
Chapter 6 Secrets Unveiled

As Rita stood at the entrance of the hospital looking dumb founded,a black spotless Range Rover parked at the front of her. She was speechless as she whispers underneath her breath, who will that be?

The tinted gla*s of the Range Rover winded down, and it was Jaden. She was surprised because she hadn't seen him with this type of car.

"Do you mind hoping inside?" He asked.

"What's the occasion for?" she responded.

"Have you forgotten that grandma's birthday celebration is today and you have to tell her about our divorce." He said.

"No, I haven't forgotten," as she entered the car without altering any word, until they arrived at Grandma's mansion.

Rita fondled her belly, the gentle swell of life growing within her. She never expected that Jaden, her husband, would want her to bring up the topic of divorce, especially not before Grandma's upcoming birthday. It seemed that Jaden was more concerned with pleasing his own desires, specifically his newfound infatuation with Percy.

As Rita stepped into Grandma's grand mansion, the weight of her secret burdened her. Grandma, with her wise eyes and warm smile, greeted Rita with genuine concern. "My dear, how are you feeling today?" she asked, her voice filled with grandmotherly love.

Jaden, standing beside Grandma, looked at Rita with an expression that mixed curiosity and scepticism. Rita knew she couldn't reveal the truth, not now. She put on a brave face, masking her pain and uncertainties. "I'm fine, Grandma," she replied, forcing a smile. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

Grandma's gaze lingered on Rita, as if searching for something more profound behind her words. Rita felt a pang of guilt for deceiving her, but she believed it was for the best. After all, the news of her pregnancy would only complicate matters further.

Jaden, too, seemed to sense that something was amiss. His eyes bore into Rita's, silently questioning her. But Rita held her ground, refusing to let her vulnerability show. She had learned to protect herself, to survive in a relationship that had grown strained and distant.

Throughout the day, Rita maintained her facade, engaging in polite conversations with the guests, laughing at jokes, and pretending everything was normal. She caught glimpses of Jaden and Percy exchanging glances, their connection palpable, and her heart sank a little deeper.

Grandma approached Rita during a quiet moment. She took her hand gently, her touch conveying understanding and empathy. "My dear, I may not know all the details, but I sense that something is troubling you," Grandma said softly, her voice filled with wisdom.

Rita felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she held them back. She couldn't burden Grandma with her problems; she needed to protect her from the ugly truth. "It's nothing, Grandma. Just some personal issues. Please don't worry about me," Rita replied, her voice barely a whisper.

Grandma studied Rita for a moment, her gaze penetrating. "Remember, my dear, true strength lies in being honest with yourself and those you love," she advised gently. "Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to face the truth, but it's the only way to find happiness."

Her words struck a chord deep within Rita. She knew Grandma was right. It was time to confront her own fears, to face the reality of her failing marriage and the undeniable bond forming between Jaden and Percy. The weight of her secret, the pregnancy that had been her silent companion, suddenly felt heavier than ever.

As the evening unfolded and the celebration for Grandma's birthday reached its peak, Rita made a decision. She waited for the perfect moment, when Jaden and Percy were momentarily distracted, and she approached Jaden with a determination she had not felt in a long time.

"Jaden," she said firmly, her voice quivering only slightly. "We need to talk."

Jaden turned to face her, surprise flickering in his eyes. He knew that tone, that look of determination. He followed Rita to a secluded corner, away from prying eyes and curious ears.

Rita took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Jaden, I know about Percy. I know you want a divorce," she said, her voice steady despite the emotional turmoil raging inside her.

Jaden's eyes widened in shock, his guilt evident. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He had not anticipated that Rita would confront him so boldly and directly.

Rita continued, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and determination. "I may have lied to Grandma and pretended everything was fine, but I can't keep living like this. Our marriage has been crumbling for a while now, and it's clear that your heart is no longer with me."

Jaden finally found his voice, his words strained. "Rita, I... I didn't mean for it to come to this. I never wanted to hurt you," he stammered, his eyes filled with remorse.

Tears welled up in Rita's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She had reached a breaking point, and her decision was firm. "I understand, Jaden. And it's time for both of us to find our own happiness, even if it means going our separate ways."

Jaden nodded slowly, a mixture of regret and acceptance etched on his face. "You're right, Rita. We've both been unhappy for far too long. It's time to face the truth and make the necessary changes."

After the emotional confrontation with Jaden, Rita felt a mixture of sadness and frustration. She couldn't understand why Jaden couldn't see the pain he had caused her, and why he insisted on maintaining a friendship with Percy despite everything.

As Rita tried to compose herself, Grandma approached her, concern etched on her face. "My dear, I'm sorry for what happened. Jaden can be stubborn sometimes, but he'll come around eventually," Grandma a*sured her, placing a comforting hand on Rita's shoulder.

Rita managed a weak smile, appreciating Grandma's support. "Thank you, Grandma. I hope you're right," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Grandma's eyes narrowed, and a hint of annoyance flashed across her features. "You know, Percy should keep his distance from Jaden. Now that you're here, Jaden's true wife, he should understand that," Grandma stated firmly, her protective instincts kicking in.

Rita's heart sank at Grandma's words. She knew that Grandma's intentions were good, but she couldn't ignore the fact that Jaden's heart seemed to belong elsewhere. "Grandma, I appreciate your concern, but I can't control Jaden's choices or his friendships," she explained gently.

Grandma huffed in frustration, her disappointment evident. "Well, I don't understand why he can't see what's right in front of him. You're his wife, the one who will carry his child," she muttered, shaking her head.

Rita took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She wiped away her tears, determined to stay calm and level-headed. "Grandma, I think we need to prioritise your health and happiness. Let's not let this situation cause any more stress for you," Rita suggested, her voice filled with concern.

Grandma softened, realising the wisdom in Rita's words. She nodded slowly, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. "You're right, my dear. We need to stick together and support each other, especially during this time," Grandma agreed, her voice tinged with gratitude.

Finally feeling a small sense of relief, Rita and Grandma sat together, enjoying the rest of the evening's festivities. They laughed, shared stories, and created memories that would remain in their hearts forever.

As the evening came to a close, Jaden and Percy made their way back to the gathering. Jaden's gaze met Rita's, and she could sense the lingering bitterness within him. Despite her hurt, she knew she had to put on a brave face for the sake of their grandma.

Rita approached Jaden, her eyes pleading for understanding. "Jaden, please. Grandma's not well. Let's not disappoint her," she implored, her voice filled with sincerity.

Jaden's expression softened ever so slightly, a mix of conflicting emotions evident in his eyes. "Fine," he finally relented, his voice laced with resentment. "But don't expect things to change between us."

Rita nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of Jaden's words. She understood that this was not the resolution she had hoped for, but for the sake of her unborn child and Grandma's happiness, she would endure.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
the more I read the more confused I get
goodnovel comment avatar
is Percy a man or a woman?

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