntingly 

"Short, young and blond" Bob responded "Whatever is killing these women, it is evident that it is searching for someone specific".

Smith nodded 

"It is hunting them. Thats if it is someone acting alone"

Smith’s body clenched suddenly.  As thoughts run through his mind, he looked up to see Harper rushing towards him.

“No worries about the Zoo’s sir, all animals secure, so it looks like no big animals were around this way”

But Smith did not seem to hear Harpers words, only the police sirens seemed to dominate his hearing, as he stared off into the night.

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