
Chapter 3 Check For Your Services

Two weeks had passed since the day she listened to Dominic and Joseph's conversation.

The mansion was swamped with maids and cooks everywhere, tonight was Dominic's big party. His parents were back from vacation and his brother was expected to arrive before the party.

Isabella was now used to her duties as Dominic's maid. She woke up and ran Dominic his bath, and ran any errands he might require of her.

Now that she was done tending to Dominic's needs, she was helping Mrs brown polish the wood on the staircase.

The sun was making its final journey on the sky and the house looked like a dream. The first guests were expected to start arriving right after sunset.

Only a few girls were chosen to help with the party tonight and Isabella wasn't one of them. Nevertheless, she was determined to be part of the party.

Earlier in the day, she had collected stones to stand on top of and watch from a window, the window that she selected would give her a perfect view of the party because she had spent a lot of time, choosing it.

At five, she bade everyone farewell and ran to her cottage to get a blanket.

She would place it under her knees when watching the party.

Once she was settled and the party had just started, she watched as the two parents took their seats next to each other while Dominic sat with a lady she hadn't seen before. He was wearing his permanent scrawl.

The maids walked around offering different kinds of foods in trays.

By the time the party was in full swing, her knees hurt from being pressed so long against the stones. But she had no intention of leaving the party.

Eric also made an appearance and danced with his mother, afterwards he danced with the young ladies in attendance.

It was easy to see why the two brothers would not get along. Eric smiled and laughed out loud and talked to everyone at the party while his elder brother sat like a stone.

He looked like he'd been forced to attend his party. The only time Isabella saw him smiling was when he was dancing with Rosetta but he disappeared after that.

Eventually, she could not take the pain anymore. She moved away from the window and rolled up her blanket when suddenly she heard footsteps walking on the pavement next to where she was hiding.

The footsteps got louder as the person approached. She pulled Rosetta's flowers in front of her to give her extra cover.

"How's the party going over there, Isabella?" Dominic whispered behind the flowers.

"Not very good, Sir." she fisted her hands. Why did she have to have such rotten luck?

"I'm here to walk you to your cottage." he was still whispering. Taunting her.

Only she could manage to royally ruin a perfect situation so badly. She couldn't help but wonder if this meant another spanking was in order.

She gingerly walked out from behind the flowers with her blanket under her arm.

They walked the long journey to her cottage without a word.

When they reached the cottage door. Isabella fidgeted with the door handle.

"Let me help you with that," Dominic said, stepping in front of her.

When the door opened. He let her go inside first.

He took a seat on the old chair that she used to look at the stars out at night.

"What were you doing by the window?" He turned his gaze in her direction.

"I wanted to ask if you needed anything."

She said standing, she felt uncomfortable in his presence.

"I saw you at the window, looking like a tiny thief," Dominic said, looking out to the clear sky, aware that he was making her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again." She twisted her fingers against her long braids.

"I will have to make sure of that, it never does." She popped her eyes out, she wasn't getting spanked by him again. This time she was ready to stand her ground.

"Why don't you take a seat? Joseph should be on his way over." He looked at his watch.

"Joseph?" she asked confused. Was he going to spank her while Joseph watched? He was a sick sick man.

Before she could say anything in protest, a knock sounded. Dominic got up from the chair and went to the door.

When he opened the door, Joseph stood at the door holding one of the trays that had different foods from the party.

"Good evening, Isabella," Joseph said cheerfully from the door.

"Good evening, Joseph." Dominic took the tray from the other man.

"Thank you, Joseph." He dismissed him.

"Enjoy your evening, Sir." he took one last look at Isabella, nodded, and left.

"Are you angry that I attended the party? Cause if that's why you here, I didn't break any rules," she said suddenly feeling brave.

He tilted his head and looked at her, clearly surprised by her outburst as she was too.

"No. That's not the reason I'm here. I thought since you wanted to go to the party. I'd bring the party to you." Who the heck was this man?

Her mind raced to the spanking in her old quarters and she started shaking.

"Is it poisoned?" she asked.

"No. But I wanted you to have it." He put the tray in the small kitchen.

"Thank you." She stood and put some of the food on a clear plate before sitting down. Most of the food she had not seen before but she was willing to try.

"Was there something you wanted me to do for you tonight, Sir?" his being there was inconveniencing her.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, there was and afterward I'll be out of your hair." He stepped forward and planted his lips to hers, shocking her, and sending the plate of food flying to the floor.

His lips danced around and she found herself kissing him back, tasting the gin from his lips and the ashy smell of cigars.


The following morning when Isabella walked into the kitchen, the air was thick with judgments.

'How did the whole staff know about what she allowed to happen between her and

Dominic.' Isabella thought.

She was still railing from the shock herself. What she hated the most was how much she had enjoyed herself.

If she had been at the party, she would have blamed the alcohol for her wayward behavior. But she had been sober as a judge. There was no excuse she could give only that she had wanted it as much as he had and what did that say about her ethics?

"Master Dominic left early this morning for business. But Madam Rosetta would like to see you in the sunroom." Mrs Brown said the minute everyone cleared the room.

She took steady steps to the sunroom, wondering what in the world Rosetta would want to talk to her about. All their orders always came through Mrs Brown who, as she now remembered, had looked disgusted by her.

She stopped outside the door and gave a light knock before she entered.

"Good Morning, Ma'am. You wanted to see me?"

Isabella said to Rosetta.

"Yes, come on in, child," Rosetta said putting down the cup of mint tea she had been holding.

Isabella stood with her hands in front and waited for her orders.

"It has come to my attention that my son has been seen frequenting your quarters." Rosetta began.

So she knew...and there was no denying that. He had been visiting. If she could call it that.

She opened and closed her mouth to say something but Rosetta raised her hand to stop her.

"I don't know what is it that you think you have in common with my son but it cannot continue. Dominic is getting married in a matter of months. So…il be writing a check for your services. That will be all for now." Rosetta dismissed her with a wave of her hand before taking a sip from her tea.

And just like that she was fired.

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