
6. Revelation

"I, Alpha of Crystal Moon Mystery pack, am going to take my destined MATE, Delilah, back to my pack."

The whole room fell silent as soon as those words left his mouth. Shock filled gasps were heard around the room as everyone's curiosity of how Delilah knew alpha Stephen was finally answered.

The tension in the room was palpable as Stephen and Delilah faced each other and everyone waited for Delilah's reply. Stephen and Delilah's emotions simmering just beneath the surface.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to suggest this," Delilah's voice was laced with anger, her eyes blazing as she glared at Stephen, shocking him more than the outlookers.

He didn't expect her to go against him as he was not used to it. In the past Delilah never said a word against his decision and always agreed to what he said so it came as a huge shock as he looked at her in confusion.

He sighed, his expression a mixture of frustration and concern. "Delilah, I'm only trying to keep you safe. The situation in Kevin's pack is far from ideal. You are in danger here, damnit!" He lost his calm at the end and it was something Delilah was used to but she was not going to take it like before.

She scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, and you think I'll just waltz right back into your pack, like nothing happened? Like the past can be swept under the rug?"

"Stop creating a scene here, Delilah. I am worried for you and wanting the best for you. You are not safe here! Nothing else," Stephen's voice was blank as his eyes were void of any emotions.

"Worried for me? You rejected me, Stephen! You threw me out of the pack in the middle of the night! You shattered me into pieces, and now you think you can just come back and wish I would do whatever you want?" Delilah's voice cracked with pent-up emotions. But she held herself in at the end moment.

Stephen's eyes bore into hers, a mixture of anger and coldness. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness, Delilah or talking about the past. I just want to help you, protect you."

She took a step back, her voice trembling with emotion. "I don't need your protection. I don't need you. I've found my own way, my own pack."

Delilah's words reverberated through the silence, echoing the pain of her past. Her eyes, once warm and trusting, were now guarded and wary. She had been cast out without mercy, forced to forge her own path in a world that had suddenly turned hostile. The memory of that fateful night still haunted her, the echoes of the howls and the cold stares of her former packmates a constant reminder of her expulsion.

Delilah's chest rose and fell rapidly as she struggled to rein in her anger, her gaze never leaving Stephen's. She had spent countless nights rehearsing the things she would say to him if she ever got the chance, and now that the moment had come, her words were like a weapon she brandished with a mix of satisfaction and sorrow.

Stephen's hands clenched at his sides, his inner struggle mirrored by the tension in his body.

Delilah's lips quivered, a storm of conflicting emotions painting her expression. She remembered the nights she had cried herself to sleep, the ache of betrayal that had cut deep.

Her resolve had solidified during those lonely hours, turning her into someone who could survive without the pack that had once been her family. The fire in her eyes was a testament to her strength and her unwillingness to let herself be vulnerable again.

She didn't move her eyes away from him, her fists still clenched, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions.

"I am taking you back, end of conversation!" He said using his alpha tone but that seemed to anger her more and she lost her cool completely.

"Take me back?! You think I am a toy or something? When you wished you threw me out of your life..You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself, to defend myself .. You divorced me and rejected me months back, Alpha Stephen. Now on what basis, for which relation do you expect me to come back with you? And wait a minute, you asked me to pack my bags? Do I have to remind you that I have a child now?" She shouted in annoyance. She was trembling in anger and hurting her wounds.

Stephen was speechless. He had nothing to say. She said it all. She vented all the grief and pain that she had been hiding within her for years. She never got a chance to make Stephen realize that he was wrong at that time when he blamed her without any solid proof.

In all these years she always waited for this day to come when she would be revealing all her thoughts to him regarding their mate bond, marriage, regarding their baseless, loveless and trustless relationship. And today that day had indeed come..

"What happened, Stephen? No words to answer me? This proves how much you still doubt me and my character..This shows how much you still hate me for everything but are still here asking me to come back to your pack only to be the big person in front of the council members and act like you care for your ex mate." She snapped and Stephen was reaching the end of it.

"Delilah.. I don't want to discuss the past now. I am out of it. Do not remind me of those days and waste our time. Just let me know if you would be coming with me or not." He said in a cold and emotionless tone.

Delilah couldn't believe how cruel a person can be. He didn't want to answer anything to her regarding his past mistakes, regarding her child's existence, nothing.

"I can't go with you leaving my mate and children." Delilah declared out of nowhere. Stephen's eyes widened hearing her sudden declaration and Kevin who was silent till now looked at her with soft eyes. Her eyes landed on him as well.

"Your mate?" Stephen asked in confusion.

"Yes, Kevin is my chosen mate. It's a mutual decision," Delilah's voice was steady, her eyes unwavering. The tension in the air was palpable, the weight of her revelation hanging between them like a fragile thread.

Stephen's brow furrowed, a flicker of something in his eyes that Delilah couldn't quite place. The revelation had clearly caught him off guard, his mind racing to process the implications of her words.

"What the fuck are you saying?" Stephen's voice crackled with a mix of disbelief and anger. His usually controlled demeanour had been shattered, replaced by a raw intensity that rippled through the clearing. His grip on his emotions was slipping, and the vulnerability he had hidden moments ago was now replaced by a brewing storm.

Stephen's gaze darkened, a storm brewing within him. His fists clenched at his sides, and his voice was laced with a tension she hadn't heard before.

"You heard her, Alpha Stephen. Now I will request you to leave with your pack members respectfully, without creating any further drama," Kevin's voice cut through the charged atmosphere as he stepped forward, taking his place beside Delilah. His presence was a shield, a declaration of unity that sent a clear message to Stephen. His hand on her waist was a gesture of possessiveness, a silent assertion of his place by her side.

"You have chosen to be his mate as well?!" Stephen's voice rose, the words bursting forth in a mixture of disbelief and incredulity. His brain couldn't process the sudden turn of events, his alpha instincts battling against the reality unfolding before him.

Delilah's gaze didn't waver as she met Stephen's eyes, her determination unwavering. The past they shared, the pain and resentment, had shaped her into the cold woman she was now. "Yes, Stephen. We've chosen each other."

The tension hung in the air, a fragile balance between the past and the present. Stephen's gaze shifted from Delilah to Kevin and back again, his inner conflict evident in the depths of his eyes.

Delilah nodded, her voice gentle but resolute. "Yes. He's been there for me, Stephen. He's shown me what love truly means, and I've come to care for him deeply and I accept him as my mate as well!" She declared while looking Stephen in the eyes.

Anger flared in his eyes, his control slipping. "You're telling me that you're happy with him? That you've moved on completely?"

Delilah held his gaze, her voice unwavering. "Yes, Stephen. I love Kevin."

Stephen's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. "You can't do that Delilah!" He growled, making her frown.

"Why can't I do that?!" She shouted in fury.

His chest heaved with frustration, his emotions swirling like a tempest. "Because you didn't accept my rejection when I rejected you and as soon as you left the pack, keeping the moon goddess as witness, I took my rejection back! So, you are still my mate! MINE!"

Everyone present in the room gasped in shock and disbelief while Delilah went completely silent. She couldn't register in her brain what she just heard.

"Then I am going to reject you this time!" Delilah declared out of nowhere.

Stephen's hands balled into fists, his anger barely contained. "You expect me to just accept the rejection? Then let me tell you right this moment, I will never ever accept your rejection! May you be in my life or not." He declared adamantly, shocking everyone present in the room. He was speaking out of jealousy or was his ego hurt, nobody could say.

The tension in the room was palpable, the air heavy with unresolved emotions as Stephen and Delilah faced each other. Their words hung in the silence, a testament to the complicated history they shared.

Just as the atmosphere seemed to reach its breaking point, the door of the nearby room creaked open. A soft gurgle followed by the patterning of tiny feet heralded the entrance of an unexpected visitor – a baby boy.

Delilah's son, Nathan.

Stephen's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat as he looked at the child in the doorway. The scent of his family blood entered his nose and he immediately understood what was happening. Time seemed to slow as his gaze met the Nathan's innocent eyes – eyes that held a familiar shade, a shade that he had seen many times before.

A jolt of realisation coursed through him, his heart pounding in his chest. Nathan's features bore an uncanny resemblance to his own, a resemblance he couldn't ignore. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a truth that had been hidden from him for far too long.

Delilah turned toward the doorway, her expression was a mixture of shock and fear as she saw the look on his face.

The baby giggled, blissfully unaware of the storm that was raging within the room. Stephen took a step forward, his eyes never leaving the child who was undoubtedly his flesh and blood. His heart swelled with a mixture of joy, anger, and a longing he had buried deep within himself.

"My son!"

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