
Chapter Two * The Wedding Night

The quiet in the car made the drive seem to last forever, and not knowing were they were going to made Aurora want to pull her hair out, she tried asking him aka her pigheaded husband where they were headed and how long it will take them to arrive but was blatantly ignored each time.

After what seemed like forever they entered into a gated estate with big beautiful houses, the size of the houses didn't faze her, since she grew up in wealth but when she saw beauty she appreciated it, he went ahead and drove into a garage where he parked his car, as soon as he stopped she jumped out of the car as well as any one in a wedding dress could, climbing the stairs as fast as she could in order to avoid him, on getting to the door she head smacked herself realizing she didn't have they keys, so she waited.

To her greatest joy and annoyance he didn't as much as acknowledge her, opening the door and stepping in as if she wasn't there.

"Are you going to stand there all night?" He questioned.

She came back to reality at the sound of his voice stepping in, she didn't even realize she had still been standing by the door.


He locked the door behind her, not wanting to deal with the spoilt brat anymore today, let alone hear her voice, he left her standing in the living room going to his room.

"Wait." He heard her annoying voice, she never really knew when to shut up.

"Yes," he said.

"Where are you going, aren't you going to show me my room, what about my clothes," she ranted in that voice again.

He didn't sign up for this he thought to himself, he didn't even think of where she was going to stay, annoyed he replied her,

"We will get your clothes tomorrow but for now you get to sleep in the guest room, as for what to wear I'll get you one of my shirts to wear," he said curtly as if talking to one of his employees.

She frowned at his tone but said okay, without even waiting for an answer from her, he turned on his heel and starting walking, until he felt a pummel him to the ground, she fucking slipped that was probably because she was drunk.

He was mad, very mad, mad at himself  for being bullied into this marriage, mad for being attracted to her even if she wasn't his type, mad at her for being so fucking clumsy.

So he directed all that anger on her, pushing her off he stood up glaring at her

He yelled, "What the fuck is wrong with you??"

He saw her cower and fear lass through her eyes but only for a moment, the fire was back and with pure defiance.

"Me, what's wrong with me, you seriously want to know, then you're what's wrong with me, you and you're asshole self are my fucking problem," she yelled back.

God she looks sexy when she's mad,

Fe eling his anger dissipating, standing there in that wedding dress that did nothing to hide her mouth watering curves, her wide hips slender waist, her generous breasts and that ass curved to perfection, he towered over her, she was a short little thing her head only reaching his chest he noticed when he was dragging her out of the party and her skin milky chocolate colour, his favorite.

 Oh how he would like to lick every inch of it he hoped it would be as sweet looking up st her face she had the most beautiful face he had ever seen the nicest eyes, feline in their shape and shrouded by thick black lashes were her dark brown eyes, one may argue that the colour was dull but they were the most interesting eyes he saw, he could get lost in their depth, her little button nose, so cute he felt like kissing it and her lips dark pink full and succulent the lower fuller that the upper, he hoped they tasted as sweet as they looked.

Looking at her seeing the fire in her eyes and the fierce look on her face he wanted to hold her, to kiss her anger away.

"Hey, Nate over here," Aurora said, she knew that he was checking her out, but Nate didn't care about that and by the way her eyes glazed with lust he knew she was checking him out too, he smirked knowing fully well that he was not bad on the eyes.

Forgetting why he was angry in the first place he said, "Let me show you to your room."

He started walking leaving her to follow, he walked her to the guest bedroom that he was thankful was at least clean.

Walking into the room he turned and said, "Make yourself comfortable."

He then walked out, not looking back but he could feel Aurora glaring holes into his back.


"I will," she replied snarkily  hoping to get a response from him, when he said nothing she sat on the bed with a huff, looking around she decided that she would design the room, might as well like where she would be living.

Bending down she began to take off her shoes groaning, it hurt like a bitch, standing up she began to feel an headache forming, she stretched and walked to the bathroom, wow she thought to herself even if the room itself wasn't anything to write home about the bathroom was awesome with a jacuzzi looking through the cupboards she found some rose scented body wash and began to make her self a bath.

Taking off her gown, which was very hard, but she didn't want to get her stupid but handsome husband so she sucked it up and after a long while she managed to lose all the bloody strings and they were so many of them, the underwear set was another issue she needed her sister to put it on for her how on earth will she get it off, first with the stockings and eventually all off it went off and by the time she was in the bath she was so tired she fell asleep.


Getting to his room Nate looked for one of his smaller t-shirts and boxers for Aurora to wear to bed, he thought of going to give her right away, but he didn't want to catch her naked or any thing, if he saw her naked he wasn't sure he would be able to control himself and sleeping with her would be a mistake if he wanted a divorce as soon as possible, so while he waited for her to bathe or something he took a shower of his own a  cold one to get rid of the boner he got just staring at her

Putting on some briefs he took the clothes and went to her room, knocking on the door there was no answer, reluctantly he pushed the door and entered into the room he couldn't find her any where.

"Aurora, Aurora," he called out  checking the closet, he got no answer.

"Aurora!, Aurora!" He called out again knocking on the bathroom door when he got no answer he feared the worse and barged in. His eyes were not prepared for the sight they met.

She was asleep in the hot tub her brown shoulder length hair wet, her face devoid of any make up, looking down the top of her breasts peeking from the bubbles  a little shift and he would be able to see her nipples he turned back and picked a towel from the cupboards  spreading it, he called out to her again.

"Aurora," he said while tapping at her leg, she turned and blinked opening her eyes trying to focus she then realized that Nate was with her in the bathroom naked, well she was naked, putting her hand over her breasts.

She shouted at him, "Get out of my bathroom you pervert!" She screamed.

Annoyed at her screaming the pinched his nose extending his arm he stretched the towel towards her.

"Would you stop screaming, you're giving me an headache," he said.

"I came here to give you your pyjamas," he continued.

"Well you've done that you can leave," she said snottily.

He was annoyed by the way was talking to him she was still a spoilt brat he thought to himself, if she was living with him that attitude would have to go.

"So there is no thank you," he replied.

"Then I should just take the pyjamas and leave, so you can just sleep naked," he said turning to leave.

"No, No," she said, desperate for him not to leave, it was cold enough, not wanting to sleep naked.

"Thank you, Your Highness," she said sarcastically.

"Now may I get my pyjamas back?" She asked.

"No," he replied smiling imagining her naked which wasn't hard since she was naked, feeling himself getting hard again he started to leave the bathroom.

She came out of the hot tub and hurriedly wrapped the towel around her body, that water droplets were still clinging to.

"Nate, please wait, I'm sorry  you're so mean what can't you just give it to me," she whined.

"Well if you really want it, beg for it," he said having fun watching her squirm.

"You are such an egoistical pighead, who hasn't changed, you can take your stupid pyjamas and shove it up your ass," she said getting angry.

"You can take the pyjamas princess, you know I like seeing you worked up," he said smiling at her while throwing the pyjamas on the bed loving that her face was red, enjoying their banter like they were kids again.

"Enjoy your wedding night," he said walking out of the door locking it behind himself, he heard the click on the door as he made his way to his room.

Getting to his room, the image of her wrapped in a towel came back to him, groaning he took off his shorts and went back to take a cold shower, he couldn't get the image of her almost naked out of his mind after a while he went back and laid on his bed.

She really grew up, he thought to himself.

When his father said he should come home and get married to Aurora, he really did not want to after seriously threatening to take away his shares in the company, which he worked his ass for, to his brother Ryan since he was going to do right by the family, by marrying Aurora's sister Andrea.

He didn't have any issues with his brother but he loved what he did and wasn't going to give it up for any one, coming home he was expecting the little girl that talked off his ears and he tugged on her pigtails always picking on her, not a full grown and very beautiful woman who he was instantly attracted to. It pissed him off especially because he wasn't ready to settle down he wasn't even thirty yet and then there was Cece he couldn't even think about her, Aurora was taking away his freedom and the looking good while doing it. It was pissing him off that he was attracted to her even if he didn't want to, even if she wasn't his type, even if she talked too much and her voice grated his ears but yet he was helplessly attracted to her, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He didn't know what came over him when he called her princess he just wanted to tease her but it became so much more, he didn't know what to expect but Nate knew that his life had become more exciting.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Vera Winter
suspense is great loving it

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