
Chapter 2


I love weekends. It gives me the time to relax with my best friend Daniel and my baby girl Mckenzie. Flipping through channels, I settled for the news station. “I’m going to get more wine.” I informed Daniel before disappearing to the kitchen.

“Angie!” Daniel called out. “You have to see this! Come see this!”

I rushed back to the living room, the bottle of wine forgotten. “What’s wrong?” Mckenzie isn’t home yet, so I wonder why he’s panicking.

“Isn’t that your father on the television?”

Frowning, I picked up the remote and turned up the volume.

We sadly announce the death of a business tycoon, Mr. Derek Shirley who passed away in the early hours of this morning after suffering from a cardiac arrest. People believe that the fall in his stock might have been the reason for his cardiac arrest.

His funeral arrangements shall take place next week at his family house and his family pleads that their privacy should be respected as they mourn him.

My legs gave out as I crumbled to the floor. Daniel rushed me immediately and cradled me into his arm. “I’m so sorry Angie.”

I can’t believe this. Pain sliced through my heart. “He never saw me until his death.” I was never there for him. I screamed, hot tears rolling down my cheeks. Daniel tried everything to make me calm down, but nothing was able to stop the aching in my heart.

“Stop it Angie…you’re breaking my heart.”

“I’m going home for the funeral.” I announced, sniffing loudly. “I need to pay my last respect.” Pulling away, I wiped my tears. “He loved me dearly Daniel, that’s the least I can do after disappointing him.”

Nodding, he pulled me up and guided me to the sofa. “Are you taking Mckenzie with you?”

Is he crazy? “Of course not!” Mckenzie looks like Xavier, one glance at her and he’ll know she’s his. “I’m not going with her Daniel; I don’t want to cause trouble in any way, I just want to give my father his last respect.”

“I understand what you’re trying to say but I don’t think going back is a very good idea.” He knows about what happened between Xavier and I; he believes that we’re attracted to each other and going back to meet him isn’t a good idea to him.

“I’m going Daniel, you’re not going to change my mind.”

“Well, I hope you know what you’re doing.”


New York looks exactly the same as it did three years ago. I landed few minutes ago and was actually surprised when David appeared to pick me up. I called my family before leaving Philippine.

Natasha was surprised. Mum couldn’t care less.

My phone rang, taking me away from my thoughts. I smiled when I saw Daniel’s name on the screen. “Miss me already?”

He chuckled. “Angie, you know you don't have to do this." Daniel cajoled "You can just tell them that there was an emergency at the office, then you can jump into the next available flight and return to Philippine."

I shook my head, refuting his suggestion. "I can't hide forever Daniel, I have to face them some day." Although the thought of facing him scares me the most. "How is McKenzie?" Changing the subject is the only way to get him to stop persuading me to return back to Philippine.

"She's fast asleep." He mumbled, obviously not game with the idea of coming back home.

"Come on Daniel," I whined "You should be encouraging me not discouraging me. I need all the moral support I can get."

"Not when you're about to destroy another person's home." he retorted. "Listen to me Angie, this is one of the craziest decision you've made in your lifetime."

Ouch. "Point of correction Daniel, I'm traveling home for my father's funeral not to crash someone's home goddammit!" I massaged my temple. "That person is my sister, in case you've forgotten."

"That didn't stop you from doing what you did three years ago." He snapped. Hit lie by his insult, I inhaled sharply which made him retrace his steps. "Look Angie, I shouldn't have said those words to you. That was stupid of me."

That didn't stop me from feeling the pain of guilt. Willing myself not to cry over an already spilled milk, I cleared my throat and looked out to the busy street of New York. "I have to go Daniel, the driver just pulled up on our driveway and I can't keep arguing with you."

"Fine. Call me once you've settled in, okay?"

"Sure, I'll do that." The driver stopped at the red light. "Give McKenzie a kiss for me."

"I'll sure do that." he paused for a second, deciding on his next word. "I love you Angie."

I smiled despite all odds. "I love you too Daniel." To my greatest delight, he disconnected the call.


Standing before the giant iron gate, memories of the past flashed in my mind. I remembered how I played beyond these gate, how I played catch with my father, how I rode my first bicycle and how I disappointed my entire family.

“Ms Angela?" Stephen, the gatekeeper called out. "Oh my goodness, we've missed you around here Ms. Come on in." He opened the gate and went further to help with my suitcase but I declined the offer.

"I don't think mum will appreciate you leaving your duty post." Unable to hold it in, I pulled him into a hug "I've missed you Stephen."

"I've missed you too kid." he tapped my back thrice before letting me go. "You should go in there and be with your mother, she really needs you both beside her at this painful moment."

Nodding meekly, I wiped my tears and walked towards the gigantic building. You see, I may be managing my life in the Philippines, but that doesn't mean my family is managing. As a matter of fact, we're one of the wealthiest family here in New York, or at least we were before the sudden fall in stock.

I think that was what led to my father's heart attack, I guess his old fragile heart couldn't take the news of his fall in the business world.

"Welcome home Ms Angela." This place doesn't feel like home anymore. "I'll take your bags to your room."

I handed the suitcase over to her. "Where is my mother?"

"She's is in the library with some guests."

No doubt her obnoxious friends. Very soon, she's going to be their topic of discussion. "And my sister?" I just hope she doesn't bring him along, I hope to spend this week with my family, without having to hide my face.

"Ms Natasha is yet to arrive."

Oh... Thank heavens she isn't here yet. I waved Solange away to carry on with her duties while I go in search of my mother. Locating her won't be difficult, after all this place hasn't changed at all.

Distant chattering informed me that they've changed their location, so I trailed the sound my mother's voice, her sleek voice making me wonder if I should be here at all.

"Look who decided to show her face after disappearing from the face of this earth." My aunt, Veronica chirped, disapproval dripping from her words. "I'm sure she's here to lay her hands on his properties."

Well he's my father and I have the right to claim some of his property but that is not the reason why I'm here. "I'm here for my mother, and it's nice to see you too Veronica."

My mum didn't make an effort to acknowledge me until I squatted down before her and pulled her into a tight hug even then, she didn't acknowledge my comfort. "Where have you been?" she questioned in a rather cold voice.

Vera hasn't always been the type to show emotions just like her twin sister Veronica, so I'm not surprised she's giving me the cold shoulder. "I've been away mum... You know... Living my life."

"And now you're back, claiming to be back for the sake of your mother, the same woman you abandoned for many years now." Veronica retorted.

"I did not abandon my mother!" I snapped, already fed up with her attitude. "Besides I was gone for three years!" She scoffed "What about you? I haven't seen you here since my thirteenth birthday, what are you doing here? To lay claims on the property of a man that isn't connected to you in any way?!"

"Angela!" Vera snapped. "You only just got back, do not cause trouble and learn to acknowledge my sister with respect!" So I am the one causing trouble now huh? "Go to your room and get changed and please do not come down until your sister arrives. I don't think I can handle your craziness."

My jaw dropped open as I stared at my mum with bewilderment. Daniel was right, maybe I shouldn't have returned home because this sure looks like a bad idea. Veronica snickered beside her. I was tempted to give her my middle finger, but for the sake of the respect I have for my mother, I ignored her and walked away.


I spent the rest of my day in my room going through old pictures of me and my father. Tracing his face with my fingertip, a tear rolled down my cheek, staining the picture. "I really miss you dad." Some would say I was his favorite but maybe I was.

A soft knock on the door stole my attention away from the pictures. Before I was able to wipe the tears stain on my cheeks, the door opened and Natasha walked in.

"Hey, mum just told me you've already arrived." She stared at the picture in my hand, exhaled heavily then pulled me into her warm embrace. "I know you miss him... I miss him too."

Something cold hit my shoulder, that was when I realized that Natasha who took over my mum's inability to show emotions is crying. I tightened my arm round her waist and cried on her comforting shoulder. "I shouldn't have left, I should have stayed back, maybe I would have stopped him from making that bad business decision." That's the reason he had a cardiac arrest, I'm indirectly responsible. "I knew he depended on me for business issues, yet I let him down by disappearing."

Natasha pulled away, wiped my tears with her thumb then coaxed me to sit on the bed. "I'm not going to question you on the reason you left or where you've been all these while. I'm sure you had a good reason for doing what you did."

"He hates me." I covered my face, my body shaking with harsh sobs. "He died with that hatred towards me."

"Hey," She chastised softly. "Dad never hated you. If it's any consolation, he kept coming into your room everyday to make sure that everything is as you left it."

And that makes me feel more guilty, the fact that he kept staring at the front door, waiting for me to walk through it and he kept looking at that door until his last breath. I refuse to depress others with my guilt. I forced a smile for her sake. "How have you been Natasha?"

Star fishing the bed, she stared at the white chandelier. "My life has been great, Xavier made sure of that." It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her if Xavier is here, but I decided against it. "Come down for dinner, you know mom doesn't like waiting for anybody." She kissed my forehead before walking out of my room.


The distant clattering noise quieted down the moment I appeared at the doorway. Veronica's scowl confirmed that my mom is undoubtedly glaring at me over my choice of clothing. She shouldn't care about my cloth! Who gives a fuck if I choose to wear an oversized sweater and a tiny short for dinner in my own home?

Who even wears a knee length dinner gown, diamonds and ridiculously high heels to a small family dinner? My mother and Natasha I guess.

"What are you wearing?" she fired through clenched teeth the moment my ass kissed the dining seat. "Must you always disgrace me?"

"Mum," I admonished only to her hearing. "This is a normal family dinner, it's only insane to dress up for it. Besides we should be mourning dad remember?"

"Exactly!" Veronica chided "We should be mourning him not mocking him!"

My phone rang and I sprang to my feet, grateful for the distraction. "I really need to take this, it's urgent." Vera shook her head with bitter disappointment. I shouldn't leave the table until dismissed, one of her stiff rules. "If you'll excuse me." I escaped before Veronica opened her gutter to spill trash about me.

I didn't just step out to the patio, I went as far to the garden just to get away from them; maybe I might end up missing dinner.

Rubbing my hands together to keep off the cold, I returned Daniel's call. "Hey Dan, sorry I missed your call."

He ruffled around in the background. "Don't stress it, my little angel McKenzie wanted to speak to you before going to bed but she already slept off."

Oh... Now I feel bad for avoiding his calls. "I'm so sorry about that Daniel." I really am.

"Don't stress it." He hushed out, waving off the apology. "You're grieving so I forgive you. How have you been? How is your family taking your sudden appearance?"

"Veronica thinks I came back for the money." he choked on his drink. "I know right? I too found it hilarious." Gosh! That woman makes my skin crawl.

"Is she crazy? How can you come for something that is already yours?" he huffed. "How is your mum? Vera right?"

"Yes, and she's fine; just her normal annoying self, but her attitude is pardonable, she just lost her husband." God, I'm freezing. "I really need to head back inside Daniel, I had no idea it's this cold outside."

"Yeah, sure, you should do that before you catch a cold."

"I'll call in the morning before McKenzie leaves for school. Bye Daniel, I love you." I disconnected the call without waiting for his reply when I felt a winter coat draped on my shoulder.

"I find your long legs quite attractive, but I don't think it's appropriate to flash them outside in this cold weather."

I gasp at the sudden familiar voice, my body freezing at the sound of his alluring voice. I mentally face-palmed myself. Why is the universe cruel to me? Couldn't she have given me a day of peace before sending him my way?

Turning around to face my greatest mistake, I masked displeasure and frustration. "Xavier! I wasn't expecting to see your face until tomorrow?"

"Yet here I am love."

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