
Beneficial Friends

Alex was sunbathing on the patio, so Tristan had put on his shades, looking even sexier. I want him to remove his hat so I can get a full view of his face. Since he has a girlfriend I'm desperate to find his flaw.

"You want to sit on the patio or in the kitchen?" Tristan asks.

"Let's go see the kitchen, please."

"Alright follow me."

We enter this massive kitchen and it's marvelous. He has dark grey and black marbled countertops and stainless steel everything with black and gray marbled handles.

"Mr. Black this kitchen is very modern. Are you sure you're a cabin man?" I tease.

From the fridge he takes out two bottles of alkaline water and hands me one answering, "Call me Tristan. Please sit down."

He pulls out a chair from under his kitchen table. We sit down as he removes his hat and shades. Head down, he plays in his buzz cut then he looks up. His eyes are a bright teal blue. For a moment, I sit stunned. 

"Jade, are you okay?"

"Yes! I-I'm sorry, I-I'm fine. Thank you." I stutter.

Tristan gives an inquisitive look. Gulping my water I say, "So, it seems you like the colors gray and black."

"So it seems." He smirks.

Finally, I'm out of my high school crush mode and into professional designer mode, so I begin showing him swatches. Tristan's being serious as well. We discuss several designs then after two hours he says, "Everything else you're free to design."

"You sure? Maybe, I can get Alex's input?" I shrug.

"Why? Alex doesn't live here."

"Well, I just thought... never mind! Thanks for trusting my expertise. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Tristan sits speechless analyzing me with those beautiful magnetizing eyes. Taking a deep breath, I exhale then say, "Well, looks like we're all done here. I'll have the pricing for you by the end of next week, and then we can go from there."

Still staring he asks, "Have we met before, Jade?"

"I don't think so."

"I've definitely seen you before. Maybe we met in a dream." He smirks.

"Well, that would be a phenomenon if we could meet strangers in dreams."

Dazed he continues, "We've met. Let me escort you out. See you next week?"


"Until then, take care. Have a great evening Jade." He closes the door.

Now that was weird because I had met Tristan in my dreams just the other night. His eye color was so piercing I can imagine they would appear to be neon in the dark. I get into my car and as I fix my rearview mirror I notice Tristan pacing in his window walls. He's on his cellphone but he's watching me. I put on my shades as I back out of his cul-de-sac then head to my office.

I'm preparing to leave for the day, and as I'm closing my blinds Blake pulls up. I head to the door to meet him.

"Hello, Ms. Warring." Blake greets very properly.

"Hello, Mr. Duffy." I mimic.

Laughing Blake asks, "Girl, what did you do?"

"I don't know. You tell me." I shrug.

"Mr. Black is being extremely friendly to me. The top executives have a banquet this weekend that he wants me and my wife to attend. He said you and your husband or date are invited as well!"

Blake's ecstatic. In this corporate world hobnobbing with the top people meant everything.

"Well, I'm glad to be of service." I bow.

"Do you have a date, Jade?"

"I don't need a date. I'm comfortable going alone. Plus, I may find me a "single" Mr. Black that day."

"So what's your take on Tristan? Janay doesn't trust him as far as she can carry him. She says his eyes are too devious for her."

Janay is Blake's wife and she's a handful. Very powerful woman of God. She'd give you everything she owns if she thought it'd make you smile, but she's very outspoken and tact isn't her strong suit.

"His eyes are frightfully gorgeous, but he seems like a good person."

"He is! He's never done anything but good for me. I've been trying to convince him to visit our church. Hopefully, now that he knows you, maybe he'll come." Blake winks.

"Not over Alex's dead body!" I laugh.

I ride with Blake and Janay to this banquet. It's a party for society's elite, but I blend in just fine. My parents are bonafide snobs. They live in Maine. I love them but I can never stay with them for over a week. My mom is straight out of a movie snobbish, but she's a good person. This is the only lifestyle she knows, so I can overlook her frailties most times.

We enter the banquet and Blake hands the host our invitations.

"Yes, Mr. Black's party is this way. Follow me." The host says.

As we're walking up to our reserved seats I see Tristan. He looks phenomenal. He has on a white tuxedo jacket with black slacks and a bow tie. He's been perfectly groomed for this event. Had he gotten a facial? His skin looks flawless as if he has on natural makeup. His lips look soft and kissable. His long eyelashes gently cradle and accentuate his mysterious eyes. He's conversing with a group of people, but once our eyes meet he heads my way.

"Blake I'm so glad you could make it. Hello Janay, you look beautiful." Tristan says while holding her hand. Janay glances over at Blake as if to say, This guy is full of it, which causes me to snicker under my breath.

"Hello, Jade. I'm so glad you came. Is your date here?" Tristan asks.

"Blake and Janay are my dates."

"Really?" He says with a lifted brow.

Tristan leads us to our seats, then he walks away. I see Alex. She looks very beautiful. She's wearing a strapless periwinkle gown and her arms are putting mine to shame. Alex is an odd beauty. I'm sure she models. She's tall and her presence demands your attention. She's a brunette with beautiful chestnut eyes and pouty lips. The men are giddy and flirtatious in her presence and she's enjoying the attention. All seems well with her until she sees me. Instantly, she stops what she's doing and then heads towards the table.

"Hi, Jade. I didn't know you worked with Tristan," says Alex.

"I don't. He works with my friends. They invited me to come."

I tell a little white lie because clearly, Alex isn't happy with me being here.

"Who's your friends?" She asks through a scowl. As I go to answer, Tristan walks up. He kisses Alex's cheek and then escorts her to her seat. It's then I let out a sigh of relief.

"Jade your seat is right next to mine," Tristan says out loud. His statement makes me so uncomfortable that I refuse to look at Alex. Blake now has a crooked smile while Janay glares at Tristan.

Our seating arrangement is Alex, Tristan, me, my missing date, Janay, then Blake. We're now eating. The food is delicious and everyone present is very interesting people. Blake even tells them he and I are ministers.

"You're a minister at Blake's church?" Tristan interrupts.


"That's interesting. Do you preach?"

"No, I teach."

"And she's an excellent teacher!" Blake interjects.

"I'd love to see you teach. Next time you speak, I promise I'll be there." 

Tristan says with a seductive gaze. I simply nod, but the side of my face is blistering from the burning stare I'm getting from Alex.

"Which church do you attend Mr. Black?" Janay asks.

"I'm fairly new here Janay, so I haven't found a church yet." He smirks.

Blake instantly whispers into Janay's ear. I'm positive he's begging her not to attack his boss in front of his peers.

"Blake, I can handle Janay. She's not bothering me," says Tristan.

"That's all I wanted to know. I don't need to be handled. In fact, it looks like both your hands are quite full this evening." Janay scoffs.

Blake looks as if he wants to die! Staring her way, Tristan hesitates then responds, "Not as full as I'd like, but I'm still working at it."

Afterward, he laughs out loud as Janay frowns in disgust. Suddenly, Alex jumps up and leaves the table. Tristan simply glances back toward her then he finishes his conversation. I'm not sure what to make of his comment. Should I be offended? Was he even referring to me? Whatever he meant left me feeling violated. Janay's sitting next to me. I tap her showing her my phone, then text:

Jade: I'm ready to go.

Janay: I've been ready to go! This man's a pig!

Jade: I don't know what his comment even means

Janay: We'll talk in the car.

Jade: Ok

Janay then whispers to Blake she's ready to go.

"Mr. Black we've enjoyed everything. Unfortunately, I have to get my wife and Ms. Warring home. Thanks so much." Blake says.

"I understand. Let me walk you and your party out."

We get into the garage. Blake and Janay are ahead of Tristan and me when he says, "I wished I had known you weren't bringing a date. I would've loved to be your date." 

"Isn't Alex your girlfriend?"

"No. She's simply a friend with benefits." He shrugs.

"Tristan, you seem like a great person, but I think we're walking two different paths."

"Fair enough. Thanks for coming anyway, and I'll be expecting a call from you next week. Good night Jade."

Instantly, he turns and begins walking back to the banquet. Upon entering the car, Blake and Janay are having a dignified argument. Janay begins crying because Blake's very upset. Blake is so well-mannered it hurts her simply to know she embarrassed her peaceful husband. They kiss and makeup, then they focus on me.

"So what did that pig say to you?" Janay asks.

I tell her the gist of our conversation, and she then grunts, "Ugh! What a nasty man! Who in their right mind tells another woman he accepts friends with benefits? He must've thought you were a real whore to go for that foolishness!"

Blake interrupts, "Baby, that's rude to say! He didn't think Jade was a whore!"

"I didn't say she was a whore! Blake, you're twisting my words!"

"It's okay I know exactly what you meant. It's fine." I interject.

"Are you sure Jade?" Blake asks.

"Yes, I'm sure!" I laugh.

As we pull up in front of my condo Blake says, "Thanks for enduring our and Mr. Black's antics tonight. If it weren't for you he'd never invited me, so thanks, sis. I met a lot of important people, so your sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Blake kisses me. I hug and kiss Janay saying, "Love you guys." I then go inside and go straight to bed.

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