
The lure of fake love

All day, Kevin just licks his annoyance. He keeps grumbling in his heart. After receiving a rejection from Lucia, Kevin continued to be cranky. This man can't just forget his girlfriend. What's on Kevin's mind now is how he can take Lucia back from Edward.

 "Damn, this is all because I married that damn woman," said Kevin.

 Kevin then took his cell phone, all day in the office, he didn't concentrate. Just waiting for a message notification from Lucia, that's all. Always like that for hours.

 "What should I do to get Lucia to want to be with me again?" Kevin thought hard. He then came up with an idea. "I know! I'm supposed to do this. But I need acknowledgment from Mommy first."

 Kevin stood up, then contacted an acquaintance who worked at the hospital. Coincidentally, Kevin's colleague works as an obstetrician, of course he knows everything related to the fetus.

 "I need your help," Kevin said.

 "What's wrong? Is your wife not feeling well? I'll be right there."

 Kevin's friend's tone sounded panicked, even though Kevin looked relaxed. Kevin is displeased with the connotation 'your wife' which refers to Rasha as Kevin's wife.

 Kevin shook his head. "No, she's fine. I wanted to ask for your help with something else. You can't refuse, it's very important."

 "Kevin, get straight to the point. A doctor is not an abstract thinker, we are always objective," said Kevin's friend.

 Kevin took a deep breath. "I want you to help me do a DNA test with the fetus in Rasha's womb."

 Kevin's friend sounded surprised. "Kevin? Are you okay? I think you've been acting weird lately. Why did you ask me to do that? Okay, I know you make love with many women, but.... Oh come on, does this have to be done?"

 Kevin chuckled in annoyance, his friend was too convoluted. "Just tell me, do you want to help me or not? About how the story between Rasha and me is not important, if you want a story from me I will tell you after I get the results of my DNA test."

 "Jeez, I think it's better if we meet in person. I just happen to be not busy today."

 Kevin snorted, he thought, glanced at his watch, and then answered. "Okay, we'll meet at the Nuttle Cafe in half an hour. Thanks for taking the time."

 Kevin's colleagues haven't had time to reply, the phone call has been cut off, and Kevin doesn't like excessive pleasantries except with people he likes.


 "Sorry to make you wait." A man took a seat in front of Kevin. "Please give me details on what I must do and why I must do that?"

 Kevin stared straight at him with a serious gaze.

 "I doubt Rasha is pregnant with my child," Kevin said. "And I don't like my marriage. David, I was forced to marry because my mother pushed me. We've been friends for five years, you know how my mother is, right?"

 The man named David smiled softly, this was included as a personal matter. But because Kevin is his close friend, David can only understand.

 "I think Aunt Angelina is a critical thinker, is there a misunderstanding?"

 Kevin hit the table with excitement. "That's right! My mother misunderstood. Please help me so I can get out of this problem. Let's get straight to the point. You help me to prove that my DNA and the baby Rasha is carrying are not compatible."

David scratched the nape of his neck which didn't itch. "Kevin, can you get a DNA sample of your baby ready?"

 He smiled. "Of course you can, I just have to take Rasha's hair. It's very easy."

 David slapped his forehead. "You misunderstood. Taking a DNA sample from a fetus is not like that. I have to take part in the fetus your wife is carrying. I could be prosecuted for doing that without permission."

 Kevin glared. "What? Is there no other way than that?"

 He sighed. "As long as I'm a doctor, that's the only way to take samples for DNA testing between adults and babies who are still in the womb. Can't you wait until Rasha gives birth? This is very dangerous, Kevin."

 "I don't care! I just want to know soon! I'll take that sample anyway," said Kevin. "If I have to wait until Rasha gives birth, I better not have to do that stupid test. Arghh, why isn't everyone around me making things easy for me?"

 David is worried, he knows Kevin's bad character, and Rasha might be in danger after this.

 "Kevin, you have to be careful. Don't you think that Aunt Angelina will be suspicious of you when you do that? You better do everything gently by waiting a few more months---"

 Kevin pounded the table. "Nonsense! Now I don't need your chatter. Wait for a DNA sample from me, I'll get it after this."

 Kevin immediately left the cafe, David tried to prevent Kevin as hard as he could but in vain, Kevin was too fast for David.

 "Oh my, what would that madman have done? I wish I hadn't said that. But... Ah! It would still end like that."


 Kevin was silent in his room, he was not only pensive, but he thought of a way to make Rasha want to hand over a sample of her fetal DNA to Kevin.

 Kevin then gasped when he saw a woman dressed neatly in Mocca color enter his room. This woman was familiar to Kevin.

 "Lucia?" Kevin smiled happily. He stood up and approached Lucia first.

 "Kevin, I don't have much time. I only came here to apologize for yesterday," Lucia said with a serious face mixed with sadness.

 Kevin looked at Lucia carefully, he was sure that Lucia still had feelings for him.

 "Lucia, please give me a chance. I know you still love me." Kevin held both of Lucia's shoulders, he looked very hopeful.

 Lucia shook her head. "No Kevin. I don't want to take someone else's husband."

 Kevin stared hard, at Lucia. Lucia looked away, not wanting to look at Kevin.

 "Kevin! I have to go! I'm busy doing a fundraiser---"

 Lucia covered her mouth, hanging her words to make Kevin curious.

 "Money for what? for you?" Kevin asked, he brought his face closer to Lucia's.

 "None of your business!" Lucia snapped at Kevin. "Let me go!"

 Lucia had already opened Kevin's door to leave, but Kevin's voice stopped her.

 "Giving money or buying shares is not difficult for me, can't you reduce your arrogance in front of me?"

 Kevin came closer, touching Lucia's hip. His breath was warm and heavy.

 "You think my money is too little?" Kevin immediately kissed Lucia on the lips.

 Lucia's body stiffened, she seemed to loosen her defenses.

 The door opened, someone gasped in shock at the indecent sight between Lucia and Kevin. Kevin was also shocked, his eyes widened as his lips still touched Lucia's lips.

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