
Chapter five

I was speechless and confused. Who exactly have I gotten married to? I questioned myself. Soon, Damien and Madison were done and we planned to leave. “What's your name?" Damien asked Madison.

   Madison looked at me surprised before responding to his question. Damien nodded and picked his phone. “Madison, you and Raymond are going to get my wife's belongings. We are heading out” Damien dropped a big bomb.

   Raymond and Madison stared at each other, jaws dropped. I turned and picked up my purse following his lead. We got to his car and he zoomed off without a word. We got to a familiar route and I immediately recognized my father's estate. “Bright smiles, we are in love" Damien said before stepping out. He helped me with the door and took me by the hand.

    Damien was radiating with happiness. He had bright smiles as he greeted my father's staff. We got to my father's favorite spot, the garden and Damien immediately went forward to greet him. “Hi dad. How are you feeling?" I asked, sitting next to him.

    For some reason, my Dad knew Damien. They chatted for a while without noticing me. “I came because Irene and I need your blessings" Damien appeared like a saint, dressed in white without blemish with a golden ring on his head. My dad looked at me surprised.

   I immediately played along and gave a sweet smile, hoping to convince my dad. “We got married, dad. We got married today” I showed him my ring pretending to be happy. Damien held my hand and kissed it. My dad was stunned to his bones. "What is going on here Irene?" My dad asked seriously.

    Damien picked up and tried to explain to my dad. “We have been seeing each other for a while, and I totally love your daughter Mr Swift. I knew I had found the one and I couldn't wait to make her mine. I am really sorry for not meeting you once. I really tried… .. “ I immediately interrupted him.

    "Dad, he came when you were at the hospital twice, at one time the doctor wouldn't let him and the other time, you were resting dad. You knew the incidents that occured for the last few weeks. It was almost impossible to bring him to see you” I tried defending Damien's claim.

   My Dad kept quiet for a while. He stared at us, Damien and I sat together. I rested my head on his shoulder and he hugged me tightly, always kissing my head with a soft smile. I hugged closer because his perfume was so satisfying. “Are you happy baby?" My dad asked with so much concern in his eyes.

   I smiled broadly and nodded yes. Damien and I spent the entire evening trying to convince my dad. My dad asked Damien to excuse us as he walked us to his car and asked me again. “Are you happy baby? Why are you doing this?" He asked again.

    I felt like opening up to my dad, but I couldn't. I gave my dad a hug immediately to stop him from seeing my tears and cleaned my eyes immediately. “Yes daddy. I am so happy. Do you know, he is already making plans to reinvest in the company?" I diverted my father's attention immediately. My dad and I talked about the company and he kept telling Damien to take good care of me and make me happy.

      We left my dad's at 8pm and headed to his house. Silence filled the car as we drove home. “Chole is stubborn. I am informing you beforehand" Damien said breaking the long silence. I closed my eyes, trying to understand what I had gotten myself into.

  I got a text from Maddie immediately I got to his mansion.

" I am home now. Text me anytime.

Love Maddie 💕”.

I texted back and walked inside, but Damien pulled me back and held my hand. Damien called all his maids, security members, driver and butler and introduced me as his wife. They all had surprise faces but they immediately welcomed me warmly.

   Damien and I sat at the long dining table and was served dinner. I played with my food as I couldn't bring myself to eat. Damien noticed and ordered they bring me apples. He sat at the table till I finished my apples. He took my hand and we walked the stairs together.

    “Chole's room, my study, guest room. Our room" Damien said as he took me to walk past the hallway of the mansion upstairs. He opened the bedroom he informed we would be sharing and it was big. Damien walked in and changed out of his clothes before heading for the bathroom. I took my time to look around the room and I was impressed.

      I walked to the closest and all my belongings had been arranged orderly. I waited for him to freshen up before going to the bathroom. I changed to a more comfortable outfit and I laid at the edge of the bed. 

  “Listen Irene, we are here because we need to convince others that we are a real couple. If not, you would be in your own room. I don't find it convenient sharing this bed with you too, but there is enough room for the both of us. Feel comfortable! There is no wedding night happening now or ever, I am not planning to” Damien said bluntly and turned off the lamp.

       I adjusted more comfortably and thought of how I would inform Chole about the situation I had landed myself in. The rays from the sun reminded me it was Sunday morning. I turned and yawned tiredly as I tried to get off from the bed. Damien laid down sleeping soundly.

   I walked to the bathroom and found a mini closet with new pairs of toothbrushes. I picked one and brushed my teeth. As soon as I was about to walk out, I heard Chole's voice. “Daddy? Are you married? All the staff says so!". My heart raised. I lost all confidence to walk out.

    Chole was upset and I could hear her crying and yelling at her Dad. I couldn't take it, he got married for her I thought. I walked out and called her sweetly. “Baby girl! Good morning honey" I said with a smile.

   Chole stared at me before she recognized me. “Miss Irene? What are you doing here? Can you believe my dad got married?" She asked like a boss. I could not doubt that she was indeed her father's child. Damien looked away and walked to the bathroom.

      I tried to walk away from this awkward situation, but I couldn't. “Why are you here Miss Irene?" Chole asked with her hands folded and an eyebrow raised. She stared at me from head to toe and moved back. "Why are you in pajamas?” she added.

       My battle within myself. I couldn't face Chole and explain to her, but I had to. “Come here baby girl" I said as I pulled her to the couch by the corner of the room. “Listen baby girl, you know daddy loves you right" I began and I waited for her nod before I continued.

    I took a deep breath and patted her hair. “Daddy knows that you like me and he knows I care for you too, so he decided to keep us together" I said with a sweet smile and Chole nodded so interested in our conversation. 

     “Honey, Daddy and I got married yesterday" I dropped the news and noticed Damien pepping from the bathroom door. Chole's mood changed immediately. She turned around and moved away from me immediately. I tried to touch her but she pushed me away.

     “Chole baby, I am sorry you had to find out like this, daddy and I are sorry… .” Chole walked away really upset before I could finish. I walked after her but she ran to her room. I walked inside and sighed softly as I sat on the chair.

    "Wasn't that hard was it?” Damien said as he walked out of the bathroom grinning. I was irritated by his words and I confronted him." You are her dad right? Why leave it to me?”. Damien walked to the closet and picked up a gym outfit .

   " I owe you no explanation Irene, but for the sake of our contract I will. Chole and I haven't been on the best of terms lately. Raymond says I am too hard on her. She would misunderstand my intentions”. He said before heading to the bathroom.

     I inhaled,trying to get back my confidence before I walked towards the direction Chole ran to. I kept knocking on different rooms and I couldn't find Chole's room. “Good morning ma'am? Do you need help?" I turned to the direction of the light toned voice. It was a maid. 

     “Yes my dear. Take me to Chole's room". She nodded and immediately we turned towards the other end of the hallway and we got to her room. The maid went about with her work and I knocked on the door. “Hey baby girl, I want to talk" I said as I knocked on the door repeatedly.


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