
Chapter 4

“No.” I said firmly. 

“I must insist. Yo-” the doctor stepped forward

“You touch me with that needle and I won’t be the only one with a concussion.” I threatened.

“I saw your tattoo. You can’t be afraid of needles.” Janine said. Damn, I had a massive tattoo of my wolf on my back. She was pure white, which is a symbol of royalty. 

“What is your tattoo of?” Axel asked.

“Nothing and no I’m not afraid of needles. I do not want you to test my blood. I am fine. I just need sleep. I’ll stay up the the hour and then I’ll be okay. Thank you all for checking on me but I could use some quiet.” I said firmly. 

“I can stay with you...” Nova offered but her heart wasnt in it. She needed to figure things out with Axel. 

“No, you need to spend some quality time with Axel.” I said patting her hand.

“I’ll stay with Ms. Peterson.” Paul offered.

“No, everyone out. There is a few things I need to discuss with Me. Peterson.” Waylon said. Paul, Axel, Nova and the doctor all walked out. “You too.” Waylon said to Jasmine. She looked hurt but didn’t argue as she stomped out. 

“You don’t have to stay. I’m a big girl “ 

“What did you mean by pain in your lips.”

“When you kiss her. My lips feel like they are on fire. I can feel it all.” 

“I see.”

“Can you not feel my pain?”

“Not in the moment.” Waylon admitted. 

“You could just reject me and we can go out seperate ways.” I offered. Being here was a new form of hell I didn’t need. 

“That mean you will tell me your real name?”

“Who said Charlotte isn’t my name?”

“You do. Every time this gets brought up, you panic.”

I closed my eyes. “Just let me do my job and I’ll leave and you will never hear from me again.”

“Maybe I can help?”

“My past isnt looking for me. I’m dead to them and I’ll keep it that way.”

“By keeping your picture off the internet?” Waylon asked. 

“My problems arent yours.”

“As long as you are under my roof and danger could be knocking at my door, it is my problem. You brought two enemies to my front door and I have the right to know what is going on.” Waylon was getting mad.

“As my mate or as an Alpha? You arent my Alpha since I am your mate, your aura won’t work on me.”

“Dammit woman!” Waylon slammed his fist down. The loud noise hurt my ears. I flinched from it. 

“You don’t want me, just leave.” My eyes were still closed but I knew he got up and walked out, shutting the door quietly behind him. I knew I needed to stay awake so I grabbed my sketch book and a pencils. It was the only person item I owned. I don’t really have personal attachment to it. I bought a new one each place I had to move. Going out to the balcony, I sat down and started sketching. After awhile, I started humming the only song I could remember my mom singing to me. Mocking bird. That is what I was sketching when I felt eyes on me. Looking into the trees, I didnt see anyone but I knew he was there. My body could feel his. 

There was a sudden pain on my neck. She was kissing his neck. I cried out before quickly running inside and jumping into bed. The pain didnt stop. 

 Waylon pov

“Waylon? Where are you going?” Jasmine’s annoying voice rang in my ears. Has it always been this annoying? 

I couldn’t do it. After finding Charlotte, Jasmine didnt look the same. Ive always thought she was the most beautiful woman ive ever seen. Even wilder in the sheets but she doesnt hold us against Charlotte. Charlotte is bustier, more curves and had muscle. Her long deep brown hair framed her perfect face. The way she held herself caught my attention. 

“I need some air.” Grabbing a pair of shorts, I walked out of my room. I didnt realize where I was walking until I was standing in front of Charlotte’s room. These rooms weren’t sound proof so I could hear her angry sobs and feel her pain. She truly could feel me touching Jasmine. I knew the mate bond was intense but I didn’t realize that was a thing. I mean, I knew it but it never registered what it meant. 

My hand hovered above the door knob but in the end, I walked to my office. As much as my body screamed to mate with Charlotte, I couldn’t. Not when I knew she was hiding something. She even admited it.

Walking into my office, there was a report on my desk. It was the background check I ordered for both girls. Nova or Carolyns was on top. Whoever set up this fake identity did an amazing job. If I didn’t know her real name, I would think this was accurate. However, her check on real name checked out. Her dad was a massive SOB that killed his own mate. I could totally see why she ran away. I have a reputation for being ruthless but I don’t mistreat woman. Especially those who have been hurt. Since she os Axel’s mate, we will defend her honor if need be. I’ll have to speak with Axel but we will need to get ahead of this. 

Next was Charlotte’s background check. What Jasmine said was true. She did graduate at the top of her class and a year early. She was incredibly smart. When I saw her name and design, I was drawn to it. If I didnt know better, I would think this background check was complete and accurate. 

Standing up I poured myself a glass of bourbon.

She freaked out about her blood. Why would she be so against getting it tested? What’s worse is Paul. He has already shown his innate feelings to protect his Luna. Even subconsciously he knows who she is. 

I felt when she hit her head and when he treated her wound. That was the only reason why I suggested we look for her. I used the excuse she might be lost. Jasmine didnt know the difference. Just thought she was hired help so she jumped on helping her. In the past, any woman that has shown any interest in me, Jasmine has shut down... Hard. Thats why ive kept her around. She is the strongest female and up until the other day was the sexiest. Now I couldn’t even get it up.

The drink was helping. I was getting tired but I couldn’t go back into my room. Even though I never allowed Jasmine to offically move in, she was still naked in my bed. 

Grabbing a blanket, I laid down on my couch and was asleep, dreaming about Charlotte in minutes. 

 My alarm went off on my watch. I didnt get nearly enough sleep and the kink in my neck reminded me that I slept on the couch. Right when I sat up, a knock sounded on my door.

Tossing the blanket to the side, I got up and sat in my chair. “Come in.”

Axel walking in. His eyes went to the couch and the empty glass on the coffee table. “Want to talk about it?”

“No.” I said. I was aware of hoe grumpy I sounded but I didnt care. “I got the reports back.” I tossed him Nova’s report only. 

He looked over both of them before setting them down. “Basically everything she told me last night. Except I could have done without those pictures.” There was a total of five pictures. All different ages and all different cuts and brusies. The last one was when she was 18 and by far the worst. 

“We will need to get ahead of this. Depending what damage control I can do, she may not need to sell her buisness.” How these two woman build a life for themselves while on the run is beyond me.

“What do you think?” Axel asked.

“I’ll call Alpha James and tell him we found his daughter and she is mated with my beta so she will be staying here. I’ll need you two yo complete the mate bond so they can’t try to force you apart.” 

“If he doesn’t care?”

“Then my warriors won’t be so restless anymore.”


“I need to go. I’m taking Charlotte and Jasmine to the building sight to finalize the plans.”

“Is there something going on between you two?” Axel asked. 

I paused. Should I tell him? Probably not. If we reject each other I don’t want that information out there. I just knew Charlotte would take it to her grave. It’s Nova I needed to worry about. I could see it in her eyes she knew. “No.”

“I didnt ask which girl I was referring to.” Axel said with a smile, looking at the blanket.

“Fuck off.” I said as I walked out of the room and Axel’s stupid laughte.  

Going back to my room, I could still smell Jasmine even though she wasn’t in here. I let out a breath I didnt realize I was holding. After a quick shower, I put on gym shorts and a tank. I’ll be working with my warriors today in anticipation that phone call wont go how I planned. 

Walking back out to my office, I made it to the stairs when I smelled her. My dick instantly twitched smelling the lilac and fresh rain. As soon as I turned the corner, I knew she smelled me too by how stiff her back was. She was wearing loose dress shirts and a silk shirt. I could barely see a little but of her tattoo going up her neck. My interest was peaked last night. However, the dream I had was me pounding in her from behind but her tattoo was blurred. It was maddening not knowning what it was.

“You can show up in time.” My voice still sounded grumpy. I guess I was. 

“And without coffee stains.” I had to work st not smiling at her cheekiness. Turning around, she tooth my breath away. Her face was passive and beautiful but her heart and anxiety riddled body said otherwise. How is love you make her relax under me. 

My thoughts instantly vanished as Jasmine came into view. She had a smile on her face but her eyes said she was still hurt over me leaving her last night.

“Oh good! Are you ready to see the location?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Charlotte said politely. She didn’t need to say ma’am but she was selling this act.

“Wonderful! The golf cart is out front.” I let the ladies go first. My eyes stayed on the ceiling as we pasted the foyer. The golf cart was a four seater. I got in the driver’s seat as Jasmine sat beside me and Charlotte in the back. We rode in silence the ten minute drive until we can to the location. My pack was massive and even had our own town. I was looking for ways to grow and holding high profile events with the security I could offer would be great for my pack. 

“Here we are.” I said. Both women got out. Charlotte immediatly walking around. She pulled out a tape measure and started making notes.

I sat against the cart and watched her work as Jasmine tried to Guild her. For the most part, Charlotte was humoring her. Charlotte wrote down what Jasmine was requesting as well as putting her ideas our there. Jasmine basically nixed her ideas. I thought they were well thought out but Jasmine didnt care or take her professional opinion. 

More than once, I saw Charlotte bite her lips from speaking out and even rolled her eyes behind Jasmines back. I found it all comical. More than once, Charlotte glared at me. She could feel my laughter at her expense. 

Finally, they were done. Charlotte had a smile on her face but she was feeling so much annoyance I was impressed. The only thing that gave her away was her garden cheeks. I watched her toned legs stomp toward me. Jasmine was clueless to all of this.

“I think we got a great start.” Jasmine beamed as she climbed in. “The bones were good if your design and with some adjustments, it will be perfect.”

Charlotte took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was controlling her emotions so well that I was suspicious. How could she do that? If it was me, I would had exploded on the person bt now. Axel told me what he felt but he said it only lasted a second and he wasn’t sure after she expertly denied it. To make him feel it, she needed to be an Alphas daughter. The problem was, all missing children looked nothing like her. 

“Alpha Waylon, is there a place I can work? I need to spread out my designs and my room isnt quite big enough.” Charlotte asked me as I pulled up to the pack house. 

“Yes. You can use the small conference room. I think you will find that adequate.” I said. 

“I’ll show her where it is.” Paul stepped forward. He was getting on my nerves but he was acting on instinct and I couldn’t fault him for that. 

I just grumbled as I walked away. Going straight to my office and slamming the door shut. As soon as I sat down, my door flew open.

“What the hell, Waylon?” Jasmine stormed in looking pissed.

“What your tone.” I warned her.

Mrs. Smith

Thank you to those who have started this book! I will be posting much more here soon. My son's asthma is acting up and needs a bit more attention. Thank you for understanding!

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jane Murr
I love the story!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Story has potential, great intro to the female lead. I like the teasing of the royal blood & intense mate bond. Writing needs major proofreading & edits. Will struggle through this chapter and decide if the terrible edits are worth suffering through.

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