
9 Run

Well after two weeks of more training and practicing it was safe to say I know what powers I do and don't have now. 

I have better agility and I'm ok with a sword. I am amazing with a bow and arrow. 

We are still doing hand to hand combat but I'm good at that too. I am told I didn't get some of the powers that I could have but during a war wouldn't have helped much anyway. I didn't get the power to help nature so for plants and trees to grow or what they class as the elf beauty. Asher has been helping out when he can on a night but most of the time it is just me and Arizer. 

I like been around Arizer, he makes me train hard. He has started coming around to me more and seems to be letting me off for everything with his brother knowing it wasn't by choice. 

He makes me laugh and we have good banter between us. I get butterflies in my belly when I know I'm going to be seeing him. 

Me and Arizer were doing some more hand t

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