
Chapter Four - Laura

Do you ever wish to be swallowed whole by the ground? At the same time wish to hit something hard?

Well that's exactly how I'm feeling right now as I pace back and forth in my room while my so-called best friend Anne sits on my bed, giggling while eating from the large bowl of ice cream

I glare at her as I continue to pace

How dare he try to buy me with money in such a rude way?

"You know that was a one-time opportunity you threw away because you couldn't get your emotions in check or is it because you want him to yourself" Anne has this silly smirk on her face that I wish to wipe off right now. Instead, I roll my eyes without breaking my pacing

What have I done? Why did I even do that? What the hell came over me?

My mind drifts back to this morning's event. I could barely stand properly from how hard my heart was beating after I left Zion's office. I still can't figure out what came over me. He is my fucking boss and I had the gut to stand up to him like that. He had hurriedly left the office with a worried look on his face almost immediately I left his office. He didn't even spare me a glance as he rushed out and I still don't know if I am fired or not

Oh God what if he does fire me

I groan while running my hand through my hair as I turn to pace back in the other direction. All these wouldn't have happened if he hadn't thrown that money offer at me like that. I felt cheap and that made me lose my temper

Anne's loud laugh suddenly fills the room. I halt and turn towards her with a glare. That did the trick because she shut her mouth and dipped her spoon into her ice cream with a shrug while I continued to pace

"Well, that was cool. I mean it's unlike you to get upset so I think he deserves that, boss or not boss" She smiled up at me before licking the ice cream off the spoon

I shake my head, my heart racing "It would have been cool if he wasn't my boss Anne, what if he fired me? I can't lose my job. You know that"

Just like earlier today, the same sinking feeling washed over me, and my heart multiplied its rate

She slowly nods her head in realization, her tongue sticking out to lick the spoon "Oh right!" She scoops a spoonful of her vanilla ice cream again. "Well, thinking about it now, it's not a bad idea. I mean you have a long crush on this man"

My feet came to an abrupt stop and I turned to glare at her. "I had. Past tense Anne. Past tense" I huff in annoyance as I continue to pace.

I don't know how many times I need to tell her and Nana that I do not have a crush on my boss. It was in the past, didn't even last a month

Her laughter fills the room again "Yeah sure. Keep telling yourself that"

I wave my hand in the air "Whatever Anne"

She chuckles before dipping her spoon into the ice cream to take another scoop. However, she sighs and drops the spoon. She sits upright, her face devoid of its usually unseriousness. "Okay, so what are you going to do? Are you going to apologize and accept his offer or his grandma's offer?

I stop pacing and stare blankly across the room at her. What am I going to do? Do I even have a choice here? I've given it a thought yet I haven't concluded

"You know I can't do it. I just can't"

"Are you sure you'll be fine if his grandmother set him up with another lady" she questioned with her eyebrow raised. "See, I know it's a big deal for you considering you never had a boyfriend" I eye her and she shrugs making me roll my eyes "But why don't you give it a try? I mean you were very curious about the man some months ago. Why don't you use this opportunity to get to know him, who knows he might be the dick you need"

I scrunch up my face at that "Ew"

She rolls her eyes and moves to the edge of the bed "I'm serious now Laura. You don't have to get married to him immediately. You can just date and get to know him for a month or two. I'm shipping the two of you though" she concludes grinning like a Cheshire cat

My eyes dart around the room at the same pace my heart is pounding as her words spin around in my head

She is right. I was very curious about him some months ago. I wanted to know why he acted so distant from the rest of the world. Why is a man with everything like him lonely with no one? Although he has a friend just like me, the only difference is that the friend is the one holding tight to the rope of their friendship. It looks like Zion wouldn't care if they suddenly become strangers but can I date someone like that? I don't trust my weak heart, what if I end up falling for him? I mean the guy is irresistible and gorgeous, he's just too cold, difficult, and distant. I don't want to get hurt

I wet my dry lips "I...I... Stop Anne!" I jump on the bed and press my face into the pillow "I don't care. I'm not doing it" I groan into the pillow

She lifts her hands in surrender "Okay fine"

I lift my face to glare at her "Are you even my friend? How can you ask me to accept that ridiculous offer. Huh?"

She gasps with her eyes wide "I did? But seriously, his grandma playing matchmaker? What a day. Well, maybe she sees something we don't. Who knows, beneath that cold exterior, Zion might be a secret romantic"

"Highly doubt that" I scoffed

"Who knows. And Maybe it'll make a good wedding story"

I roll my eyes at her playfulness. Sometimes I wonder how we stayed friends for years despite our polar personalities. Her laughter fills the room again and I throw a pillow at her, it hits her square in the face and she falls back on the bed. I burst into a fit of laughter at her expression and just then my mom's voice cut through the noise

"Come down girls, dinners ready"

"Coming Mrs. Rose" Anne screams as she dashes out of the room with lightning bolt speed and I shake my head as I climb down my bed. However, her words and my doubts are still spinning wildly in my mind

Am I up for this?

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