
Chapter 4- Blue


Song : Dermot Kennedy - Moments passed

I looked at Cleo and placed my palm underneath her chin and kissed her gently . She kissed me back and wrapped her arms around my waist. It felt so good to hold her and not be at war with her . I leaned down and whispered;

"I am so sorry Bella."

She hugged me and let me go. She looked at me lips swollen and skin flushed. I could tell because her skin tone had changed slightly and I could smell her perfume . She hadn't changed from using ; J'adore by Dior , she also used the blooming range during warmer days . Her stuff was still in our bathroom in both our penthouse and house.

" It's okay. I get that you are frustrated and hurt. I did say thank you for being with me during recovery. You just wanted things to go back to the way they were and they can't . If I loved you then ; I hope to still love you when a part of me comes back . "

I nodded and kissed her forehead.


" Okay you'll give it time or okay I'm still moody?"

I moved away from Cleo and chuckled .

"The first option."

I walked around my desk to retrieve her bag and phone, and placed them at the corner of the desk and moved back to my chair. Cleo walked and retrieved her stuff .

"Thank you."

"Friends ?"

She nodded and smiled.


I was curious about her relationship with Marc , so I asked her a question;

"How long have you known Marc for?"

" Fair question. Since diaper days."

" That long?"

She strapped her bag on her shoulder and nodded doing something on her phone.

" He was my brother's best friend. He weirdly enough dated someone with the same name as you. "

I took a deep breath and massaged my temples. Do I tell her or don't I. The last time she found out was through my mother and she was normal about it.

"Cleo I am Bi. I swing both ways. "

Cleo looked up at me with calm and understanding.

"Okay . So did you at some point date Marc?"

"I ..."

Before I could finish Blake walked in and Cleo saw it as a chance to leave.

" Thanks for returning my bag. See you on Friday .Bye Blake see you at Karaoke Night this Wednesday."

Cleo walked out and I felt sad again . I looked up and Blake looked at me about to laugh.

" You know you deserved whatever she threw at you right?"

" What for taking her bag ?"

"Yes you crazy man. She will get her memory back . She remembered Aaron."

"Yeah. Invite me to Karaoke night."

"Please ...Like you can sing ."

"Blake I am a Massa . I can sing ."

"Before you go to sleep make Cleo a playlist maybe that might help. You really hurt her feelings her memory will return. She had one of those headaches..."

" Tell you what; I will surprise her with dinner and that Chocolate cake she loves so much."

"Now we are talking. "

Blake looked at his phone and smiled at me.

" what?"

" She just sent me a text to keep her box of things for her till Friday. "

" Tell her you will bring it tomorrow morning at eight ."

Blake nodded

"You owe me one boss. It's confirmed. "

I turned around with my chair and smiled

"Fun fact... "


"I can cook I just need Tulips delivered to her apartment . I am getting my baby back."

" That's it boss. Me and my alter ego thought we lost you."

"Get out go back to work."


By the time it was dark outside I was done with everything that needed to be done. I wanted to go see the twins and spend some much needed time with them. When I picked up the phone to call Cleo's mother she told me that; my father had come by in the morning to come, and pick them up. My mother was out of the province. She went to Cape Town last week on business ; the resort had extra cabins built for the influx of tourists it has during peak season. I knew my father was at the Villa because Gia was there ,she was the twins' nanny. I was still not on speaking terms with him and I knew I couldn't avoid him forever. I drove out the parking bay and pulled into the road and drove to the Villa . As soon as I entered I went to the kitchen to get a can of grape juice. I have been sober for the past four months and I wasn't taking any sleeping pills or drinking alcohol." I poured myself a glass and took out my underutilized phone and checked my messages . I had a messages from Cleo ; Paul and my father. I knew Paul was going to throw a bro fit about what I did and I wasn't in the mood. My dad's message was to inform me that he had the twins and that he was at home. I took a sip of my juice and opened Cleo's messages . They read;

" I'm sorry."

"Please pick up so that I can explain myself."

"I am done call me when you are ready to talk and stop acting like a two year old who had their favorite toy taken away for bad behavior . "

I chuckled at the last message because she was telling the truth. I called her and her phone rang.

" Massa ?"

She sounded sleepy and tired.

"Hey sweetheart . I am so sorry."

" What did you finally discover how to use your cell phone ,and bother me at ten in the evening?"

She sounded irritated .

" I am trying to apologize for what happened last week. "

" wow ."


" I am still freaked out that I was in a relationship with you; had kids with you , and oh almost and I mean almost said ;I do. I only asked you to be patient with me and you lost it."

"I didn't know how else to feel ,or react I snapped yes ..."

"It's not for the first time. You have anger issues Angelo. "

" You have a tendency to be passive aggressive and moody."

" The moody part comes with the territory. You scared me . I just had another one of those dreams. "

"A memory?"

"Yes Blue a memory. "

My heart skipped a beat.

"You just called me Blue..."

" You had a gun pointed at me ."

" I don't know why you are remembering all the bad stuff."

" I don't know what triggered it either. You walked out on me at the hospital when you found out I was pregnant with the twins. You even kissed Jane. My best friend!"

"I am so sorry Bella I really am. Let me make it up to you. "

"Angelo I am still shook."

Shame what she must be going through. I have been such a mean person. I love her so much.

" Please forgive me."

I sniffled and wiped a tear off my face

"Angelo... "

She took a deep breath and I heard sniffles on the other side too she was crying too.

" You know what ... I am trying ."

Cleo sniffled again and she started talking through her sobs

"So am I but it's hard when I can only remember the bad. "

I hung up and threw the phone across the counter and I didn't hear it land on the floor. I placed my hands in my palms and for the first time since the night I thought my mother had died and I caused the accident. I cried. I felt a strong pair of arms cradle my head and I just cried . No matter how much shit we've gone through he has always come through for me and instead of thanking him I am always at war with him.

" oh figlio ,quando mi fai male, fa male anche a me." ( oh son , when you hurt it hurts me too .)

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