
Chapter Four

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Aisha's POV

"Wake up, sleepy beauty". I heard Zainab's voice  but refused to answer her, I needed to enjoy my beautiful sleep.

"Wake up, it's morning already".

"Go away, I need to sleep". I mumble to her using my pillow to cover up my ear.

"Okay no problem, I will go but don't you dare come back to me later on crying that you've been fired on your first day at work"

"What?". I squeaked as I quickly stand up not knowing am at the edge of my bed, I fell and hit my butt badly on the floor. Still groaning in pain, I asked.

"What time is it?"

"7:00am" she replied shrugging off her shoulder.

"What?!  And you're just waking me up now?"

"It wasn't my fault Miss..... I wasn't the one who had asked you not to set your alarm properly before going to bed". She smirk. 

"I'm going to deal with you later, but right, isn't the time for that".  I fummed and sauntered towards my bathroom.

"You're too much walahi". I heard zee said.

"I heard you!"I yelled

"It was meant for you to". She yelled back laughing.

I quickly finish my stuff inside and walk out, the first thing that caught my attention was the cloth Zee had kept on the bed.

"Does she expect me to wear this cloth?... But, on the other hand, it's looks beautiful" I thought.

Putting on the white palazzo trouser, I wear the black top and also put on my white jacket, I slide my leg into the matching shoe she had also kept and picked up my bag. 

I applied a little powder on my face, I'm not the type that fancy make-up.  Rubbing a little lip gloss and eyeliner, I walked over to the mirror. I gasp seeing the beautiful lady standing before me.  Is this me?  I looked beautiful and different from the old Aisha I used to know.

"Wow". I heard Zee voice said. I turned around to face her and I saw her already smiling at me. Guess, she's appreciating her work.

"You like it?" I asked her twirling round.

"I love it". She exclaimed clasping both of her hands together.

"But Zee, isn't it too revealing? I mean, look at my shape, it's all showing"

"You're beautiful" she said in an assuring way.

"Aisha! Zainab! Come down here". We both heard Mom voice yelled from downstairs.

"Okay mom, coming!" We chorused together. 

We ambled downstairs and entered the kitchen. I hug her and Zee did the same too. 

"Good morning mom". We both said.

"Morning girls, and how was your night? "

"Fine, Alhamdulillah. It was great". Zee replied.

"Mom, I really have to go. I only have twenty minute left to reach my company. And I can't afford to be sacked on my first day at work"

"Breakfast will soon be ready dear, just wait and get something to eat"

"No mom, I will only be late for work. Okay, I have to go"

"Okay then, if you insist but take one of your dad's car". She suggest.

"No Umma, don't worry, I can manage" I said walking out fastly before she could stop me again.

I entered the company and amble towards the workers elevator but before I could reach, I heard my name been called,  "Miss Aisha"

That was the Secretary voice. I smiled awkwardly at her remembering the incident that had occur the other day in her presence.  I sauntered closer to her and greeted her.

"As salamu Alaykum(peace be upon you)"

"Wa alaykumu salam(peace be upon you too)"

"Sorry for calling out your name".

" No, it's fine really"

"This is your ID card, please make sure it's always with you whenever you're coming to work. It's will be your mode of identification in this company". She said smiling politely.

"Yeah, sure.  Thank you". I replied taking it from her.

I quickly walk towards the elevator without watching my way and then, I bumped unto someone.

Not Again.  I thought.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry, Miss " we both said at the same time.

"It's not a problem". I replied. I glance up to look at lady I had bumped into but was surprised as I saw the beautiful lady standing right in front of me.

She smiled at me and we both entered the elevator. Strangely, we pressed same floor.

"My name is Fatima Yusuf, and you?"

Yusuf?..... How I hate hearing that name.

"Aisha Ibrahim". I replied her smiling.

"Wow!  Nice to meet you. You're so beautiful".  She said sincerely.

"Beautiful?  Have you seen your self, you look hot. I mean, like a Muslim model". I squealed in a serious tone.   And, that wasn't a lie, she really do look beautiful and elegant.

"Come on, Aisha". She wave her right hand in the air.

"Believe me, that's the truth" I stated honestly with my shoulder shrugged.

"Guess, you're new here?"

"Yes I'm, in fact I had came for my interview last week friday. And do you know the most embarrassing part was that, I met my boss before the interview not knowing that he was the one. We kinda bumped into each other just like what had happen between us earlier. I had insisted for an apology from him but he was so arrogant and rude, so I got mad and cursed him, you needed to see how rude I was with him. But strangely, he gave me the job, I wonder if he's dumb or stupid.  I can't clarify that part"

I've done it again. Stupid Aisha. I wonder why I was even telling her all of this ?"  I thought.

"So you mean, your boss is stupid for offering you the job?"

"Well, can't put it that way. At least, he saved my life"

'Wow! You are one lucky girl, then" She said in amusement.

What does she mean by that?

"So, can I have your contact?". She said bringing me out from my thought.

"Huh? My contact? Why would you want my contact?"

I saw her face turned into confusion.

"Please don't misinterpret my word, I'm just surprise.... you see, I was just wondering why would a classy lady like you would want my contact?" I told her truthfully.

"Come on, just because I'm classy or rich doesn't mean we can't be friends. And you're always classy  in your own way too, right?"

"Erm, right.... Okay, hand me your phone". I said stretching out my hand to her.

She passed me her phone and I typed in my digit into it.

"I'm going to-"

Dinnnnng..... She was about to say something but the sound of the elevator stopped her. 

We both walk out and was about to bid her good bye when my arrogant handsome boss sauntered out from his office.

He wide out his eyes like he just saw a ghost, then a smile creep out on his face.

"Sister?!.... what are you doing here?"  he asked with a small smile on his face while he amble closer to Fatima and hug her tightly before pulling back.

"Sister? Did he just call her sister?  Oh my God! If she's his sister then what will happen to me? Oh my! What have you done again this time around" I facepalm and  muttered to my self.

"Sister?". I repeated not knowing that they heard me.

"Yes Aisha, I'm Aryan senior sister" she replied smirking.

That moment, I felt like ice water has been poured on me.

I glance over to look at her again, and then,  she was giving me the look of  "don't worry, your secret is safe with me"

I then sighed in relief.

Breathe in breathe out, breathe in breathe out  Aisha

"But, to me, they never look alike" I thought.

I fixed my gaze at my handsome boss and he was looking so dashing today,  he was putting on a white suit with a black inner and also a white pant.

Okay, was I the one seeing things or what? Why are we both putting on a match of cloth? I look up at his face and then, I saw him staring at me with those captivating eyes, my body shivered all of a sudden.  He was making my body weak just by his look. I felt like, if he was undressing me with those eyes.

Why am I feeling this way? . I thought.

"Uhh uhh". We heard someone coughing and turned to look at Fatima smirking at us.

"Erm, I.. I think, I need to go now. Nice meeting you Fatima" I said stuttering as I feel Aryan's gaze on me. 

"Okay dear. And same here too" she waved back at me.

I smiled and walk away from them, I walk pass Rukkayya and wave at her.  I swiftly amble to my left and entered my department.

I puff out an air once I was sure that I wasn't in their sight anymore.

That was an awkward moment.


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