
Chapter 2 The Clubhouse

"It's about damn time! You gave that asshole way too much of your time!!" Jade scolded me.

 "Yes, that fucker didn't deserve you!" Paula agreed.

 "I know. But what's done is done. Moving forward." I replied.

 "Well time to forget that loser. Come meet our guys." Jade laughed.

 "Y'all always wanted to be biker bitches." I laughed.

 "You know it!" Paula agreed.

They walked through the clubhouse and tons of watchful eyes. Jade led her to a big wooden door. She knocked then opened it. There were two very large guys. One sitting at a desk, the other in a chair in front of it. 

"Bear this is Jess, Jess Bear my husband." Jade introduced.

 "Nice to meet you, Prez." Jess replied. He nodded at her.

 "And this is Jett, Paula's old man." Jade replied.

"VP, pleasure." She replied. 

He nodded too. Ok then, men of little words. After introductions the girls left and went back to the main room.

"Ok the wolves will descend now." Jade laughed.

"Let the games begin." Jess laughed.  "Bring it on."

Jade introduced her to several of which she admitted she’d not remember. It will take a bit to learn them all. She met Gunner, Army, Bandito, Preacher, and Axel. There are a few that she will remember, the hottest of the bunch. 

And one already caught her eye. Her luck he’d be just another Reaper. She sighed and thought “Fuck my life”.

"Ok, let's go to my house. I have got you all set up in one of our spare rooms. It's in the basement and has its own entrance. So, it's kind of private." Jade explained.

The girls left and headed to Jade’s house. It's a fifteen-minute drive. After they parked, Jade and Paula helped carry all her luggage inside. Jade and Paula sat on the bed, and they watched as Jess unpacked. Jess told them everything that happened since they last talked.

"If you like I can see if Bear needs anyone to do his books at any of the businesses. After your vacation of course." Jade said.

"We really hope you'll stay." Paula chimed in.

The day before, Axel’s point of view. My name is Axel. I am the Sergeant of Arms for the Hell's Warriors. The club has been my home my whole life. My dad was the VP before he was shot in a gun deal. 

Our club has businesses that are legit, and we also do weed and guns on the illegal side. My dad and my best friend Bear’s dad also grew up in the club together. I guess you could say we are third generation bikers as our grandfathers started the club. We have a third friend, Jett, who also grew up with us. When I was 16 my mom packed and left. 

Up to that point I thought I had a normal MC life. Until that point, I never knew my mom was not happy with our way of life. She never let on that she was unhappy. She always took care of me, dad, and the house. My clothes were washed, and I was fed 3 meals a day. 

I knew my dad was gone a lot due to club business, but I never questioned it. I came home from school to her loading her luggage in her little crappy car one day right after my sixteenth birthday. Turns out she never minded the club life; she just hated all the cheating her old man did.

She was very good at keeping it a secret between her and dad. I never would have guessed it bothered her so much. Did I know dad cheated on her? Yes, I knew dad was never faithful to mom, but he never did it around her. However, it did not take a genius to figure it out, and mom was pretty smart. 

Mom gave dad an ultimatum. Her or the club. She was tired of putting up with it and decided since I was old enough to take care of myself, she had had enough. Of course, he chose the club and she packed and left. She did ask me to go with her, but the club brothers were my family. 

So, I chose to stay with dad. I could see the hurt on her face, but I could also tell she understood my choice. She kissed my forehead; told me she loved me and could always come to her if I ever needed to. Then she turned and climbed into her car and drove away. She called once a month and on holidays and my birthday. 

Always inviting me to visit her, but I didn’t. I was angry at her leaving us. At that time, I didn’t understand what the big deal was. Almost all the brothers cheated on their old ladies. It was normal for the club. When you grow up around it, you don’t question it, you just accept it. 

I patched in at 18, and my dad was proud of me. He and the club threw a big party for me, Bear, and Jett. We all patched in together. The party lasted for 3 days. We drank so much it’s a wonder we didn’t get alcohol poisoning!

Five years after mom left, dad was gunned down during a gun deal gone bad. Great 21st birthday present to me. That was 6 years ago. I'm now 27. I just worked my way up to Sergeant at Arms. 

Bear is now Prez, which is President, and Jett is VP, which is Vice President. Bear’s dad developed lung cancer and stepped down as his health took a turn for the worse. Jett’s dad stepped down right after Bear’s did. He said it was time and he was too old to listen to some young punk. 

Not to say he didn’t like Bear; it was just the fact of Bear’s age. The old brothers were set in their ways. I like the lifestyle. The adrenaline of a ride or illegal deal, and not to mention the free range of pussy every night. No strings attached. 

Some do try to attach themselves, but I quickly cast them away. Those bitches never get a second time. My good looks, blue eyes, and muscular tattoo body always gets a yes from the ladies. Throw in the biker cut and motorcycle and it's mostly a sure thing. And if not just a smile and a few sweet words and they are putty in my hands. 

Now, I’m not bragging, that's just how it is. My type of woman? Blonde, with big double D's and an ass you can hang on to. Give her that hourglass figure and she is perfect. Perfect for fucking but nothing long term of course. 

No way am I falling into that trap. Some of my brothers have, and they seem happy enough. But that shit ain’t for me. Guess I learned that from my old man. Why settle for one when you can have many? 

That's like saying pick a flavor of ice cream and that's the only one you have for the rest of your life! What if I choose chocolate now, but down the road I want strawberry? No, that one-woman shit is definitely not for me.

I always go to their place, the back room at the bar, or in the bathrooms or game room at the clubhouse but never my bedroom. That way I can fuck them and then leave. Plus, I don't want anything brought to my bedroom at the clubhouse. My bedroom is my private sanctuary. No bitches allowed.

About 2 years ago Bear made Jade his old lady and married her. And last year Jett made her friend Paula his old lady. They seem happy. But again, it's not something I want for myself. 

I'm happy enough as I am. So, which one do I use tonight? Choices and more choices. Hmmm, blondie with the triple d's it is. 

"Hey blondie, my third leg is needing some attention." I laughed.

"My name's Lacey." She replied.

"Ok, well Lacey my cock needs your mouth on him. Let's go in the back." I laughed.

"Ok baby." She replied.

She did a halfway decent blow job, but it was worth it to get ahold of her huge tits! Man are they big!! I thank her, zip up my jeans, and then go find a brother to drink with. I don't want to get drunk, just buzzed. Tomorrow, we have a visitor coming to the clubhouse. 

A friend of Jade and Paula's. Several of the brothers have been talking about it. They say she's hot. And hey fresh meat, I'm game.

They are good brothers. Could not choose a better pair to run our club. They are both well respected. They keep our businesses running and our club respectable. I could not choose two better men to call brothers. 

The three of us grew up together in the club so it really does feel as if we are real brothers. However, lately with Bear married and Jett having an old lady we do not get much time together to raise hell anymore. We still have all our club business we attend to. But just us brothers out on the town drinking and picking up women has stopped. 

We do have an occasional guy’s night out drinking, but no women during those times. They say they are lucky. A woman is at home waiting for them. No need to worry about where your pussy has been. 

And no condoms. I have never gone bare in a bitch. I wrap my cock every time. Do not want to risk a disease or pregnancy. I say if you do not know what you are missing, then how can you miss it?

When she walked into the main room of the clubhouse, it was like the atmosphere of the room changed. I turned from my seat at the bar to watch her enter. She wasn't dressed fancy. Just a sleeveless black top that hugged her curves and her jeans were faded but nice, a little snug in the butt area. They rode low on her hips, and she wore tennis shoes. 

She had long dark brown hair that touched her butt. Small tits but an ass a man could get lost in and die a happy man. My cock tried to stand at attention in my jeans. What the fuck, down boy? When has a look set my cock off like a rocket? 

Oh yeah, never! So why now and why her? I really don’t see anything special about her, but I do feel something different from other women I’ve met. She's really not my type, curvier and a little heavier than the girls I fuck, and her boobs are barely there. 

Not to mention I like blondes with huge boobs. Her gorgeous hair has my fingers itching to run them through it. I can imagine fisting her hair while fucking her from behind. What the actual fuck is going on with me?

I keep my eyes glued on the door waiting for her to come out and back in the room to meet her. It feels like hours but in reality, only minutes. She comes out of the office and the girls bring her over to meet the rest of us. She barely even acknowledged me. 

She gave a slight nod just like at the others then the girls and her left. I did the charm, the stance, the smile, and even the "I want to fuck you" eyes. But she didn't even pay any attention to me. And when she left, it's like she took the air from the room with her.

After she left, I had to relieve my cock in the bathroom. What the hell just happened? Damn this is bad. I was perfectly happy. Shit! I took a much-needed ride on my bike to clear my head.

Afterwards, I felt back to normal so I returned to the clubhouse. The party was starting to get off to a loud start. I kept watching the door for her to arrive. What the hell is wrong with me? I know, she's the shiny new plaything everyone wants, but they better back off, and stand in line.

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