

Mixed Feeling

Ava stood transfixed and wondered what was going on. It all looked like it wasn't real and was just a dream. She has been battling with what to tell Ethan when they finally meet and now she is having the Duke of Cambridge right in front of her.

For a moment, she has a feeling she might have been played by her mother. She had mixed feelings. She felt like walking out the door, while she thought of calming down to listen to what the supposed Duke of Cambridge had to say for himself. if a pin was dropped the sound would be heard as the room was silent as a graveyard.

All this while Ethan looked at her and didn't utter a word because he knew she was completely knocked off. He stood still and waited until she was herself once more. Ava said nothing. She offered him a seat and immediately started using the honorific for him. Ethan felt uncomfortable but didn't show it.

Ethan coughed, to start a conversation and ended up saying "Hi, how was your night?"Ava looked at him with much more calmness in her voice and said "Fine." barely looking up at his face. I have something to tell you, Ava glanced at him and was eager to hear him. He immediately said, "I am the Duke of Cambridge." Ava didn't know what else to say and immediately lost it. Showing her true behavior she got up on her feet and busted out saying "Oh, my family thought this was going to work? Making me believe I find what I wanted." before Ethan could say another word Ava stormed out of the shop and made her way home.

She flung the door to her open and lay on her bed fuming with anger. her mother noticing her being around walked quietly Into her room only to find her face hard as stone. her mother couldn't believe what had happened to the joy she had when she woke up. she wanted to utter some words but the words were not coming out. She decided to leave her be and left saying "It is for the best." 

Ava was hurt. she vowed to make Ethan pay for toying with her heart and also make sure to sabotage the marriage union they were supposed to share. Ethan on the other hand lay on his magnificent bed thinking of what Ava might be thinking and how she feels about him. still not grasping the situation of things. He drifted into sleep and wonder what tomorrow holds for them both.

The sound of the chirping birds woke up Ava. She reluctantly got up and hit the shower. She took her time to apply her make and headed for her father's study room. she made sure to knock thrice before entering because she knows her father to be stern and wouldn't welcome her unless he sent her for her. She entered with a sober face trying to make her father James Sinclair ask what the visit was about. but before she could utter a word. her old man instantly said "If it is about the wedding of the son of the Duke, we are seeing it through. Everyone has their part to play in the family and that includes you, Ava!" Having said this, Ava stood up and shouted, and said "I am not a pawn to be controlled." Having said this she angrily stormed out of the room leaving her father speechless.

Ava decided not to go to the shop so as not to meet the charming Duke of Cambridge but rather went to see her aunt and have some fun. Ethan waited all day staring at his phone wondering why he hasn't heard from her and sent one of his guards to check the shop if Ava was there. All efforts to reach her proved abortive. He called her lines but Ava was in no mood to talk to him and ignored all his calls. Ethan was just thinking about going over to her place when his father Jack Morgan called and said, "Son we are having the Sinclair over here for a feast to talk about the marriage proposal." Ethan looked dumbstruck and didn't know what to say. Amidst mixed feelings, he wanted so badly to tell his father he was seeing someone but he understand the role of being a Duke's son compared to Ava who was in search of love.

Ethan went back to his room and pondered on what his supposed fiance looked like and if they were compatible. he was lost in thought that he slept off anticipating what his new supposed fiance 

 looked like.

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