
Chapter 2

Erica's POV

It was a long ride but we finally arrived at Franstar college. It was a very big school filled with students from all works of life.

Campus life is a different world of its own. As I scanned through the various buildings and artworks that littered across the campus.

My Dad got a spot to park his car and we all alighted. Beatrice's Dad had a last-minute appointment which he could not afford to miss, so he pleaded with my Dad to take Beatrice with us.

Having Beatrice with me in the car was fun. We talked about lots of things from childhood experiences, to high school, career opportunities, dreams, and aspirations. The ride would have been boring without her.

Franstar University is one of the best and biggest and best universities in the city. It is attended by both the rich and the poor kids. You can tell by the fleet of cars parked by the students. 

One car, in particular, stood out from the others, it's a Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita.

It is one of the newest brands to hit the market. Only a few batches were made available.

Which student could afford to buy such an expensive car? I wondered

Just then, the door of the car open. After which everything went cliche of a Hollywood scene, where the handsome, Athletically built young guy comes down from his luxurious car in slow motion, followed by his flocks of friends. Then the girls start making themselves available and prettier by just the mere sight of him.

Well, except that in this case, Mr expensive car owner is all by himself with no friends and just a handful of girls gushing over him from a distance.

I also could not see his face clearly to tell if he was handsome or not. He wore just regular jeans and a white T-shirt that clinched to his body making you aware of the fact that he might be into some kind of sport.

I have always had a thing for beautiful and luxurious cars and tastefully design homes.

It was my passion that I know what it takes to plan, design, and construct beautiful houses that drove me into studying architecture.

Beatrice and I went back to the car to bring out the things we needed, with my mum assisting us.

"Pumpkin be sure to call in regularly so we can know how you are doing," Dad said. Right after we had finished bringing down our things.

And before I could answer, Mum interrupted.

"and don't forget to be safe. Always make sure your whereabout is known to at least one person." Mum added as she gave me that my baby girl is now a woman look.

"Yes, mum," I said smiling.

It's official, I'm going to miss them, be big and don't cry, Erica.

I was almost tempted to ask them to spend the night with us, but I know they cant. They needed to go back almost immediately so they make it home in good time. Mum gave me a tight hug and kisses. She turned to hug Beatrice too. Dad blew us kisses, as they went back into the car and drove off.


We went straight to the registrar, where we were welcomed by a long queue of students who got there in time before us.

The whole process was pretty fast as we did our clearance before we were asked to go check into our accommodation.

We took an in-campus taxi to our hostel, the ride was fascinating as the driver gave us a tour of the campus.

we finally got to the hostel, they were four tall buildings tag ABCD, we checked our hostel card and saw BlockA which happened to be the finest.

I will get to know the BlockA is strictly for first and final students. They were other nice buildings that were owned by private individuals.

Some of those hostels were built like a mini flat, where you have your bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, study room, toilet, and a jacuzzi.

They come at a very expensive rate and are mostly afforded by wealthy kids.

We came down from the car in front of our hostels and discovered we were in the same block.

We went in search of our rooms, and after some time, we found mine first.

We knocked on the door and when there was no reply, I brought out my keys to open the door. We went in as Beatrice helped me in taking my things in.

The room was of moderate size, it had only two-bed spaces, two study spaces, one bathroom, and kitchen space.

We then went in search of Beatrice's room, her room just three doors away, I was so happy.

Her roommates were in and we're very excited to meet see her. We exchanged pleasantries and introduced ourselves. They joined us in putting Beatrice's things in place.

When we were done, we both went back to my room. When we got to the door we discovered that the door was slightly open. we went in and found out my roommate was back.

She introduced herself as Sophia. She also was a final year student. Sophia was so pretty. Her skin looked spotless, Her blonde hair long and beautiful. You could easily mistake her for one of those beauty queens.

she wore a short red body fitted dress with a deep cut and a silver high, from a glance one could tell, she came from a well-to-do family.

We exchanged pleasantries, more like we introduce ourselves to her. She just said a few words and looked at us like we were new maids brought to her for inspection.

She pretty much occupied the whole room with her belongings, for once I was glad because I only came with a few stuff. One could shop from her beautiful set of shoes displayed on her shoe rag.

"I have never seen anyone with so many shoes like you Sophia, they are beautiful," I said admiring her shoes from where I stood. 

Trying to imagine how much she must have spent on those shoes because they look like they will cost a fortune.

"Thank you, "she said blushing.

make her your friend, so you can borrow some of her clothes

a tiny voice in my head whispered. 

She seems very nice, as she sat gracefully on her huge bed covered in red beddings. Red must be her favorite color as it is the dominant color in her space.

"And you are very pretty " added Beatrice smiling.

"thank you," Sophia said while admiring her beautiful skin, and cleaning off some invisible dust on her shoulders. She seems to enjoy lots of compliments.

Beatrice and I started arranging my things while she just continued with whatever she was doing on her phone.

It must be nice to be in her world. I told myself as I rolled my eyes.


Later that evening, I decided to go back to Beatrice's room. Sophia had gone out earlier and was yet to return.

And I was bored staying alone all by myself.

When I got to Beatrice's room, I saw her having a nice time with her roommates. They were discussing, laughing, and munching on chocolate cookies.

lucky her

I said in my heart as I was welcomed back by everyone. I immediately joined in their discussion.

We talked about everything, from our high school experiences to boys. though I was still naive about the world of boys, it was really fun, listening to they talk.

"Have you seen your roommates?" one of the girls asked smiling.

"yes, her name is Sophia," I answered with a mouthful of cookies.

"Sophia Anderson?" A girl called Tricia asked dramatically with her eyes wide open as if they were about to poop out.

"I am not quite familiar with her family name yet," I said trying not to read any meaning into her drama.

"There can only be one Sophia in the final year class, students fondly call her lady in red" Tricia added.

Was she wearing a red dress?" Asked Doris, from her tune, one could sense a bit of jealously, she was the only final year student present in the room.

"yes" I answered getting tired from their stares.

I was beginning to feel like I was been interviewed on a live show, I was not prepared for.

"She is the stepsister to Damian Anderson, our student union president, an only child to his multi-billionaire Dad." The first girl said all this while looking into her phone.

"You are so lucky, you can get to see Damian often, he is such a dream, eyes so mesmerizing, tall, and the most beautiful of them all," said Tricia in a dream-like manner.

When She snapped out of her daydream and noticed we were all staring at her, she turned all pink as she tries to look away feeling embarrassed.

she must like him a lot.

I don't understand all the fuss about boys though, they are all just a bunch of jerks. You see one, you have seen them all.

"If you want to live happily with your roommate, stay away from Damian. She is very possessive of him, or should I be blessed obsessed with him. There have been stories that they may be having an affair" Doris said with a serious tone.

"What?" I asked shocked to know about the last piece of information.

"Welcome to campus life where nothing stays hidden forever" replied Tricia with a smirk.

"And how come you guys are three in this room and we are just two in ours?" I asked out of curiosity.

"She is the captain of the cheerleaders. She is entitled to have just one person as a roommate, so I guess you are the lucky one" Doris said rolling her eyes.

After all, I just heard about, I guess borrowing her clothes is off my to-do list.

"Thank you so many guys, I need to turn in for the night," I said while making my way to the door.

Beatrice stood up to see me off to my room, I told her not to worry as my room is only a few doors away. We hugged and bid ourselves good nights.

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