
Chapter 5 Ambrose's Wedding Gift

"Mr. Clark!" Lukas' eyes brightened as if he had grasped a lifeline.

He rushed to the assistant and fell to his knees. "Mr. Clark, please don't terminate the cooperation. We've been cooperating well all these years, haven't we?"

"Not just Hamilton Group, but all its subsidiary companies will no longer have cooperation with the Millers. You can leave now," Owen replied without having any expression on his face.

"But why? You'll have to let me know the reason, at least!"

Owen sneered. "Because you smell of garbage!"

Lukas was stunned. That line of words sounded inexplicably familiar to him.

All of a sudden, several security guards rushed over, unceremoniously emptied multiple large bins of garbage onto Lukas.

There were breakfast leftovers and used tissues which were stained with snot. Even a sanitary pad stained with blood was stuck onto his hair.

Lukas couldn't take the foul odor and retched.

Covering his nose with a handkerchief, Owen said disdainfully, "Take him away! He stinks!"

Lukas was thrown onto the street. Everyone around covered their mouths and distanced themselves from him.

Charmaine followed behind and rushed out. Her heart was still racing with fear as she covered her nose and asked hesitantly, "Lukas, are you alright?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?" Lukas slapped her, taking out his anger on her.

Charmaine was stunned. She didn't expect that Lucas would slap her.

"Who do you think you are to smack me, fool? The Miller family is going to face bankruptcy. Without money, you're nothing!" Charmaine cursed.

Then, she hailed a taxi and left the scene. To her, Lukas was nothing more than one of her admirers.

All of a sudden, Charmaine thought of Larissa. When they were at the entrance earlier, Lukas had scolded Larissa, saying that she reeked of garbage. Later, garbage was thrown over him.

Charmaine wondered if Larissa's sugar daddy was one of the higher-ups at Hamilton Group.

"No, this is impossible. Larissa is only there as a cleaner!" she immediately reassured herself.

Meanwhile, Larissa was dumbfounded. "Mister, did you avenge me?"

"Are you happy now?" Ambrose asked faintly.

"Yes!" Larissa looked ecstatic. "Lukas isn't a good man. His family business is probably not decent as well. Don't work with him, Mister. He isn't even worth polishing your shoes!"

Seeing the smile on her face, Ambrose couldn't help but smile too.

Even if he had to live in seclusion in Ambrollum City, he was still a descendant of the Hamilton family. How could he possibly let anyone bully his wife?

"Here, look at this." Ambrose handed her a folder.

Larissa opened it curiously. When she scanned through it and realized what it was about, she was surprised. "A cooperation agreement with the Solace family?"

"This is my wedding gift to you," he replied.

"Are you going to give this contract to them?"

"Yes. Based on my understanding of the Solace family, although you're the biological daughter of the family, you've been cast aside by an imposter. I'll give this contract to your family and let your parents change their opinion toward you."

Larissa kept her head lowered for a long time.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

Ambrose had never pursued a woman before. Be it dating someone or getting married, he was a greenhorn. He wondered if he had made a mistake by preparing the contract.

Although Ambrose looked calm, he was secretly nervous.

"I'm so touched, Mister!" Larissa wiped away the tears from her face. "You're the only one who treats me well in the entire world!"

Letting out a sigh of relief, Ambrose tightened his grip on her hand as he gazed at her intently. "You're my wife. It's natural for me to be nice to you."

Larissa blushed in response.

Larissa stayed with Ambrose in the company until he finished his work. Then, they had a meal together before she returned to the Solace residence.

The atmosphere in the house was extremely heavy.

After Charmaine returned home, she told her parents about Lukas being driven out of Hamilton Group.

At first, Penelope and Ethan didn't believe it. It wasn't until they received the news ten minutes ago that they realized it was true.

Hamilton Group had officially announced that they had terminated their cooperation with the Miller family, including their ongoing projects with them.

"How is this possible? Hamilton Group will have to pay the penalty for breaching the contract," Penelope mumbled with disbelief.

Ethan scoffed. "That penalty is nothing to them. I heard that the CEO of this branch company is new. It looks like something big is happening soon. We need to seize this chance to associate with that person!"

The news was playing in the background.

A charming female news anchor reported, "Lately, Hamilton Group has announced that they will invest one billion dollars in Ambrollum City, focusing on redeveloping old urban areas. The project will be opened for public bidding ..."

Ethan immediately took the remote control and increased the volume of the television. He trembled in excitement.

"This is great! The chance we've been waiting for is finally here!" Ethan laughed.

Penelope was confused. "Is the Hamilton family very powerful?"

"You really are ignorant! That is a big project! Even if we only managed to secure a modest involvement, it's still going to be beneficial to us!" Ethan replied.

"But we don't have any business dealings with Hamilton Group at all. That's why we thought of asking the Millers to connect us with them, but now they are on the verge of bankruptcy."

Hearing that, Ethan froze. "We'll have to think of a way!"

At the same time, many families in Ambrollum City had seen the news. Everyone was itching to get a piece of the pie. The Hamilton family was the most powerful family in Jaedornia. Even its branch company could invest as much as one billion dollars in a project.

That showed how tempting their latest project was.

Right then, Larissa came back.

Charmaine's eyes glinted. With a smile, she asked, "Dad, Mom, did you know that Larissa is working for Hamilton Group?"

"What?" Penelope and Ethan were shocked.

"Larissa, is that true? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Penelope's voice was filled with surprise.

After sparing a flat glance at Charmaine, Larissa turned to look at Penelope. "I'm just working as a cleaner there."

Well, since Charmaine said that Larissa was a cleaner, she would just pretend to be one.

As expected, when Penelope heard that Larissa was just a cleaner, her face fell in an instant.

"You're such a disgrace! So much for studying! You ended up just being a cleaner! Why are you so unambitious?"

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