
Chapter 4: News Come to Blow

"What happened to the dinner?" Clinton asked when Patricia arrived at the office.

"We talked about when we are going to do the interview and that's by the end of the month since his schedule was hectic."

"I still can't believe that Mr. Silvestri would agree to an interview."

Patricia heaves a long sigh on her seat.

"What's the problem? Aren't you happy about it?"

"No, it's just that it's weird working with your fiancee."

Clinton's eyes widen, "What?! What fiancee are you talking about?"

"Uh. Luca?"

"Luca Silvestri is your fiancee? Are you... are you sure you're okay? Did you hit your head or something?"

She laughs at his expression, "I'm serious. Just don't tell anyone yet, we are not going to announce it until the end of the month."

"I'm really wondering why he agreed. So that explains why? When did you two get into a relationship? How did you meet?"

"The Barone's ball, it's been years. I've been there to interview someone and I bumped into the infamous Luca Silvestri." She stated flawlessly that it won't let someone think that she was lying for a second.


"Shut it, Clint. Let's keep this a secret, okay?"

When Clinton nodded, Patricia fixed her things and stand up.

"I'm going now, I need to go see Luca."

"Alright honey, take care."

Her lips tugged upward when she noticed Isabella eavesdropping. For sure the news will spread like wildfire tomorrow or perhaps tonight. Who knows? Isabella would definitely do the favor for her.

Patricia can't still wrap her head around what happened last night. Luca is the man who influences her to change and part ways with her parents. She can't help but think that he successfully get away with his family too, now that he owned a tech company and seems so out of the mafia world.

"What are you doing here?"

Patricia is at Luca's office once again.

"Let's plan out how we met."


"We met at the Barone's ball. I've been there and I bumped into her. It was love at first sight, we slept together, then we decided to see each other in secret. Not long ago, we decided to get married and now we are engaged. That's probably the main reason why I agreed to this interview."

Patricia's father read it out loud for everyone to hear. After the interview was released, her father was furious.

"What are you thinking Tricia?!" Her father's voice thundered around the dining hall.

Her mother looked unpleased, "Luca Silvestri? Who is that man? You can't marry a commoner!"

She sighed dramatically, she knew her Mom would take her side no matter how much her mother hates her. "Mama. I can't help it, and you said I must marry someone I love—"

"You can't love him, Tricia. He is out of your league. Do you even know the word love?" William interfered.

"He wasn't and yes, I do love him. And I'm not part of your organization so what is this meeting for?"

"You're going to marry William and not Silvestri! That's the meeting about!" Her father roared.

She smirked, then she showed them the ring. "Too bad. We're already married. The engagement news was nothing, but a mere cover."

Their expressions were funny, Patricia would have laughed but she doesn't wanna spoil it anymore.


"Get lost, Papa. I don't want to marry William, he is my brother. In fact, I don't want anything to do with you and your organization!"

"You will regret this day, Tricia. Don't come back here begging for me to take you back."

Patricia stands up and strides towards the front door of the manor. She hated this family. Do they think they still have the power to control her? The moment her grandfather gave her access to his inheritance is the moment she cut her ties with her parents.

"Tricia. You must understand that your father only wants the best for you."

She stopped midway, not turning around when she heard William's voice. They've been friends before when they were child, but it all changes when Wiliam choose to obey and follow her father's steps.

"Shut up, William."

"You don't know what kind of man you are marrying."

She turns to face him, "We are already married."

William mocks her, "Tricia, Silvestri isn't the man you thought he is. He is no good for you."

"What kind of man he is then?"

"He is dangerous, he is a conniving bastard."

"That best describes you, William. So please back off and find someone else to marry."

"Your father won't let you have what you want Tricia, you know how his mind works. If you don't want to get your husband hurt, divorced him this instant."

"But you know my Mom is a believer in love. Romance. She would do the convincing on my behalf."

Then she stormed off outside, only to be greeted by the sight of Luca's car. Patricia's actually thankful because she did not bring her car, it was because William suddenly fetch her at the apartment.

"What are you doing here?"

"Get inside."

Once she was settled inside, Luca started the engine immediately.

"What the fuck did you do? Coming here alone?" Although he asks those questions coldly, she could still feel the worries within those words.

"They won't hurt me if that's what you're thinking. I've been a bad girl ever since I was a child. The eloquent daughter you heard about was just another side of me. They don't boast about how annoying and bitch I am, would they?"

"Don't you ever see them again, understand?" He pulled away and started to drive.

"They are my parents."

"They are dangerous for you."

"I have them in my hands."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm their only daughter. I'm the only one who has access to our family heirloom. Do you think they will kill me even though they probably loathed me for this marriage? No, my grandfather won't let them."

"Your grandfather... Is still alive?"

The question made her stop. She doesn't know if it has something to do with her grandfather or the way his voice sounded. Restrained anger.

"Who knows?" Patricia shrugged discreetly.


She frowned at him, he is serious and he has this gloomy expression. "I don't know, Silvestri. I just know that someone is protecting me against this world."

"And that's your grandfather?"

"Perhaps he is. Who knows? My parents won't lay a finger on us if that's what you are worried about."

"No. I'm not worried about that. How about William?"

She laughs, "Are you intimidated by him?"

"No. I don't like him near you."

"Me too. He is not annoying like you, but he follows my father's steps."

"What does that mean?"

Patricia tilted her head to look outside, it seems like nature is also gloomy today. Everyone is.

"Let me be clear with you," she started, "My grandfather doesn't like him ever since."

"You really look up to your grandfather. But isn't he part of the mafia?"

Patricia didn't answer. She hated it. Yes, her grandpa is one of the mafia's bosses during his time, but he is different. He didn't treat Patricia like an outcast, she was even the favorite among his granddaughters and son.

"Did I offend you? You hate the guts of a mafia, but you look up to your grandfather so much that you are willing to lie to those people."

"Shut up, Luca."

"You are an advocate for fairness and justice, but you are actually biased."

She glares at him, but he is too focused on the road.

"What is your problem?"

"I'm just saying that you lie your way up here, that's really disappointing. Considering your image and reputation as Tricia Barone and Patricia Aquette."

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" She's fuming mad, Luca has his way of getting on her nerves.

She doesn't like it when people are pointing out her flaws and mistakes. She doesn't like it when they act as if they know her because they don't.

But Luca won't budge, "Why did you lie to that poor old woman?"

Patricia's not the type to cry in front of people, she was not easily worked up by her enemies. Perhaps Luca is a different case. He knew her secrets. He knew almost everything about her and she despise him for that.

"We will not talk about this ever again or I'm backing out."

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