

Heaving a deep breath…

“Ugh! What the f*ck woman!”

With all the strength I gathered, I kick him down there.

He was cursing me to death while I’m running out of his office.

“I’ll kill you!”

I heard him shout once again which brought terror to my core, while I’m chasing my breath as I got into an elevator.

You’re the dumbest woman on earth Jada! If I wasn’t able to get out of this building, I would probably be a cold corpse tomorrow morning floating on the ocean.

“Bring that woman to me! Or else I’ll kill you all!”

My eyes widened when I recognized the monster’s voice echoed on the speaker inside the elevator. I bet it’s not the only speaker inside this building, but aren’t they having a party on the rooftop? Right, I still have a chance to escape. Glancing at the red numbers at the upper part of the elevator. I cursed when I realized I was on the 30th floor still and lost my patience when the number decreases unhurriedly. How many floors does this building have anyway?

I was tapping my foot to calm myself, and waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor.

Hope fills me when the door opens but quickly vanished when pairs of black shoes were waiting for me outside. I froze. When I glanced at the owners of those shoes, I sighed in relief to see Caleb. He’ll help me right?

“I’m sorry.” He uttered which left my mouth hanging.

“A-Aren’t you gonna help me? Hey!” I exclaimed when he carried me like a sack on his back.

“You idiot! You’re supposedly helping me! I’m Kendra’s friend!” I continously exclaimed and punch his back.

But he seemed deaf and hearing nothing as he get inside back in the elevator.

“Don’t bring me back to him! He’ll kill me!” I exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, we should face the consequence.” He shot back.

“What the f*ck! You assh*le! Put me down!” I screamed.

But it seemed that I’m doomed. Losing my hope when I heard the elevator open and the familiar interior welcomed me.

“F*CK you!”

“Just do what he wants, he won’t kill you. He’s not that kind of person.” He whispered.

Yeah, and pigs can fly. I still remember what Trinity mentioned earlier regarding those women who were killed by a gang. I can picture myself being one of them probably by tomorrow, my lifeless body will be featured on the front page of the newspaper. I closed my eyes when the door opens and shut again.

“ I brought her, Achi.”

“You assh*le we’re not yet done, put her down and leave. I’ll punish y’all tomorrow.” The stern voice of the monster echoed, sending shivers to my spine.

“Oh c’mon dude, I just did it for you to have some fun! Look, aren’t you lured by this pretty woman here!” Caleb shot back.

“Do you think just by drugging me, my perspective on them will change Caleb? F*ck off! Leave!” He growled and the latter can’t do a thing and put me down.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered once again.

“Get lost!” I grunted when he went out of the office leaving me here.

Gulping and hardly breathing, my gaze shifted on him.

“Leave me alone!” I roared and glared at him.

“So fierce.” He coldly commented and slowly walk towards me.

“D-don’t come! I’ll kill you!” I shot back.

Flashing a cunning smirk at me.

“Oh really?” His dark green eyes were piercing on me. Realizing how good-looking he was with his aristocrat nose that compliments the perfect shape of his face. His brows were firmed and his lips were so plump. I gulped and shook my head. Stop glorifying him Jada, your life is at the edge of the cliff here.

“What will you do to me?” I managed to ask.

“Good question. Do you know how I loathe woman?”He asked.

“And you’re here in my building?” He added.

Nodding my head slowly. I just want my Bugatti, f*ck you! I wanted to scream that on his face, but I don’t want to test his patience. Does he even have those? I don’t want to trigger his anger and fasten my death. I still want to attend my race next week.

“But you know what I wanted to thank you.”

Taken aback by what he said, I glanced at him again.

“My lust and arousal slowly vanished by what you did.” He continued.

I sighed in relief. Then why am I still here in his office? He should be freeing me now.


“That was earlier.”

My eyes slowly widened.

“What do you mean?” I asked in terror.

“That means my arousal came back, and I was f*cking resisting to f*ck you right now until you couldn’t walk anymore!” He exclaimed onto my face.


I can feel I’m shaking but I managed to be calm.

“But I won’t do that, instead I’ll punish you way better than you expected!” He growled again.

“Don’t you dare! I’ll f*cking sue you!” I shot back. I should fight, I wasn’t born to be weak.

“Oh, I’m afraid!” He mocked.

“I’m Achilles Coleman darling, let me remind you that!”

“I don’t give a damn whoever you are! I’ll f*cking kill you if you did something on me!” I roared.

I saw a hint of admiration and amusement on his face, or was it just my imagination?

“I wonder who raised a daughter who can talk back to someone powerful.” He commented.

A small smirk flashed on my lips.

“So you’re claiming that you’re powerful enough to be feared? Dude, sorry to tell you this but let me break your imagination. I’m not terrified of you!” I growled.

It reached his patience limit and walk closer to be with those glaring eyes of him.

“Step back,” I warned him.

Flashing a wide grin at me, he continously walks towards me, until I’m cornered again.

I was about to pull my strength together again, for what I did earlier.

“Oops, don’t you dare do it again. Or your punishment will worsen!” He menaced.

He locks me in his arms on the side. He was towering over me as I only reached his chin. He’s indeed tall because I’m 5’8 in height.

“Ready?” He asked.

I didn’t answer and remained glaring at him. But I’m thinking about how to escape, I saw the window, should I just jump off? No, this is the 50th floor, my bones will surely break into pieces. I flinched when he touch my hair.

“What are you doing?” I warned him.

“Shh. Stay still.” He whispered as he traced my face down to my neck like he was creating a line on it. I was chasing my breath, I can hear how fast my heartbeat was like I’ll be having a heart attack in just a few seconds. Until he reached my arms. His forehead slowly furrowed as confusion was visible all over his face, and traced on the thing printed on it.

“I-is this real?” He huskily asked.

I frowned, what’s his problem with my tattoo.

But before I could answer, my vision became blurred. The last thing I knew. I fell on his arms and everything went black.

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