
How are you love

It was afternoon,everyone was busy in usual cores.I was having Winter Vacations.

Chachaa and Chachii  were meeting some relatives in Murree.Ayesha api was snoring beside me.Bear-bro aka hussni went to meet his one of friends.

After waking up,I was using my not-so-smart-brain for taking revenge.Speak of devil and he is here....

Chocolate eyes was sleeping with mouth open,little drool was on side of his mouth.He looked like he is dead.I could kill him at the moment andend of game.As I looked at him ,I realized he looks like old Amaar with his smirk off his face.I almost wanted to touch him like the old times that I always used to awake him for breakfast.

I immediately jerked that thought out of my mind.

He is not the same Amaar and you are not a baby anymore.So seize your stupid acts right now.

But then I caught sight of his phone.Wiggling my fingers,I rushed towards it.He didn't budge.What a heavy sleeper.

I move out of room towards the side of door.Guess what!!! I'm good at sneaking patterns.As my trying-to-look-smart-bro always selected complicated patterns for his phone,So I was good at copying.

I put the pattern and it beeped unlocking phone.Bravo!!

Step one done.

OK.I was scrolling when I got glimpse of messenger.Oh let's see what my sweet cousin had got here!!!!

Like the big-besharam (shameless) I am,I open the chat.I was caught off guard by blue heads of not so few girls.

Whoa man.Chocolate eyes was a complete player.

So I stuck on intense convo where

LIPS IN LIPS was playing....

Ugh when did he become so shameless.It was really that Amaar who used to watch cartoons with me and don't even get a thing what was happening and I used to explain to him.

How his pea-sized brain understand these ways was out of my understanding.

I replied the lips-girl Sana :

HI HIRAAA! how are you love!!!

And then the mess begins when  I called Sana,Hira, Hira  Sadaf and then the games goes on.Names swapped and fun began.

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