
Chapter Eleven ~ Please Trust Me

I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a train. Luckily classes didn't start for another week, so I didn't have to worry about going anywhere like this. I'd already put a pretty good plan together, though. I wanted to be a criminal profiler. 

I know, not what you'd expect from Barbie right? But for as long as I could remember, catching criminals was my dream job, and being a profiler fed into my curious nature. I just needed to get my classes sorted this week, plan everything out, get my student ID, and then sign up for track. 

Payton and I were supposed to be signing up for classes together, but she didn’t sleep here again last night. She also wanted us to rush, so we needed to be together to pick the right Sorority. I picked up my phone and even though it was on the charger, I'd forgotten to turn the thing on. 

Sitting up in bed, I turned it on. As soon as it powered up, it went crazy with notifications, messages, and missed calls. There were a bun

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