
Chapter 2 - Katrina

I wrinkled my nose as I opened the doors to the villa to find Beatrice standing there in a long tan coat that is either the only thing she’s wearing or hiding something she thinks is sexy. She disgusts me. All the females who pass through Chesed’s dark room doors are scum, but Beatrice is the worst.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw it was me and not my Papa answering the door. Oh, the hate in her eyes. Guess what bitch? The feeling is mutual. If I had a wolf or magic, she’d have been dead the first time she came sniffing around.

“What do you want, puttana?” I growled.

“Don’t you call me that, you little basta…” She didn’t get to finish her insult before my fist connected, sending her tumbling back.

“You will watch your mouth, puttana. I am the Incubi Princess Katrina D’Amore, and you will mind your manners.” I declared.

“You little bitch. You could have broken my nose!” Beatrice whined about her nose glaring at me as she got back up. “And you can’t do anything to me. I have the Alpha’s favor. I’m the one he’s called tonight.” She scoffed.

“Oh, that’s priceless. Do you think getting a booty call from Chesed means he cares? He doesn’t even know your name. He wouldn’t side with you over his daughter.” I rolled my eyes.

“We’ll see about that.” She growled, pushing past me.

“Oh, Alpha… Thank the Goddess you’re here. She attacked me.” Beatrice put on a good performance, complete with tears as she threw herself into my Papa’s arms.

I watched as his brow furrowed, the yellow eyes of Chesed, the beast that rarely lets my Papa have control, moved from Beatrice to me. His dark brow arching in a silent question. I folded my arms, arching my eyebrow right back.

“Katrina, explain.” Chesed commanded.

I rolled my eyes. Chesed keeps forgetting I have no wolf. I am no mere pack member. I am his daughter, so even if I had a wolf, I’d be pissed if he dared use that tone with me. Therefore I don’t have to obey his Alpha commands.

“I called it as I saw it.” I shrugged.

“She’s a puttana. What else do you call them?” I sneered, narrowing my eyes at Beatrice.

“She’s just like the others you disgustingly take to that dark room. She sells her body in hopes of replacing your mate and the true Luna of this pack.” I shrugged while Beatrice was putting extra effort into her false tears.

“I would never do that. I know I am only here to please you, Alpha. And when the day finally comes that the Goddess brings you your mate, you won’t need me, but I will always come if you should. Your daughter is just trying to cause trouble.” Beatrice batted her long fake lashes at him while saying the word ‘daughter’ like it’s a disease.

“See, just another skank who would dare disrespect me and the memory of my mother’s place in your heart even if she wasn’t your fated mate by calling me a bastarda.” I explained.

“I would never!” Beatrice shouted, detaching herself from Chesed to wave a finger at me.

“ENOUGH!” Chesed bellowed.

“Katrina, go upstairs. I will deal with the female. Don’t worry, Princess, I can find a proper punishment for her.” Chesed smiled that signature Cheshire grin of his.

“Gross.” I rolled my eyes. “I told you that he wouldn’t remember your name.” I scoffed, shoving past Beatrice.

I don’t have any issues with BDSM. All good to have some kinky fun between consenting adults. One of the few times I’m glad I don’t have a wolf, I don’t have to hear Beatrice and Chesed in his dark room. But I’m still his daughter, and it disgusts me how much of a whore Chesed is. I can’t imagine my Papa wants to be with these women.

I know pot calling the kettle black. I sleep around, but I don’t have a wolf, and the chances of having a mate are slim to none. I, however, have the decency to fuck elsewhere. I don’t bring my one-night-stands into the villa. My brother and I know better and take our booty calls to the Night Haven house.

Before going to bed, I put in my earbuds, selecting a playlist on my phone to fall asleep. With the smooth vocals of John Legend, I drifted off to sleep. Typically my dreams are pretty average, or I think they are since I don’t usually remember them.

And this was pretty normal. I was sunbathing by the pool with my brother and cousin Zoe, dishing about guys cause, well, that’s what we do in our free time. André has Zoe and me cracking up mocking his recent lover who claimed he could take a good dicking but bitched out three inches in.

But everything took a left turn as André froze midgesture and as I glanced at Zoe, and she was frozen in laughter. What in the world is going on? What is derailing my dream?

I stood up from my lounge chair and wrapped a towel around me, looking around the patio. Everything but me was frozen. I furrowed my brow, trying to work on what was going on.

“Think, Kat. What is out of place? You know, other than everything but you being frozen.” I rationalized slipping my sandals on and started looking around further.

“Why is everything in a green tone? What the fuck is going on? If Bisnonna has invaded my dreams rather than calling or texting me like a normal person, I’m kicking her wrinkled ass.” I grumbled.

“We won’t tell you anything, hag.” A voice I don’t know calls out in the distance.

Hag? Is Bisnonna in trouble? Is that why she’s reaching me through my dreams? Has the coven been attacked? So many questions, and the only way I’m getting answers is to follow that voice.

Following the sound of an interrogation of a woman and two men, I stepped through the hedges. I frowned as I looked around, finding myself in an old school dungeon with two young men knelt shackled to the ground. Collared, arms pulled behind them with cuffs linked to the shackles around their ankles.

I didn’t recognize either of them. One was a brunette, while the other was a blonde. Both were bare-chested with deep cuts all over their bodies from being hit with cat-o-nine tails. How do I know the specific whip? I’m the daughter of the infamous Incubi Alpha. Of course, I know torture devices.

The beaten and abused prisoners weren’t what shocked me. What surprised me was who held the whip. It was me! Or it looked like me if I dyed my red streaks and didn’t have taste in clothes. This other me was wearing a drab green dress with an apron splattered with blood and the ugliest boots ever.

If André were here, he’d be ripping her fashion choices apart. But I don’t have my boisterous twin at my side to help ease the tension this scene was making me feel.

I tried to get closer, to move around to where I could maybe see who was being tortured. Perhaps I could identify these men, maybe they are pack members, and Bisnonna sent me here to save them. Before catching a glimpse of their faces, I was yanked out of the dream as my phone’s electronic voice started to read a text.

“New text message of André. Bitch wake up and help me. We got some trouble, and I need you like yesterday. Do you want to reply?” The computer voice read his message.

I blinked, rubbing my eyes, realizing I was no longer in the dream. It was so damn vivid. I’ll have to call Bisnonna to find out what it was about, but I guess one problem at a time.

I quickly made sure I was presentable and rushed downstairs to find out what had happened. As I came down the stairs, I could hear my brother’s voice. It must be the trouble he was talking about.

“You girls are just full of piss and vinegar.” André chuckled.

“I don’t intend to fight anyone. Well, I guess I’ll have a fight on my hands since Alpha has commanded I take you to the darkroom. It isn’t that I want to. But you should know how the command works. Even if I’m of his blood, I must obey.” he shrugged, frowning.


Oh crap. Isn’t having that skank, Beatrice, in that room enough for Chesed. Now he wants to force a woman in there? I thought he would respect a woman’s right to decide if she wants to sleep with him. I thought he wouldn’t be the sort to just take what he wanted even if he was told no.

“That’s why he called me.”I announced, stepping up next to my brother.

I was met by three confused, angry, and mostly scared faces. I gathered the woman with dark hair and blue eyes to be the oldest as she stood in a protective stance, trying to keep the younger ones behind her. A blonde with green eyes and another brunette with green eyes. They are sisters, as I can see the similarities in their faces.

I knew exactly what the oldest was thinking as she sniffed the air. She was trying to figure out who I was and why a human was in the Alpha’s home. Never gets old. She just better not give me an attitude about being the human hybrid daughter of an Alpha.

“And you are?” The eldest questioned.

“Oh yes. Formalities. This is my twin sister, Katrina D’Amore.” André introduced, gesturing to me.

“And yes, I know I’m human.” I commented.

“Yes, it seemed the moon goddess felt only I would need a wolf spirit.” André shrugged.

“She knew he would need a wolf to fight off the immature, ignorant jerks that taunt him because they secretly want him to fuck them and not the rando townies he picks up at the gay bar in the city.” I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood a little.

André growled playfully before grinning. It’s just our way of teasing each other. It may come off as bitterness, but I’m glad at least one has a wolf. And I’m not wrong that he needed his wolf Duilio more than I did.

“Like I would give any of those homophobes the time of day. I certainly won’t be helping any out of the closet unless one is my mate. But I know my mate isn’t in our pack.” he scoffed.

I sighed as I saw the girls look even more confused. It seems they had some kind of impression that my brother was straight. It’s funny because I don’t think anyone has ever assumed he wasn't gay. André chuckled, finding the humor in all this.

“Oh, sweet darlings, you didn’t figure it out yet? Do I seriously not come off as too fabulous to be straight?” he laughed.

Yeah, they had no clue—sheltered little birds. I like to taunt that astronauts in space can identify my brother as gay. His rainbow light is so bright it keeps them up at night.

“That’s why I’ve been saying I wouldn’t do anything with your sisters. I mean, maybe if they were brothers. I do dig blonde boys.” he winked.

The blonde snickered while the younger brunette softly laughed before hiding her face against her sister.

“So who are they, and what’s going on? I was trying to sleep.” I yawned.

I could tell him I was trying to uncover some secret in a dream that might be real, and Bisnonna was trying to show me how to save two men from a poorly dressed version of myself. But now is not the time or place for that conversation.

“Oh right. So the feisty one is Crista. Papa has ordered me to take her to the darkroom.” André frowned.

I gasped and looked from my brother to Crista empathetically. What business would Chesed have with this young woman? She can’t be older than me, and he’d force himself on her? Oh, I am cutting his dick off. See if werewolf healing would grow it back.

“But… Why would he? The darkroom is invite-only. And I’m guessing she disagreed with being invited.” I frowned.

“It’s out of my hands. It was an Alpha command. And well, she’s….” André shrugged before he leaned to whisper in my ear.

“She’s the one. She’s Papa’s mate.” His words shook me to my core.

Papa has his mate. But why the FUCK would Chesed insist and even use his Alpha command on André to bring her unwillingly to that room!? This is so fucked up.

“Oooo. That’s even worse. I’m calling Zia Izzy. She’ll put him in his place.” I scoffed, digging my phone out.

“No. Don’t. If you call Zia Izzy, all hell will break loose. I think Crista can handle him. She’s probably the only one that can.” André said, grabbing my phone and holding it up too high for me to reach.

“Stupid twin brother. Stupid tall bastard.” I grumbled, pouting as I folded my arms.

“Then why did you call me if it wasn’t to get Izzy? Not that you couldn’t just link her.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Well, Papa only told me what to do with Crista. He wasn’t specific about her sisters. Sooo….” André grinned.

I sighed, nodding. I may not like how Chesed is handling Papa’s mate, but if she truly is his mate, she is the only person who can knock sense into him. The Goddess wouldn’t pair her to him if she couldn’t handle Chesed.

“I see where this is going. Little ones, you can come with me. I’ll get you set up in one of the rooms upstairs. I should have some night clothes that can fit you. You can shower, and I’ll bring something from the kitchen. Because well, you look like you’ve had a rough night.” I smiled warmly at the younger ones.

The girls clung to their sister. Of course, they were hesitant to trust me. These poor girls have been through hell. I need to make them comfortable and at ease.

“It will be okay. I promise. Go with Katrina. You’ll feel better after a shower and some food in your bellies. I’ll be okay.” Crista assured them with a smile.

I don’t know how much of that smile is bravado, but she’s pulling it off. Her sisters slowly nodded, hugging her. After a few tear-filled goodbyes, the younger two came over to me.

“I’ll take good care of them.” I bowed my head. Unlike Chesed, I’m going to show some damn respect to the future Luna of this pack.

“Come on, girls.” I smiled, leading the girls up the stairs.

I glanced back to watch my brother lead Crista in the direction of the dark room. Please, Goddess, don’t let Chesed hurt her. Please protect our future Luna. Please protect my Papa’s one salvation from his wolf.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Kimberley Wooley Clark
It's good to see this story from a different angle since I read Alpha of Nightmares.
goodnovel comment avatar
Janet Robinson
great story
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
I still don't like that damn wolf I do like Alex just don't like chese

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