

Zara's POV

Since my arrival at Bryan's house earlier, I have been counting the number of private planes owned by the Clivton family. There may be a stash of planes elsewhere.

I was amazed when I saw the gold carvings all over the fuselage, which read Clivton International. I guess it is the most expensive gold in the world.

"Are you done admiring all the planes here?" she asked with a giggle.

I approached Bryan to answer his ridiculous question.

"Yeah, I'm done. Then when are we going to New York?" I asked.

"That's why my purpose in coming here was to take you to Clivton's private airport behind the house. Come on, we don't have much time." he answered while pulling me.

We walked down the living room of this house. Many of the maids were bowing when we, I mean Bryan, passed in front of them.

When we were behind the house owned by the Clivton family, Bryan told me about the history of the construction of this private airport. He said that the cost to build this airport is not small. It
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