


I watched, not breathing, not even blinking, as the mate I had abandoned, the man I had declined all those years ago, without reason, without meaning and beyond rationality, stood before me, staring right into my eyes.

I did not know if it was the weight of my mistake or the threat in his eyes, but I almost recoiled until the small fingers of Liam clutching my dress tighter jolted me a little from my dazed state.  

Instinctively, I pulled him closer and behind me. 

It was only then Landon’s shocked gaze fell on him. And it widened. 

The recognition instantly flared, glowing brightly in his orbs, and I knew he saw it. Liam looked like Landon in so many ways, and not just those shiny golden curls on his head or the silvery orbs of his eyes, but in every manner and from every angle, he was the spitting image of his biological father. So much so, that Liam was a living, breathing reminder of that night five years ago. 

An eerie silence pressed heavy, almost choking the life out of me. 

“Mama?” The soft voice of Liam sliced through the silence. He was scared, I could tell, and immediately I ruffled his golden locks to soothe him.

“It’s alright,” I assured him, even though my own voice shook. 

I watched Landon saunter closer and slowly get down on his haunches, extending his palm to Liam. A twinkle of protectiveness flashed in his eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he put on a friendly act.  

“Hey buddy, what’s your name?” He asked. 

Liam had barely ever been exposed to strangers, and given the circumstances we were brought down here, he was wary. He looked up at me, seeking my approval, and I nodded with a forced smile.

“How about I introduce myself first?” He tried again. “My name is Landon. And yours?” 


“It is so nice to meet you, Liam. And what is your mama’s name?” His eyes briefly met mine, and all that layer of friendliness shed away, replaced by a vicious look.  


“Elea,” he reiterated, not taking his eyes off me. It was a warning, I could tell, and so much more. Landon tore his glance away, smiling back at my son. “Are you hungry, Liam?”  

Innocent as he was, he nodded, slowly warming up to him. 

For a brief second, their exchange melted my heart. I knew that I had been the best parent to Liam to the best of my abilities, but a father’s role in a son’s life can never be replaced. And the way Landon befriended him, despite my worst fear coming true, I could not help but feel a little content at their reunion. 

He rose to his feet, pulled out his phone and dialled. “I need you to come to the basement,” was all he said into the speaker before snapping the call. 

I watched him pace around the cell while I pressed myself against the wall with Liam by my side. Within thirty seconds, a man appeared. He was the same guy who was called ‘Chief’ by the soldiers, the one who showed me mercy.

“Alpha, you called.”

“Alex, escort Liam to the guest room and see to it that he is well taken care of,” he ordered, and immediately my eyes widened. There was no way I could let Liam be taken away, least of all now, but when Landon narrowed his eyes at me in warning, I recoiled. 

A part of me wanted to believe that he would not hurt my son, OUR son, but then again, did I really know him? The mate I rejected was Landon Knox, but this man? He was ALPHA Landon now, and ruthlessness ran in his veins and seeped from his pores. 

“Yes, Alpha.”

When the man approached, I cupped Liam’s cheeks and assured him that it was okay and that he would see me soon, even though I did not know if I could keep my promise. But for the sanity of my son, I braved a smile and watched him being taken away. 

The iron door creaked close as I slowly met his eyes. There was something unhinged, wild and hungry about him I noticed.

Landon padded closer, circling me like a predator would do to a fallen prey. “I had often wondered what it would be like to meet you again,” he said. “A strange, lone wolf who disappeared into the night, never to be found again.”  

“I am not the rogue you are looking for,” I said. 

“Are you not?” One of his perfectly sculpted eyebrows rose in question.  

Tamping down the fear, I boldly asked, “What do you want?”  

“Answers. But I will have them at my own sweet time.”  

“As to why I rejected you?”  

He let out a mock laugh, less boyish and more vicious. “Don’t kid yourself, Elea. I have been over the rejection a long time ago.” 

“This is not the Crimson Moon pack house. Where are we?” I asked. I had been careful not to step into his territory for years, but it seemed like the Moon Goddess had different plans for me. 

“I think you are mistaking our roles. I ask the questions, and you answer. Not the other way around. Is that clear?” he snapped. 

I looked away, muttering, “Yes.”  

He grabbed my jaw, forcing my gaze back on him. “Yes, what?” He seethed. 

“Yes, Landon.”  

In a flash, he twisted my arm at the back and pushed my body against the wall with his hot breath fanning my ears. “Try. Again.”  

With each passing second, his grip tightened to the point I could barely take it. “Yes, Alpha,” I gritted out, knowing he would not settle for any less respect than he commanded.  

His death grip loosened, still pinning me against the wall. “I see it will take quite some time to break you.” He chuckled and yanked me around by the shoulder. “Not that I would love any less of a challenge. Lucky for you, I have all the time in the world. So, let’s begin. How old is your kid?” 

“Five,” I blurted out too fast. 

He shook his head, levelling me with a look. “I am going to ask Liam, and if your answer does not match his, there will be consequences. Do you want to try again?”

“He is…he is going to be five. And…and…”

My words drowned when he pressed a finger to my lips and his other hand slapped on the wall beside my head, imprisoning me with his body. 

“Elea,” his voice low and guttural, “…do you want to see your son again?”  

I nodded. “Landon…I mean Alpha, please. Leave him be. Do whatever you want with me, beat me, torture me…let Liam go. Please, I beg of you.” 

I knew what he was capable of, especially when the tables were turned. And if he was furious now, he would be livid if he found out about my previous identity and my association with my previous pack. 

“Save your tears, woman. You will need them later.” 

With that, he pushed away, putting a healthy distance between us. 

“What do you want?” I asked, a little too desperate. “What the hell do you want?” 

“Raise your voice again, and you will regret the day you were born.”

“Then kill me and get it over with,” I cried out.  

“And miss all the fun? Hell no.” He was playing me, I knew. While the anticipation chewed me inside out, he relished watching me squirm under his mercy. “So this kid…is he…”

“Liam is innocent,” I stated. “Spare him, please.” 

He cocked his head to the side. “How badly do you want him to be safe and sound?”  

“Please…he is all I have. I’d do anything, please, Alpha.” 

I knew I had lost already. The least I could do was keep Liam from harm, and for that end, I was ready to make any deal with the devil. 

“Anything?” He challenged, almost amused. 

“Don’t hurt my child.” 

He shrugged a shoulder, turned to face me and crossed his arms. “Well, in that case, kneel.”

I froze. “What?” 

“Did I stutter?”

A shiver ripped viciously down my spine. He was taunting me, trying to break my spirit knowing I’d protect Liam at any cost. He knew my Achilles’ Heel, and it was enough for him to win this war.

I swallowed back my pride, knowing I’d have to accept a thousand defeats before securing Liam. So, I slowly lowered myself on the floor as my knees crashed painfully into the cold floor and met his eyes. 

Alpha Landon should know that he’d have to do a lot more to break me. 

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